White people are decreasing.


White people do experience racism , its becoming socially acceptable to hate on them. Its hypocritical and how left progressives work. Hating on a group of people doesnt make sense , it makes you ironically racist too. If i said dealing with blacks is like dealing with apes , how is it different to your whites are demon comment. You american BLM peeps are deluded , self righteous hypocrites. The biggest threat to black people in america is other black people , but it doesnt serve the victim mentality so blame all your problems on whitey.
Man i hate somalis like u wallahi you r scum
Cadaans should be worried. The 'white genocide' may happen in the coming generations if the projected population growth trends continue. All this booming excess population from Asia and Africa will immigrate to Europe, slowly replacing the dwindling cadaan population.

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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Says the Nigga who's using their algorithms, eating with their manners and living in their Civilization.

Stay consistent m8

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

As much as I disagree with this guy this is plainly moronic. Technology doesn't belong to anyone and isn't "dhaqan". Should cadaans throw away writing, agriculture and Christianity because all of those things came from the Middle-East to Europe given their dislike for MENAs and many facets of their culture? Or should any cadaan who hates indhoyars disavow anything powered by lithium ion batteries, or anything using gun powder which comes from China? Humans have been exchanging and adopting technology from each other since the stone-age. It is not the same as disapproving of a group's cultural norms and customs. Technology is neutral.

Anybody who makes the "If you dislikie cadaans then no use laptop" argument is being exceptionally foolish. By your logic cadaans who hate any non-cadaans should go back to the Paleolithic because literally everything cadaans technologically have would be impossible without the Middle-East having exported agriculture, writing, civilization and to some extent even metallurgy to their continent. Even the word you just used ("Algorithm") has it origins in the name of a MENA dude.

Tech is neutral, my man. We all exchange it. Stop racializing it.

Of course they did. Do you think somalis knew what manners was in the desert

Wallahi, I dunno what it is with some Isaaq walaalo. I don't mean to get qabilist but I've noticed this sort of self-hating attitude only among a handful of Isaaq brothers I've seen online over the years and it's often rooted in ignorance. I remember one dude many years ago fawning over the Abyssinian Empire and for some reason assuming it was some "advanced" civilization like Ancient Rome and China whereas Somalis = "the barbarian hordes" and tried to frame the Adal-Abyssinian war this way but of course if he knew actual history he'd realize, ironically, that the eastern Horn (including Somaliweyn) was at the time more prosperous and urbanized than the Solomonid dynasty:

There was always some minority urban settlement in Somali society, particularly along the coasts. Heck, during the Middle-Ages the eastern Horn (including Hararghe) was more "urbanized" than the Ethiopian Highlands where urban culture had broken down badly after the Aksumite collapse and the Solomonic Emperors were for generations running, ironically, a nomadic camp court that moved across their realm throughout the year to assert their rule. The Muslim, eastern parts of the Horn flourished during this time due to the Islamic world being dominant in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean back then and this is when you see towns like Saylac, Berbera, Marko and Xamar at their peak and we know from accounts by folks like Idrisi and Battuta that Somalis ("Berberi") were the majority in most of these towns. You think Congo beat us to urbanism?

Think it has more to do with culture.

Abowe, there were always a minority subsection of Somalis (Reer Magaal) who were civilized and urbanized and had "manners" like anywhere else in the world going back to the classical era. Don't paint your people as some savage bush people who needed the white man to teach them how to use a spoon. Not that I even feel there is some sort of "grace" in being a civilized people. Most Humans were better off as Hunter-Gatherers and in some cases even pastoralists and sedentary rural farmers quite frankly.


The one and only 4head
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Anybody who makes the "If you dislikie cadaans then no use laptop" argument is being exceptionally foolish. By your logic cadaans who hate any non-cadaans should go back to the Paleolithic because literally everything cadaans technologically have would be impossible without the Middle-East having exported agriculture, writing, civilization and to some extent even metallurgy to their continent. Even the word you just used ("Algorithm") has it origins in the name of a MENA dude.

Tech is neutral, my man. We all exchange it. Stop racializing it.

Wallahi, I dunno what it is with some Isaaq walaalo. I don't mean to get qabilist but I've noticed this sort of self-hating attitude only among a handful of Isaaq brothers I've seen online over the years and it's often rooted in ignorance. I remember one dude many years ago fawning over the Abyssinian Empire and for some reason assuming it was some "advanced" civilization like Ancient Rome and China whereas Somalis = "the barbarian hordes" and tried to frame the Adal-Abyssinian war this way but of course if he knew actual history he'd realize, ironically, that the eastern Horn (including Somaliweyn) was at the time more prosperous and urbanized than the Solomonid dynasty:

Abowe, there were always a minority subsection of Somalis (Reer Magaal) who were civilized and urbanized and had "manners" like anywhere else in the world going back to the classical era. Don't paint your people as some savage bush people who needed the white man to teach them how to use a spoon. Not that I even feel there is some sort of "grace" in being a civilized people. Most Humans were better off as Hunter-Gatherers and in some cases even pastoralists and sedentary rural farmers quite frankly.

