"Why I am not an atheist"

Then they're is plenty of other reasoning tests u can apply to confirm or dismiss. For example if Islam is true why do they not tolerate other religions or atheists yet they are tolerated by other religions and atheists.
Reasoning lies against atheism, now you're just vomiting words and using faulty logic.
If islam is true then why should it agree with everything else out there that's false? Imagine scientists agreeing and tolerating flat earthers.
Infact id argue that islam is more truthful because it does not agree to any other ideology.

PS: islam tolerates all faiths i assumed you meant islam does not agree with them and not that islam views their believers as ppl to be killed.

PSS: also it seems like you have limited knowledge on islam ive already diagnosed your type, please refer here. Perhaps it shall serve as some form of self awakening once you understand what you are.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't know why anyone debates Osman.

Muslim: *formulates some sort of argument*

Osman: "You are a believer in MYTHOLOGY! I don't believe in MYTHOLOGY like you!"

Other Muslim: *formulates another argument*

Osman: "You believe in MYTHOLOGY! I don't believe in MYTHOLOGY like you!"

wallahi I am not trying to make fun of Osman. That is really how he argues.
We can have a religious debate with Jews and Christians (the People of the Book). But for Mushrikeen including atheists, I think it is futile attempts to reason with them. That has been my personal journey in observing the mushrikeen.

I've never seen the Jews or Christian religious scholars offering a debate platform to people who don't even recognize the existence of Allah (swt). Not sure why we entertain them. I would just let them live in their oblivion.
We can have a religious debate with Jews and Christians (the People of the Book). But for Mushrikeen including atheists, I think it is futile attempts to reason with them. That has been my personal journey in observing the mushrikeen.

I've never seen the Jews or Christian religious scholars offering a debate platform to people who don't even recognize the existence of Allah (swt). Not sure why we entertain them. I would just let them leave in their oblivion.
I believe they are all the same tbh.
Musa AS debated firawn and he was the biggest atheist.
I believe they are all the same tbh.
Musa AS debated firawn and he was the biggest atheist.

But when he (Fir'awn) and his people were drowning under the waters of the sea, he opened his big mouth and started believing im Allah (swt).

"We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Fir’awn and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite. At length, when overwhelmed with the flood, he said: “I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam).” (Surah Yunus: 90).

The atheists would try to do the same when their time comes. But by that time, it will be too late: Bad atheists, bad atheists, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when that punishment come for you? Bad boys, bad boys.


@Hargeysa I urge you to use critical thinking and reasoning and not booty-clappin mentality. These people apparently know so much about god and some after life, but at the same time they are the most failed people in the globe. If he is ignorant about this world, the liklihood steers that they ignorant about god also. If your 3rd world in this life, the liklihood steers they are third world also about religion.

Don't listen to ppl like @Omar del Sur we seen what Islam has created in Somalia, we need to absolutely ban it and eradicate it so the people can move forward. 1000 hands Praying doesn't achieve anything yet two hands at work achieves everything.
@Hargeysa I urge you to use critical thinking and reasoning and not booty-clappin mentality. These people apparently know so much about god and some after life, but at the same time they are the most failed people in the globe. If he is ignorant about this world, the liklihood steers that they ignorant about god also. If your 3rd world in this life, the liklihood steers they are third world also about religion.

Don't listen to ppl like @Omar del Sur we seen what Islam has created in Somalia, we need to absolutely ban it and eradicate it so the people can move forward. 1000 hands Praying doesn't achieve anything yet two hands at work achieves everything.
Allah mentioned ur argument in the Quran

The disbelieving chiefs of his people said, “We see you only as a human being like ourselves, and we see that no one follows you except the lowliest among us, who do so ˹hastily˺ without thinking.1 We do not see anything that makes ˹all of˺ you any better than us. In fact, we think you are liars.” 11:27
Quick explanation would be that religiosity and success in this world donot equate to success in the hereafter, usually poor people are more humble so they are more willing to accept the truth whereas ppl who live in luxury are more likely to be arrogant as they are comfortable with their current life. It hasnt got anything to do with the actual truth of the message .


Allah mentioned ur argument in the Quran

The disbelieving chiefs of his people said, “We see you only as a human being like ourselves, and we see that no one follows you except the lowliest among us, who do so ˹hastily˺ without thinking.1 We do not see anything that makes ˹all of˺ you any better than us. In fact, we think you are liars.” 11:27
Quick explanation would be that religiosity and success in this world donot equate to success in the hereafter, usually poor people are more humble so they are more willing to accept the truth whereas ppl who live in luxury are more likely to be arrogant as they are comfortable with their current life. It hasnt got anything to do with the actual truth of the message .

Nice logic adeer, u fail in this world but are the king of the next world. Logic wud entail if u r failure in this world, your also a failure about religion. If u don't know to master this world which is far more simpler to understand, how in the world do u accept ppl to give u confidence about your next world theories when you don't even know this world theory. A retard 68 IQ won't bring about religious magnificence.
Nice logic adeer, u fail in this world but are the king of the next world. Logic wud entail if u r failure in this world, your also a failure about religion. If u don't know to master this world which is far more simpler to understand, how in the world do u accept ppl to give u confidence about the next world. A retard 69 IQ won't bring about religious magnificence.
What do you define as a failure in this world?


