Who Else Will Be Fake Fasting This Ramadan?

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I don't really hang with somalis so its not an issue. and i don't think like that. i've actually booked an appointment to get a sleeve tattoo. i have a bit of money now and why not...
Did u just say "why not" for a permanent tattoo. Don't do it man, just go get one of those stickers that come with gum instead.
@TooMacaan is a gaal? I thought she was a spy
She is a Somali Christian sister I do believe. :yacadiim:
Did u just say "why not" for a permanent tattoo. Don't do it man, just go get one of those stickers that come with gum instead.

She is a Somali Christian sister I do believe. :yacadiim:
not random. been planning for it. just meant that there isn't any spiritual reason barring me from it.
not random. been planning for it. just meant that there isn't any spiritual reason barring me from it.
Just make sure it's one of the cool ones. Do u know how many times I have seen tattoos that look like absolute sht. Sometimes I personally cry for them :mjcry: it's not like a haircut. U get a bad shape up, it fixes with time or u can fix it there and then. As for tattoos, their for life.

Then again as a Muslim I don't recommend it.
To those who are fake fasting, there's no need to fake it. Just be upfront and honest with you family and tell them about your gaalnimo.
Lol no way.
1. They could kill me
2. They could disown me
3. I'd rather just not make them upset

Even when i move out, i'm still not telling them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
:browtf::browtf:. funny story, when i was 10 i cut myself on the thigh and thought i had my period and stole one of those pad things, before it was explained to me that guys don't get them. my sisters still bash me for that to this day.:damn::damn:.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't really hang with somalis so its not an issue. and i don't think like that. i've actually booked an appointment to get a sleeve tattoo. i have a bit of money now and why not...

Don't do it


I have an IQ of 300
I can't fast due to my gastritis but for those who can hack it I wish them good luck, I will just be giving charity :) to the needy. I would not mind fasting for two days it's actually healthy for you
Inshallah you get better abayo macaan.

Inshallah you bet better, you have a great soul and heart mashallah. May Allah bless you.
What the f*ck is going on.
Is today opposite day or something?
Did I wake up in a parallel universe?


Habar Magaadle
Inshallah you get better abayo macaan.

Inshallah you bet better, you have a great soul and heart mashallah. May Allah bless you.

Fam your making dua to a apostate who on many of occasions insulted our prophet and religion, who cares if she's suffering from a condition, may Allah increase it. What a hateful human being she is.
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