Whether they took technologies from others or not, they still own many of the Qaxootis on this Site who spend their time shitting on the Cadaans while living in their countries and having to speak in a Cadaan language.

Stay consistent too nigga.


The one and only 4head
Give me back the resources that made your laptop wh*te boy

Muh resources.
If Niggas can't even build solid houses and proper roads,
Let other races who are more capable to build their houses with our resources.
Africans are dumb fucks.


Whether they took technologies from others or not, they still own many of the Qaxootis on this Site who spend their time shitting on the Cadaans while living in their countries and having to speak in a Cadaan language.

Stay consistent too nigga.

The way somali men ride for white people is so weird to me.. they stole everything in africa invented guns to control ppl. Everywhere they went they stole and colonized.

They robbed africa naked. If it wasnt for africa caadans wouldnt be where they r now... they r the most evilest humans to ever walk this earth. Imagine life without them stress free.

My black american friend used to say somalis are coons for white ppl. I used to disagree until i stumbled upon this site. Cant wait to tell my boy how right he was wallahi


The one and only 4head
The way somali men ride for white people is so weird to me.. they stole everything in africa invented guns to control ppl. Everywhere they went they stole and colonized.

They robbed africa naked. If it wasnt for africa caadans wouldnt be where they r now... they r the most evilest humans to ever walk this earth. Imagine life without them stress free.

My black american friend used to say somalis are coons for white ppl. I used to disagree until i stumbled upon this site. Cant wait to tell my boy how right he was wallahi

:drakelaugh:An AA coon whose people got the most Coons among Blacks giving us a speech on how to be an African kkkkkkkk.

By the way, stop hating on the Cadaans. You're talking with their language.
Buy some land and start invest in your homeland if you're that about Muh Reparations.
Stay consistent.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Whether they took technologies from others or not, they still own many of the Qaxootis on this Site who spend their time shitting on the Cadaans while living in their countries and having to speak in a Cadaan language.

Stay consistent too nigga.

Yakhi, don't act like they did all that for Somalis and other qaxootis out of kindness. They had their own agendas, walaal. Like bolstering population growth what with their abysmal birth rates, bringing in labor and also acquiring new voters for opportunistic politicians. They didn't do it out of the kindness of their little cadaan hearts. And f*ck 'em, honestly. Many of these countries tried to colonize the 3rd world and to this day politick in destabilizing it so they can loot it for their own ends. I really don't care if some Geeljire lives in their backyard and badmouths them or if they get demographically disappeared someday by an ocean of "ethnics".
White people do experience racism , its becoming socially acceptable to hate on them. Its hypocritical and how left progressives work. Hating on a group of people doesnt make sense , it makes you ironically racist too. If i said dealing with blacks is like dealing with apes , how is it different to your whites are demon comment. You american BLM peeps are deluded , self righteous hypocrites. The biggest threat to black people in america is other black people , but it doesnt serve the victim mentality so blame all your problems on whitey.
do you live in America?


The one and only 4head
Yakhi, don't act like they did all that for Somalis and other qaxootis out of kindness. They had their own agendas, walaal. Like bolstering population growth what with their abysmal birth rates, bringing in labor and also acquiring new voters for opportunistic politicians. They didn't do it out of the kindness of their little cadaan hearts. And f*ck 'em, honestly. Many of the countries tried to colonize the 3rd world and to this day politick in destabilizing it so they can loot it for their own ends. I really don't care if some Geeljire lives in their backyard and badmouths them or if they get demographically disappeared someday by an ocean of "ethnics".

Too much resentment sxb. They did nothing to modern Somalis, only the Italians and Brits were in Somalia, and bringing up issues like Colonialism, it's dishonest.
Colonialism wasn't the same in all over Africa. The Italians managed and rebuilt Mogadiscio, built factories, didn't genocide any Zoo, and many of the Southies got their education through Italian Administration.
I don't believe in the Darwinian Law, but we weren't adapted to what was happening to us.
We got overwhelmed, beaten, and submitted.
No need to cry about it, it happened 100 years ago.
Why should I feel resentment toward White Americans disappearing? Did they colonize my lands?

