Why are madows claiming every civilization on planet earth?

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The ancient Egyptians were black
Like Somalis though, not Bantu.

This is a known fact, Hollywood likes
To white wash everything for their
White audiences.

I'll just put this here...


...Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians...


Their lying, the great big DNA lie!

The scientists obtained information about variations in mitochondrial DNA, which is passed from mother to child, from 90 mummies. Because of contamination, the team was able to acquire detailed nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents, from only three mummies.

This report is based off 3
Mummies sxb!

:pachah1:The 87 other mummies
were 'Mysteriously contaminated'
The whites don't want us to know
the truth!



Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
If I went to Rome and took the DNA samples of some ancient Africans, would that mean all of Rome was African? These people took all the DNA samples from 1 location.
"In their paper, the researchers acknowledged that “all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt.”

This study is what you call propaganda. How can one graveyard, that is most likely filled with foreigners, be representative of Ancient Egypt? How can Europeans, who have nothing to do with ANcient Egypt until its very ending, be closer to the Ancient Egyptian than the modern Egyptians? All the historians agree that the Egyptians and Nubians started to come to the Nile when the Sahara began to dry up. The civilization began in Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) and they conquered the North to unify all of Egypt. Before this, Upper Egypt was part of a Nubian civilization known as Ta-Seti. So if Nubians are black people, the Egyptians are also black.
Good that you had showed your truth being part of rooble 's men. So you here for recruiting more Dir from south Somalia to your failed ideology. It is old and failed method (SL had tried and suffered, even SWS who followed Ethiopians are suffering the most from them. Your mama Ethiopia has been exposed, give it rest.

Look at the date I joined this site and when I made my first post. Prior to that, I lurked and was not motivated to make any posts.

I only started to post a few weeks ago so as to correct Grant's theories about Haplogroup T.

Don't involve me in your hypocritical crusade against Rooble, I ain't got time for your madness.

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The studies don't claim that ancient Egyptians were European. The studies indicate that the ancient DNA of some Egyptians shows close relations to ancient Levantines - which makes sense. The ancient Egyptians were an ethno-cultural continuum which encompassed mesopotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and islands in the Mediterranean.

No matter how much you wish it, ancient Egyptians had nothing to do with madow people.:hillarybiz::mjlol: :liberaltears:
The studies don't claim that ancient Egyptians were European. The studies indicate that the ancient DNA of some Egyptians shows close relations to ancient Levantines - which makes sense. The ancient Egyptians were an ethno-cultural continuum which encompassed mesopotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and islands in the Mediterranean.

No matter how much you wish it, ancient Egyptians had nothing to do with madow people.:hillarybiz::mjlol: :liberaltears:

Based off 3 mummies? I didn't say
They were madow, I said they
probably are close related to
ancient East Africans but defiantly
Not white!

Again any more sources? That doesn't
Include just 3 samples from one
Specific area?



Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
The studies don't claim that ancient Egyptians were European. The studies indicate that the ancient DNA of some Egyptians shows close relations to ancient Levantines - which makes sense. The ancient Egyptians were an ethno-cultural continuum which encompassed mesopotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and islands in the Mediterranean.

No matter how much you wish it, ancient Egyptians had nothing to do with madow people.:hillarybiz::mjlol: :liberaltears:
That makes no sense at all. Egypt was never a Mediterranean civilization, it was a Nile Valley civilization just like Nubia. Mesopotamia and Sumer were a Tigris-Euphrates Valley civilization, not a Mediterranean civilization. Egyptian culture began from the South and made its way to the North because of the lush Nile Delta.
  1. The first mummy in all of Africa is known as the "Black" Mummy.
  2. The first monolith in North Africa is known as Nabta Playa and it was built in the Nubian territory by Nilotic people. Nabta Playa is one of the first things historians believe was built by the Ancient Egyptians and Nubians
  3. I've repeated this many times! Southern Egypt, the place Egyptian culture started, was part of a Nubian civilization known as Ta-Seti. You can see that the first King of Egypt (Narmer aka Menes) looks like the Nilotic people of Sudan.
  4. The Egyptians differentiated themselves from the Semites, the Libyans (Berbers) and sometimes the Nubians. There were many occassions that the Nubians and other Africans were drawn the exact same way as Egyptians.
  5. The clothing of the Ancient Egyptians itself dispels the myth that they were lighter skinned Caucasians (Europeans/ Anatolians). The Egyptians would work outside for hours in the scorching sun with only a macawiis and no shirt. If you look at the lighter skinned Libyan you will notice they are always drawn while covering themselves from head to toe.
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Look at the date I joined this site and when I made my first post. Prior to that, I lurked and was not motivated to make any posts.

I only started to post a few weeks ago so as to correct Grant's theories about Haplogroup T.

Don't involve me in your hypocritical crusade against Rooble, I ain't got time for your madness.


Hahaha you mean your dear cousin rooble that shared same degrading views about Somali history.


Western hemisphere blacks are disgraced individuals with a deep insecurity over their history (slavery). The booty clapping for Ancient Egypt is their way to reclaim a mythical past of dignity and rectify their ancestral disgrace.
View attachment 23975

Hahaha you mean your dear cousin rooble that shared same degrading views about Somali history.

You rationalise that Rooble and I sing from the same hymn sheet because I used 'Ina Adeer' to indicate that he is a fellow Dir?:draketf:

Do you see Rooble backing me up in this thread? In actual fact, he adopts a more nationalistic tone whereas I am more balanced in my assessment. I am familiar with him from somnet hence why I suggested that he might know who I am but we do not harbour the same views in regard to the Sultanate of Adal.

You must stop this unhealthy obsession you have with Rooble. Furthermore, cease harassing people who do not subscribe to your chauvinistic nationalism.:yacadiim:
The studies don't claim that ancient Egyptians were European. The studies indicate that the ancient DNA of some Egyptians shows close relations to ancient Levantines - which makes sense. The ancient Egyptians were an ethno-cultural continuum which encompassed mesopotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and islands in the Mediterranean.

No matter how much you wish it, ancient Egyptians had nothing to do with madow people.:hillarybiz::mjlol: :liberaltears:

Dude very disappointed to read this kind of bile from you, I thought you was much better then this, it seems no matter how smart or enlightened the person is, the truth is always a very bitter pill to swallow for most people but in your case what's even more amazing is the level of self-denial involved in the rejection.

I could perhaps understand if it was an evil backward civilisation you are trying to distance yourself from out of pride or shame the same way the Western European barbarians distanced themselves from their ancestry while latching onto Rome they had nothing to do with! but that's not the case with you! your denying your very own history here using Europhile quack studies to justify.

The ancient levantines (dating back 2000-5000 years) have nothing to do with the present day people of Sham that are mostly of European descent with blond hair/blue eyes and all kinds of other ethnic groups that were never there before.

The same way the people Yemen today is not the Yemen of just a few centuries ago nevermind the ancient Yemen during the time of the Prophet when Abraha (habeshi) from that region with his elephant army tried to march on Mecca and we can go back even further with the Queen of Sheba

Scriptures alone (Quran and the bible) are enough to refute everything you have said that comes from Europhile discourse and self-hate.

You are confusing ancient Egypt that went back and forth between Cushites/Isrealites for 1000's of years to the more recent invasions of the Assyrians then followed by Romans much later.

The proof's are so numerous that I expected someone of your calibre to have understood but as I always find even with a recent scholar when it comes to the matter of truth a lot of people have an utter dislike towards it if it doesn't fit certain preconceived narratives.

@DeathWish is on the money here.
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