Who would sign up to a somali dating app like tinder but not perverted?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Let's be so REAL here, if you, saw a Somali girl, would you approach her? What if she was surrounded by females? THOUGHT SO!!

If I saw a somali guy I found attractive, I'd be too scared - be it in public. I won't approach him because of the way I have been brought up and because a man would think I was crazy? Let's me honest you guys like to hunt, to chase. To the females - who ask guys for numbers - I admire it but it isn't the way - it goes against the natural order of things. - If I'm wrong girls please tell me where it ended in marriage and I will apologise but guys love the chase we can't hunt them it's not natural

I would approach her if she was alone and if she was with her friends But that would Depend on one thing
Why Shisha spot out of all places?

You can meet the opposite gender at the mall,grocery store or uni hell even the gym

I see many Somalis having a hard time finding a partner why not have like dinner gatherings where people come dressed up and mingle

Babe what country do you live in? Scandinavian right? I live in London- no such thing


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I'm sure these girls won't upload profile pics of themselves. How will I avoid being hooked up with a hippopotamus? I'm serious guys.

It should be mandatory that they fill in their height and weight. Guys should mention how much they can bench and their height. Also we need to now if both genders have jilic hair. Some of us don't want your nappy hair. I am not sorry.



The trouble is, you think you have time
Now a days people meet their husband or wife online. You never know where and when you are going to meet your future spouse.


future pirate king
Dating somali women is very weird after just one week of talking she starts mentioning marriage and babies, i was talking to one and in the middle of getting hot and heavy she said "if we were married we would do it all the time", talk about a boner killer.
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