You people (not necessarily you) have some hatred in your hearts!
If Africa got colonized, it's because of our lack of strenght, intelligence and capacities to survive in the Modern World. And now, the Dark Continent is getting (again) colonized.
Ain't my fault if we're having too many retarded tribes infighting. Ain't my fault if our "people" are dumb as hell, that we still continue to live as pure (FGM is a tradition).

Sorry for the Delusion, but reality ain't in our favor.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Too much resentment sxb. They did nothing to modern Somalis, only the Italians and Brits were in Somalia, and bringing up issues like Colonialism, it's dishonest.
Colonialism wasn't the same in all over Africa. The Italians managed and rebuilt Mogadiscio, built factories, didn't genocide any Zoo, and many of the Southies got their education through Italian Administration.
I don't believe in the Darwinian Law, but we weren't adapted to what was happening to us.
We got overwhelmed, beaten, and submitted.
No need to cry about it, it happened 100 years ago.
Why should I feel resentment toward White Americans disappearing? Did they colonize my lands?

You people (not necessarily you) have some hatred in your hearts!
If Africa got colonized, it's because of our lack of strenght, intelligence and capacities to survive in the Modern World. And now, the Dark Continent is getting (again) colonized.
Ain't my fault if we're having too many retarded tribes infighting. Ain't my fault if our "people" are dumb as hell, that we still continue to live as pure (FGM is a ****** tradition).

Sorry for the somali Delusion, but reality ain't in our favor.

They destabilize our countries even now with the NGOs, UN resolutions and a whole other cocktail of corruption. But I will agree with you one thing which is that I do feel Somalis who constantly badmouth and hate on cadaans and their culture but still choose to live in their countries make no sense to me. I can understand America and Canada because they stole much of those lands to begin with and have no real right to claim it is all theirs but why are you in the UK if you think the west is so wretched? Just save up for a while go back to Somalia or Jabuuti or wherever as a well off diasporan and live among your people and deen.



The one and only 4head
They destabilize our countries even now with the NGOs, UN resolutions and a whole other cocktail of corruption. But I will agree with you one thing which is that I do feel Somalis who constantly badmouth and hate on cadaans and their culture but still choose to live in their countries make no sense to me. I can understand America and Canada because they stole much of those lands to begin with and have no real right to claim it is all theirs but why are you in the UK if you think the west is so wretched? Just save up for a while go back to Somalia or Jabuuti or wherever as a well off diasporan and live among your people and deen.


Very based thing to say :rejoice:

I'm not disagreeing with the NGO's use, they might be proxies used by the West to keep poor countries poor! The solution is to resettle back home, build a community of people who will boost their country's income by contributing! I agree with this one. We may be lost it in the Colonial Times, but every country in this globe got colonized at some point, even our ancestors came as foreigners in the Horn and overthrew tribes who settled there before us. It's a cycle. We can reclaim our lands by improving our community. Good luck with your repatriation bro! Hopefully, you will find success and happines.
Yakhi, don't act like they did all that for Somalis and other qaxootis out of kindness. They had their own agendas, walaal. Like bolstering population growth what with their abysmal birth rates, bringing in labor and also acquiring new voters for opportunistic politicians. They didn't do it out of the kindness of their little cadaan hearts. And f*ck 'em, honestly. Many of these countries tried to colonize the 3rd world and to this day politick in destabilizing it so they can loot it for their own ends. I really don't care if some Geeljire lives in their backyard and badmouths them or if they get demographically disappeared someday by an ocean of "ethnics".
People forget that its literally the reason to why countries take in immigrants, MONEY is the main reason. more workers. If you think cadaans let you in their countries to be kind youre wrong. Obviously I appreciate the country im in but dont try to act like the government takes in immigrants because they feel bad for them. If the united states for example actually cared about your feelings they wouldnt be droning immigrant countries to begin with.
The reason immigrants are taken in is LITERALLY for the economy so stop trying to make it seem as if its out of pity.
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and yet you could not and would not be able survive in all madow or Asian, or Latino or Arab society as a minority nor receive as much aid and support as you have in cadaan societies. Hmm wonder why?? :cosbyhmm:
Latinos are white and many of those immigrants already move to other latino countries. Asian countries already accept other Asian refugees and the sane to a lesser extent in Arab countries.
Cadaans should be worried. The 'white genocide' may happen in the coming generations if the projected population growth trends continue. All this booming excess population from Asia and Africa will immigrate to Europe, slowly replacing the dwindling cadaan population.

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It won't biracials and mixed kids mostly married white, they'll just merge back into the white population.

