Why were our ancestors so ripped?

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Compared to the flabby manboys and skinnies today. We have a richer diet, we should be more muscular.


They were nomads. They lived a difficult life from the beginning when they were born. That's exactly how the dudes in the Congo look today. It's survival of the fittest.


Because they were warriors, they didn't take large swaths of lands from all kinds of Gallos by being the fat or skinny shitebags some of us have become today.
They walked a lot! Like for days. Walking really does amazing things for your body. If you can only do that daily you don't even need to work out.

They worked hard too, carrying heavy things from different towns. Most of you guys will cry if you had to carry your milk, these men carried their wives, children.
Meat, milk and grains. Add in harsh desert life and constant moving about.

We should be eating more sorghum, the food of our ancestors and other grains.

They managed to conquer the most territory that an ethnic group from africa has achieved, with less than 2 million inhabitants at that time too.
They walked a lot! Like for days. Walking really does amazing things for your body. If you can only do that daily you don't even need to work out.

They worked hard too, carrying heavy things from different towns. Most of you guys will cry if you had to carry your milk, these men carried their wives, children.
And they didn't have these refined bariis iyo pasto that we literally live on.
I can't stand pop tarts...they're actually gross. But the men don't look fit. They look pretty skinny today.
Poptarts are kind of an acquired taste. Especially if you are used to european confections

Your right obesity is not a big concern for us. Should of thought about it before I applied the joke to the wrong physique situation :patrice:

Evolution perharps so more of us can be cramped in to those tahriib boats?
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