why do half somalis...

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Cushitic general
She? :damedamn:

Debatable. Most diasporans would probably be much more welcoming of half bloods, but White people are the kings of this shit. The whitest, most liberal and brainwashed of folks will NEVER see a half white, half black person as one of theirs. They'll preach tolerance etc. but at the end of the day, only white can be white. It's not the same for others- including Somalis.

Being mixed = a potential privilege among Somalis, and the opposite among Whites.
I don’t want us to end up like AA’s, those dumbasses even consider a hispanic with only 25% african ancestry as black :noneck:
lol thats the shame cos i heard from my mum birmingham somalis are the worst of all the uk diaspora i wonder what made somalis over in England problamatic and have deep self hatred compared to other diaspora everytime i go on somali twitter i see gender wars and maathows humiliating yall just recently till amrican somalis stepped in and intervened and we triumphed their ape asses.:cosbyhmm:


Birmingham Somalis sell their sisters to Madows.


They're leader is one Asian man who distributes the Somali girls amongst reverts. He never gives away Asian or Arab girls, only Somali girls.
you from england?? and yh desis and arabs tend to be very strict when it comes to their daughters hence why they'll send somali girls like celebration sweets to the cheapest bidder


Ashy Abdi Representative
lol thats a shame cos i heard from my mom birmingham somalis are the worst of all the uk diaspora i wonder what made somalis over in England problamatic and have deep self hatred compared to other diaspora everytime i go on somali twitter i see gender wars and maathows humiliating yall just recently till amrican somalis stepped in and intervened and we triumphed their ape asses.:cosbyhmm:
Alla I didn't realise our image got so bad yes we're wild here but we are a weird mix of wild or salafi. I blame the timojelecs and Jamaicans here. Us somalis are the only openly practicing group here. It's hard:susp:
Plus our population here is not huge so you can easily go wild and not see another somali. I'll say one thing good about brum somalis is that we stick with each other our young and old ones we hang out with somalis so if you go to our shopping centre somalis will be walking with only somalis. Somali girl with somali girls and boys with Somali boys. No one else here does that I only realised when a paki friend of mine pointer it out and now I can't help notice it so much.
Speak good of please to others change our image:browtf:


Alla I didn't realise our image got so bad yes we're wild here but we are a weird mix of wild or salafi. I blame the timojelecs and Jamaicans here. Us somalis are the only openly practicing group here. It's hard:susp:
Plus our population here is not huge so you can easily go wild and not see another somali. I'll say one thing good about brum somalis is that we stick with each other our young and old ones we hang out with somalis so if you go to our shopping centre somalis will be walking with only somalis. Somali girl with somali girls and boys with Somali boys. No one else here does that I only realised when a paki friend of mine pointer it out and now I can't help notice it so much.
Speak good of please to others change our image:browtf:
lmfaoo dont worry i personally think london is worse :hillarybiz:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Most half Somalis are either brown or borderline white.

Somalis in the west might be nice but the hapos will have to wear a sign declaring they are half Somali. Its not exactly written on their forehead. Ajnabi until proven otherwise, even with a Somali aabo.:mugshotman: What can you do for us, even with your qabil? :feedme:Even some fullies are dodging calls from relatives backhome.
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Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
you from england?? and yh desis and arabs tend to be very strict when it comes to their daughters hence why they'll send somali girls like celebration sweets to the cheapest bidder
He’s trolling sxb. Ethnic groups are very segregated in the uk. So it wouldn’t make sense for an Asian to meddle with somali affairs and vice versa.
He’s trolling sxb. Ethnic groups are very segregated in the uk. So it wouldn’t make sense for an Asian to meddle with somali affairs and vice versa.

Wallahi I'm not lying. The guy is well known.

He marries off Somali girls for nothing.


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
They still won’t be fully accepted by either sides :manny: especially a half white half somali person, they usually end up looking hispanic or arab

She? :damedamn:

Debatable. Most diasporans would probably be much more welcoming of half bloods, but White people are the kings of this shit. The whitest, most liberal and brainwashed of folks will NEVER see a half white, half black person as one of theirs. They'll preach tolerance etc. but at the end of the day, only white can be white. It's not the same for others- including Somalis.

Being mixed = a potential privilege among Somalis, and the opposite among Whites.

Why should we accept half somalis?
By that logic we should accept people with 1/4 somali in them as somali too.
That is racial genocide. Nothing to be rude about, but mixed people should just claim to being mixed

Why should we accept half somalis?
By that logic we should accept people with 1/4 somali in them as somali too.
That is racial genocide. Nothing to be rude about, but mixed people should just claim to being mixed

The Somali government recognises only half Somalis born to a Somali father as being ethnically Somali.
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