Why do Somalis hate afros/long hair?


Because they are black Africans
If they were black Africans they wouldn’t look down upon them as slaves and call them bariya. It’s just a fact that Horners don’t view themselves as adoon. There are North Africans who are 80 % West Asian that have Afro hair, are they also black?
3A-3C - curly, majority

2A-2C - wavy, minority but not rare

Nappy/Kinky, in my opinion, is over 4A (4A-4B) minority

Type 1 - straight, tiny minority

i agree with this

my brothers hair growths into an afro but my mum forced him to cut it after it becomes too big,
ngl its high maintenance and he doesnt take care of it


As i live and breathe
3A-3C - curly, majority

2A-2C - wavy, minority but not rare

Nappy/Kinky, in my opinion, is over 4A (4A-4B) minority

Type 1 - straight, tiny minority

Some of my siblings have much softer hair than me, and some have harder. My own hair is intermediate, we all share the same parents.

These genes exist in Somalis and express themselves differently. I don't think you could put an exact estimation on it.
All Cushite, just different hair genes.

Just like blonde, red, and brown haired Swedes have the same ancestry but different phenotype.
Different hair colour is one thing but vast variety in hair texture tells another story.

I'm blessed with the brave type 3 hair, between Madow and jilac. But when I was a kid I had long ass fat curls like Zeus. Somalis with timo jilac have more apparent Arab lineage without including banadiri mixed ones. Cushites with type 4 can stil carry the Arab gene or maybe not at all, they're more apparently Nilotic. Inshallah I will marry a silky haired queen from Puntland, preferably not my clan though :dabcasar:


Different hair colour is one thing but vast variety in hair texture tells another story.

I'm blessed with the brave type 3 hair, between Madow and jilac. But when I was a kid I had long ass fat curls like Zeus. Somalis with timo jilac have more apparent Arab lineage without including banadiri mixed ones. Cushites with type 4 can stil carry the Arab gene or maybe not at all, they're more apparently Nilotic. Inshallah I will marry a silky haired queen from Puntland, preferably not my clan though :dabcasar:

Hair texture is controlled by a handful of SNPs out of the billion base pairs humans have. It is a simple trait.


Eel eh?
There’s a specific hatred for Afros in particular. A guy with a big afro would get 10xs more hate from older Somalis than a guy with long wavy hair, despite the fact that the afro is one of our traditional hairstyles.
I sometimes grow out an afro and the odays don't hate if anything they talk about how they grew it out when they were younger "Soomalida hoore"