"Why I am not an atheist"


Get outta your feelings ,mate.
Writing essays no ones gonna read

Screw your eating n fucking hooris nonsense, piss off waryaa as if that shit appeals to grown ass men of intellect, what sort of heaven is that? just eating all day and fucking around, I can do this on earth. It's your low intellect that's why, your heaven reflects your rock ape iq.
Consciousness needs a physical body or else u claiming software can exist independent of hardware(physical). Just like once a hardware expires, the software is useless also, their interlinked and connected. Once my body n flesh expires so does my consciousness. There is no life after death, this is all mythological ideas waryaa, there is no heaven or hell, this is children stories and taught to low iq cultures
Who says consciousness needs a physical body?


Who says consciousness needs a physical body?

Are u saying consciousness doesn't need a 'brain'? my god rock ape science is amazing, where is your consciousness housed in your rock ape culture? probably in some 'empty magical void' looooooooooool. I guess u believe in the arabian tales of jinns kkkkkkkkkkk popping out of nowhere.
Screw your eating n fucking hooris nonsense, piss off waryaa as if that shit appeals to grown ass men of intellect, what sort of heaven is that? just eating all day and fucking around, I can do this on earth. It's your low intellect that's why, your heaven reflects your rock ape iq.
Thats literally what all western people do
Have sex, with women, men, animals, objects, themselves, watch ography, go strip clubs,prostitutes,
And eat alot of food, west has highest rates of obesity, they eat out alot, eat too much food, stuff themselves and gives themselves diseases, drink all day, do drugs,
You are criticising something that the society u praise does themselves
Are u saying consciousness doesn't need a 'brain'? my god rock ape science is amazing, where is your consciousness housed in some 'empty magical void' looooooooooool
Just because a brain needs consciousness to be alive doesn't mean the reverse is true.
You can be conscious without a physical brain.
You just dont know it yet


Thats literally what all western people do
Have sex, with women, men, animals, objects, themselves, watch ****ography, go strip clubs,prostitutes,
And eat alot of food, west has highest rates of obesity, they eat out alot, eat too much food, stuff themselves and gives themselves diseases, drink all day, do drugs,
You are criticising something that the society u praise does themselves

Well that society doesn't call itself heaven, where-as your society calls that shit heaven.


Just because a brain needs consciousness to be alive doesn't mean the reverse is true.
You can be conscious without a physical brain.
You just dont know it yet

U watched to many arabian tales. I guess your conscious is housed in some Jinn lamp where things pop out of nowhere looooooooooooool. U r to funny

Middle East Genie GIF
Well that society doesn't call itself heaven, where-as your society calls that shit heaven.
Acc this society does call it heaven bc its everything they try to achieve in life, they call the west the place of freedom, the best place on earth. They essentially try to make a jannah out of the dunya.
So u flopped, ur own society praises and holds sex and eating all day in high esteem
they would love jannah
U watched to many arabian tales. I guess your conscious is housed in some Jinn lamp where things pop out of nowhere looooooooooooool. U r to funny

Middle East Genie GIF
ur deductions are unscientific. I consciousness does not arise as a result of something material then material cannot be responsible for its existence
Screw your eating n fucking hooris nonsense, piss off waryaa as if that shit appeals to grown ass men of intellect, what sort of heaven is that? just eating all day and fucking around, I can do this on earth. It's your low intellect that's why, your heaven reflects your rock ape iq.
I never mentioned about paradise... stop drinking farax :mjlol:


@Amk sitting around rivers of milk n wine and eating and having sex is all your heaven offers, it offers nothing special that cannot be done on earth, this hurts right? your heaven can be achieved on earth according to yourself because u view the west as heaven. The west is the best place on earth doesn't mean they see it as heaven, they see their society as better then neolithic societies only.

They seek space exploration and living on mars and time travel that would be more closer to what a western heaven looks looks like and once they achieve that it won't be heaven to them because it will get boring just like your heaven will get boring and u will pray to be sent to hell as you find yourself surrounded by low iq ppl eating all day and having sex with wide eyed hooris
I Am Laughing GIF by Film Riot


@Amk the closest thing to heaven explanation that I heard is a 'place of no desires or wants and happiness' desires and eating and sex get boring u dumb f*ck, where-as when there is no desires n wants and your happy thats called bliss. Your silly prophet couldn't even design a proper heaven, he filled it up with earthly things loooooooool
@Amk sitting around rivers of milk n wine and eating and having sex is all your heaven offers, it offers nothing special that cannot be done on earth, this hurts right? your heaven can be achieved on earth according to yourself because u view the west as heaven. The west is the best place on earth doesn't mean they see it as heaven, they see their society as better then neolithic societies only.

