Why do men think an average looking girl is desperate?


Don't worry it's good vibes to be a down to earth woman, many guys appreciate this kinda quality in a woman.
that's what they say, but wae ku kor tuntaan these kind of women. They put women who give "down-to-earth" vibes through the ringer. :susp: I plan on being a mix between "down-to-earth" and a crazy- demanding woman. Gonna lean more on the latter :banderas:
Lol men do. They really do. 😂
It’s a good thing though. Going for unconventional women means less competition and a lower likelihood of a better guy taking interest and charming her away. Getting a popular girls just serves as a trophy or accomplishment for validation seekers
Yaraye's future
that's what they say, but wae ku kor tuntaan these kind of women. They put women who give "down-to-earth" vibes through the ringer. :susp: I plan on being a mix between "down-to-earth" and a crazy- demanding woman. Gonna lean more on the latter :banderas:

Your miskiin husband will think you're the sweet type but then will get hit with the savagery
I went out with some friends. During this outing we decided to go to a second location so we split off into groups. 2 friends and I were headed to the car, when this objectively handsome somali guy makes a beeline in our direction.

Now I ain't insecure, but I know I'm average looking. So I made the mental conclusion that the guy was headed to one of the two friends I was with. Both of my friends mashallah are stunning (inside and out). One of them is engaged, while the other is single. He got to us and asked for my engaged friend's socials. My engaged friend told him she was engaged. He turned to my other friend and asked for her social. She rejected him.

That was his first mistake. If 2 women are together and you go for one, and she rejects you, you don't go for the 2nd one immediately, especially when you're on the same spot. No doubt the second one would reject him as well.

I knew this guy wasn't about to ask for mine, so avoid looking awkward, I began fiddling on my phone to look busy. I thought that he would leave and we would go about our way. However, this nigga turns to me and says, "I don't know why you're pulling out your phone, I wasn't gonna give you my instagram."

Before I could my mouth to say something, my engaged friend said, "She wasn't gonna ask." The guy suddenly ran off.

He was actually asking for your instagram even though he was pretending he was not asking for it. He was just putting up some brave face right there.

I was annoyed that he thought I was gonna ask for his socials when I wasn't even genuinely interested in him. Why do some handsome men assume that an average looking girl always wants them? :dwill: Haven't they thought that average looking girls might not be interested in them? is this how average looking men feel when a delusional woman says they are interested? lol :deadpeter:

Naah, he is in a learning curve. Wish him shell. Perhaps as sisters, you should've advised how he should have approached you.
This world is quite cruel to average looking women
Korean Drama Netflix GIF by The Swoon

socials is the new gen :manny:

You're fine.