Why are people so obsessed with travelling?

There is an simple answer.
Life is not complicated, its just difficult, we make it complicated when we try to find loopholes around the difficult.
Case and point, people will be irreligious to escape the inevitable life of difficulty and hardship(which leads to a better life in the end) and enjoy themselves, they find loopholes in the religion and cast doubts in hearts to make their life easier so they can follow their desires and escape what they hate of the religion, non-Muslims do the same by mocking the religion and not accepting it.
This leads to many ills of society, cancer, aids, natural disasters, killings crops, ill health, allergies, diseases, hardship in general life, poverty etc etc
In fact the greed of the west and arabi has lead to thousands of deaths and worldwide poverty and suffering, we sit in our little bubble while 70% of this world suffers in third world countries, we as a result get our own suffering, both mental, and physical in order to return us back to the truth.

Alot of people think religious peoples lives are deppressing, because when they try to be religious it hurts, although toa certain degree it is painful, what they don't understand is a person who is religious is extremely content with their life, to the point where they could live a difficult life but be more content that a millionare, they like obeying Allah as they spent time struggling in worship to the point where they now find it easy,They fast pray and all of that, while non-Muslims have all the enjoyment in the world, but the believers do not care about this wordly life, their main concern is the akhirah, when a pewrsons main concern is the akhirah the dunya follows them despite them not wanting it

look at the sahaba, they hated the dunya, spent nights in worship and crying, they lived difficult lives, even the rich amongst them lived as ascetics, yet they conquered the world and all the riches in under 30 years and were the most feared warriors on the planet, the dunya followed them despite them not caring about it.

Our problem as Muslims is our love for the dunya, the dunya as hasan al basri put it, is like a beautiful bride you are marrying, then she divorces you like she divorced all of her previous husbands and breaks your heart, yet noone learns a lesson from the former husbands.

All of our luxury in the west, food, travel, tv games drugs sex p0rn backbiting lying stealing cheating pranking swearing all of our overindulgence in enjoyment, and our love for this wordly life makes us weak, if we didn't care about this wordly life, and saught contentment from Allah we would have the patience to endure this deen. Life is not easy, for a Muslim or a non-Muslim, a Muslim endures pain for Allah whereas a Sinner or non-Muslim endures pain for the dunya. You cannot escape the pain. The prophets and sahaba and salaf chose the next life over this life.

Thawban reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Soon the nations will be summoned to you just like one is invited to a feast.” It was said, “Will we be few in that day?” The Prophet said, “No, rather, you will be many in that day, but you will be scum like such flowing down a torrent. Allah will remove your esteem from the chests of your enemies and Allah will insert feebleness in your hearts.” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is this feebleness?” The Prophet said, “Love for the worldly life and hatred of death.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4297

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Why are people (especially women) so obsessed with travelling, I do not get the appeal its just a waste of time and boring?
Undertand that because you may not enjoy something and don’t see the point , that others have a different view point when it comes to it, and may find it enjoyable and interesting ?

So just cause you find it boring, doesn’t mean everyone should.

This is gonna turn into a female type of thread about thinking Muslim women only travel to be doing crazy stuff, I can feel it in my bones lol.
Yh but travelling is also boring, all people do
walk arounud and cvisit boring sites
eat food
waste their money buying stuff
in fact travveling benfits other countries more as it adds to their ecomony, its like a scam to get ur money out of u
Some people find it really interesting and fun to visit countries that has amazing history behind it and visit their temples and see their architects and museums.
So you would rather stay in supposedly boring city or town ( idk where you live ), for the rest of your life ? And think others should do the same?

Never see what’s out in the world ? And see different cultures and people and just enjoy what the world has to offer ?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Girls get flown to Dubai and get their chest shitted on by a Hairy Arab. Nothing is free
This nigga in the sunken place. Hating on travelling? What's next? Food? What's not to love about traveling, you get to escape the mundane and experience new cultures and fine dine in places that are absolutely beautiful, especially if you are so used to the hustle n bustle of city life. Nigga hating on fine exotic women and a Pina colada...
I have travelled alot and I told myself I will never travel again, it is so boring and a waste of time.
Obviously your a girl so your going to like travelling
Regardless of what sex I am I would enjoy travelling because it’s beautiful seeing different countries and various cultures there are out there and it has a lot of benefits to it. If you travelled a lot then you don’t seem like it judging from your posts because you come across sexist and a Debby downer
This nigga in the sunken place. Hating on travelling? What's next? Food? What's not to love about traveling, you get to escape the mundane and experience new cultures and fine dine in places that are absolutely beautiful, especially if you are so used to the hustle n bustle of city life. Nigga hating on fine exotic women and a Pina colada...
yh its boring too me, its just a chase for the next fun experience, ur just caught up in the rat race of life.
I see going on holidays like going to a party, you have fun the first time then after its just like ur doing it to escape from the reality of your boring life
This is gonna turn into a female type of thread about thinking Muslim women only travel to be doing crazy stuff, I can feel it in my bones lol.
No most Muslim woman are chaste they wouldn't do that, but I do see Muslim woman and woman in general saying they always want to travel its wierd to me

