Why do men always ask you...

Cleaning and cooking are important life skills for everyone so I get it. But women aren't just there for cooking and cleaning. If you're gonna interrogate a potential spouse, ask them more substantial questions than just that. Plus, people can always learn new things.
You really don't get it if you think that's the reason. And nobody said women were there only to cook and clean. All I said was that if you're gonna stay at home, you may as well do so. Otherwise you're useless, and that goes for men as well. You either are the breadwinner, or a carer. You can't be neither an if you are, ask yourself what makes you any different from the children?
I'm a mashallah cook :mjswag:

Actually my hoyo use to say I cooked better than both my sisters :wow:

I hate cleaning though.

Me and my future halimo gonna be cooking naked in kitchen, get some top as I chop veggies:ahh:
Then marinate my gus in dat cooch as soon as pop that lasagna in the oven and make those cheeks clap harder than a black church :shaq:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
He’a a wise man mashallah but he needs to act as the man in the relationship. Married men aren’t supposed to cook and clean lol that’s the duty of the wife.
Im the head of the household I would be a hypocrite to tell my wife to cook and clean while I sit back and do nothing besides when you share the duties at home it benefits both since you get to have mkfe time for each other