They seek space exploration and living on mars and time travel that would be more closer to what a western heaven looks looks like and once they achieve that it won't be heaven to them because it will get boring just like your heaven will get boring and u will pray to be sent to hell as you find yourself surrounded by low iq ppl eating all day and having sex with wide eyed hooris looooooooooooooooool
Thats only the stuff we have been told about jannah
Allah cannot tell you about stuff in heaven that is specific to heaven bc u woulnt comprehend something that does not exist inside this dunya
Thats why Allah gives us examples that we can use in this dunya to see jannah as, it does not mean jannah is limited to this

And to your point, the west most definitely does see this dunya as jannah, they believe that being able to have the most pleasure possible thrugh drugs and sex and money and cars and partys and music etc... they are able to get the most pleasure
That is them seeking jannah in this dunya, u can call it whatever u want, they are claiming they have jannah in this dunya, where all ur dreams can be fulfilled, etc..
@Amk the closest thing to heaven explanation that I heard is a 'place of no desires or wants and happiness' desires and eating and sex get boring u dumb f*ck, where-as when there is no desires n wants and your happy thats called bliss. Your silly prophet couldn't even design a proper heaven, he filled it up with earthly things loooooooool
Actually all ur desires will be fulfilled in heaven and u will get more than u desire on top of that,
Therefore u will both get what u want and u will be content and u will get more on top of that and be in more bliss.
How can someone describe what an apple looks like to a blind person?
He would have to use his other senses in order to describe an apple
The same way we use the dunya to describe jannah

Seems like u r so unintellectual u cannot even understand the basics of logic, its pretty sad


@Amk no offence the last thing I want is to eat all day and bang some chick for eternity. This stuff loses meaning after a while, my heaven is peace without any desires or wants but what kills it is 'everlasting life' I don't want to live forever as that will get boring too.


Actually all ur desires will be fulfilled in heaven and u will get more than u desire on top of that,
Therefore u will both get what u want and u will be content and u will get more on top of that and be in more bliss.
How can someone describe what an apple looks like to a blind person?
He would have to use his other senses in order to describe an apple
The same way we use the dunya to describe jannah

Seems like u r so unintellectual u cannot even understand the basics of logic, its pretty sad

That's the problem 'desires' after u get it, u get bored of it. I learned this early on in the west, I had a desire of new car, i got it, i was bored within 6 months. Same with work, same with partners, it doesn't matter 'desires' doesn't answer happiness, so your heaven will just make me unhappy in the long run because it's full of desires n shit. Desires isn't heaven but HELL, as u will be dependent on something constantly.
@Amk no offence the last thing I want is to eat all day and bang some chick for eternity. This stuff loses meaning after a while, my heaven is peace without any desires or wants but what kills it is 'everlasting life' I don't want to live forever as that will get boring too.
It would only get boring if u lived in the dunya forever, u are equating dunya with akhirah,
they are different
u cannot get bored in jannah, ur body is designed to not get bored in jannah
it will be impossible
That's the problem 'desires' after u get it, u get bored of it. I learned this early on in the west, I had a desire of new car, i got it, i was bored within 6 months. Same with work, same with partners, it doesn't matter 'desires' doesn't answer happiness, so your heaven will just make me unhappy in the long run because it's full of desires n shit. Desires isn't heaven but HELL, as u will be dependent on something constantly.
No, bc u will get everything u want, and u will get more
jannah is different to the dunya
desires in this dunya lead to discontent
desires in jannah will be different
And Allah invites ˹all˺ to the Home of Peace and guides whoever He wills to the Straight Path.


All I want is knowledge n purpose and a set time to die, this will give me meaning to enjoy something while it last, but if it's forever, it loses meaning as it will be around forever. Praying all day doesn't satisfy me or worship or any of that crap. I prefer to do things not sit there waiting for miracles.