@Amk @Hargeysa has accepted the liklihood of any truth from Islam is null n void because your people observable performance in progress n development in this world is lacking. If u live like a rat in this world and can't create anything beyond neolithic civilization, while other societies are heading to Technological grade 1 societies. I prefer to listen religion from a T1 society then a neolithic society.
@Amk @Hargeysa has accepted the liklihood of any truth from Islam is null n void because your people observable performance in progress n development in this world is lacking. If u live like a rat in this world and can't create anything beyond neolithic civilization, while other societies are heading to Technological grade 1 societies. I prefer to listen religion from a T1 society then a neolithic society.
Thats not because of religion its because of circumstances out of their control most of the time.


@Amk Waryaa what some 'af xiran terrorist' going to tell me about religion when he lives no differently to someone living 15000 years ago? be reasonable
@Amk This T1 society knows more about the world and universe, they have shown they are truthful because they exceed in observable sciences. I wud prefer listening to them about gods n religions then some neolithic graded culture.

Why does being successful in knowledge and material things equate to real success.
Ur definition of success is a superficial one, I dont subscribe to your definition.
Real success is being the best muslim in this dunya, despite ur poverty.
Your definition of success is limited to something that will eventually go away anyway, all people will die and leave the dunya, the dunya will eventually be destroyed
Imagine investing ur whole life into a building just to get it removed from you a couple weeks later
Ur comment about succeess makes no sense, its like saying, I dont see why people who fail english would be successful at maths
The akhirah and the dunya are 2 different things.

They ˹only˺ know the worldly affairs of this life, but are ˹totally˺ oblivious to the Hereafter.

You have a lack of perception and insight, its quite upsetting, theres no difference between u and a cow, except atleast a cow fulfills its purpose, u dont even believe in purpose. Ur lif is useless and ur just a pile of meat waiting to get slaughtered. Ur arguments are not even logical I would expect an atheist like u who spends all his time on the dunya to have some dunya logic but it seems u cannot even win at the dunya.
@Amk Waryaa what some 'af xiran terrorist' going to tell me about religion when he lives no differently to someone living 15000 years ago? be reasonable
Ur arguments carry no actual meaning, they are just emotional blurts.
I have dissected all ur arguments and obliterated them.
Go to sleep, or get a job
Work for your dunya
and enjoy it
bc everyday you come closer to death
and your gonna be ripped away from the thing you love
and worked your entire life for
Seems very depressing to me


@Amk the reason your islamic society are failures in observable areas, is because of your religion. Your spend way to much time on the creator and neglect your own world and hand down nothing to the next generation. Rather then studying about god, I suggest u master the world u live in and make it a better place, at least then you have some 'dhaliil' or 'evidence' to speak on.

But this type of neolithic culture has no understanding of god, they are in the dark ages and don't even know it. Wat an excellent contribution to the world and what an excellent inheritance for your neolithic descendants.



@Amk the more u speak the more muslims become to doubt Islam. I think @Hargeysa is shocked at ur replies because he isn't supporting u loooooool and he is muslim. You care about the next world like the dark age christians did and they handed nothing different for 1000 years generation upon generation failure. Waryaa hand something down, stop wasting time on heaven n hell as it doesn't exist. Your societies are failures because u neglect this world and this world is where you prove if your liar or truthful, noone is going to trust you and your religion when u live like neolithic fuckin rock apes. I don't care about your faith waryaa i can't judge your faith, but i can judge your contributions on this earth and from that 'evidence' I see no contribution and have concluded your religion is false also.


U r no different @Amk to me then rock ape like this. Your civilization is similar. Wud I listen to this rock ape about god, NO, why would I listen to you then when u live the same.

Why u think so many Somalis love to pass of as another race? they know their ppl are rock ape culture and leave nothing behind that they can brag on, but i hope this group leaves Islam also as Islam is responsible for the backwardness, stop trying to pass off as other groups but REFORM your society. That group also is next on the decking card to leave Islam. Islam is over and the ppl holding onto it are only doing so for emotional reasons
Were it not that people might ˹be tempted to˺ become one community ˹of disbelievers˺, We would have supplied the homes of ˹only˺ those who disbelieve in the Most Compassionate with silver roofs and ˹silver˺ stairways to ascend,
as well as ˹silver˺ gates and thrones to recline on,
and ornaments ˹of gold˺. Yet all this is no more than a ˹fleeting˺ enjoyment in this worldly life. ˹But˺ the Hereafter with your Lord is ˹only˺ for those mindful ˹of Him˺.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2956
Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, passed through the market from a higher part of the city and people were look at him from both sides. The Prophet passed by the carcass of a one-eared goat and he reached out to take its ear. The Prophet said, “Which one of you would like this for a coin?” They said, “Who among us would want it while it is worth nothing? What would we do with it?” The Prophet said three times, “Would you like to have it?” They said no each time and said, “No, by Allah, if it were alive it would be defective as it only has one ear. How so if it were dead?” The Prophet said, “By Allah, the worldly life is less important to Allah than this is to you.

Source: al-Adab al-Mufrad 962

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


@Amk according to your logic a rock ape will go to heaven because they live a low civilization? nice try AMK and all the smart people will be in hell who better the world. Fuckin brilliant logic. I can't wait till ppl watch ur response promoting a rock ape culture as successful in the next world. I hope u enjoy your rock ape heaven, i don't wanna be around dumb ppl anyways which is what im allergic too. According to this genius ghetto americans are gonna be in heaven and whites in hell who do hard work and succeed.