Why you shouldn’t support the “Islamic republic” aka Iran


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don’t support the government or the islamophobia masked movement.
schitts creek wow GIF by CBC


Minister of Propaganda
I only care about the innocent people being killed.

The Iranian government is terrible but those protestors all romanticise the Shah who restricted hijabis in Iran.

They don’t freedom of clothing but freedom to wear their clothing and nothing else.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I only care about the innocent people being killed.

The Iranian government is terrible but those protestors all romanticise the Shah who restricted hijabis in Iran.

They don’t freedom of clothing but freedom to wear their clothing and nothing else.
They were treated the same way non hijabis are treated now.
Anyone who mentions the Shah or the past Iran is not looking for freedom but want to be the oppressors


I actually don’t understand how people can sympathise with those whom would never think twice about killing you off. Shi’as are vocal about their hate against others and are worse then all the others simply because off their violent tendencies and questionable beliefs.
:gaasdrink: quite funny how
iran are burning the hijab while muslims in the western world are fighting for hijab

but anyways iran aint gonna fall unless the iraq comes back and turns iran to sunnis


Jeez I will never bring this topic up on this forum! Wallahi genuinely disappointed.

The point literally flew over peoples head. I said that people SHOULDN’T support the Islamic regime aka Iran!!! I didn’t tell you guys to do anything else but that and provided sources through TikTok.

The regime in Iran proved time & time again that they don’t want to change and want their people to hate their religion. Meet Iranian people and you’ll notice 99% aren’t religious let alone Muslim nor believe in that sect but aren’t allowed to voice their opinions because off fear of getting arrested, tortured and murdered.

People here have no sympathy, but I shouldn’t even have hope for a lot of you guys to show a tiny bit off sympathy knowing where we are from


Minister of Propaganda
Tbh, the Iranian regime is horrible but if they’re deposed, Israel will have no counterbalance in the region.

Many geopolitical thinkers believe Iran having nuclear weapons will bring peace to the region as it would counter Israel’s weapons.

Middle East peace, is argued, comes from a stronger Iran. However, can one live with the atrocities committed by them?

My answer, as a society we pay a blind eye to KSA so it’s hypocritical to suddenly switch to Iran. In an ideal world, we should call both out and that’s why I only feel sorry for the innocent victims.


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