When the Ethiopian army under the Tigrayan TPLF invaded Somalia and Ogaden thousands of somali women and children were raped 💔💔💔


Somali supremacist
Why is a 16 year old girl endorsing & belittling the crimes of the Isias regime? He is a criminal that needs to be brought to the Hague
Warya this is Africa and this democratic thing doesn’t work over there like in Europe or America. In order for an African country to prosper they need a dictator who is equally treating all tribes or clans the same even his own.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
Warya this is Africa and this democratic thing doesn’t work over there like in Europe or America. In order for an African country to prosper they need a dictator who is equally treating all tribes or clans the same even his own.
Who mentioned democracy? This guy's army literally mass rapes and murders people daily in both Eritrea & Western Tigray. Isias is one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet. He is in a league of his own with companions such as Kim Jung, Assad, & the Burmese Military regime.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Who mentioned democracy? This guy's army literally mass rapes and murders people daily in both Eritrea & Western Tigray. Isias is one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet. He is in a league of his own with companions such as Kim Jung, Assad, & the Burmese Military regime.
Why did you lie about me???


Somali supremacist
Who mentioned democracy? This guy's army literally mass rapes and murders people daily in both Eritrea & Western Tigray. Isias is one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet. He is in a league of his own with companions such as Kim Jung, Assad, & the Burmese Military regime.
Idoor boy what’s the difference between him and abiya Ahmed guy? Didn’t this aboya or abiya guy starve 600k people to death or because he support your imaginary lands it’s ok for him to be genocider.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Idoor boy what’s the difference between him and abiya Ahmed guy? Didn’t this aboya or abiya guy starve 600k people to death or because he support your imaginary lands it’s ok for him to be genocider.
He’s a massive hypocrite and a war criminal supporter he’s airs me but ey don’t call him an idoor


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Eritreans committed far worse atrocities in the Tigray region quite recently such as mass rape, civillian massacres etc. Do you condemn the Isias regime for those actions?
You know you are a very dirty man.

Last time you praised Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam who genocided Eritrean people and now you play down the war crimes Ethiopian army under tplf did in Somalia and Ogaden. Nasty man
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EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Eritreans committed far worse atrocities in the Tigray region quite recently such as mass rape, civillian massacres etc. Do you condemn the Isias regime for those actions?
Tell me which war crimes did Eritrea do in Tigray? And how do you want to compare this with the 12 years long invasion on Somalia and Ogaden be Ethiopian TPLF army?

The Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front started the war in 2020 in Ethiopia, when they attacked a federal base of the Ethiopian army, looted their weapons, killed their soldiers and chased them to Eritrea.

And then the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front bombed Eritrea 10 days after the start of the war shooting 15 long range miss To Eritrean capital and other cities, targeting even civilian areas.

And the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front even occupied 100s of miles of Eritrean lands like Badme and Badme triangle and the eastern sector.

where are your evidences that Eritrea committed worser war crimes in Tigray?

Do you mean the claims of the TPLF and their lobby networks like Martin Plaut, Marjam Van Reisen, EEPA, Rashid Abdi, Matt Bryden and William Davidson?

Do you mean the claims of Eritrean Muslims who speak Tigrinya with in Arabic accent, they were responsible for all the alleged crimes, despite Tigrinyas making 50-60% of the army?

do you mean the alleged Axum massacre that never happened, since an investigation by the US aid found out that the victims were eaten by hyenas?

do you mean the telephone interviews?

do you mean the story of Mona Liza, when a tigrayan fenske fighter lost her hands fighting for the TPLF and the TPLF making a PR story claiming Eritrean soldiers raped her so she lost her hands?

which was false because even parents said she wasn’t a civilian but TPLF soldier and she lost her hands during the Tigray war fighting for TPLF?

Now let’s compare it with the 12 umyeas long Ethiopian invasion on Somalia and Ogaden by the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation tplf.

The TPLF invaded Somalia in 2006, when Somalia was under arms embargo, 30.000 Ethiopian soldiers including ex Derg soldiers were involved in the invasion in 2006, they used fighters jets tanks and heavy artillery, toppled the ICU in 2006 and paved way for Al Shabab.

Tens of thousands people died and more were displaced.
Then the Ethiopian army under Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front wagen a genocidal war in Somalia and Ogaden.

The Ethiopian army not TFG controlled Mogadishu.

In 2008 20 Somali Muslims were killed by Ethiopian tplf army after they entered a mosque in Mogadishu abd killed them by cutting their throat.

Ethiopia has also illegally transported weapons th TFG and Al Shabab strong holds, which was a violation of the arms embargo.

In Ogaden they committed a genocided killed and raped thousands of Somalis.

Bt you defend it you dirty man
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EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Me endorsing don’t make me laugh you fool I said what has happened it Tigray has been horrific I pointed out your hypocrisy You have the Ethiopian flag in your profile and perviously have defended the Ethiopian government once whilst Ethiopian troops are committing war crimes in both Amhara and Tigray.
He defends all kind of Ethiopian war criminals, Ethiopian Dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi and the TPLF and he praises the pm.

He praised the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam (Derg) who threw chemical weapons on the Eritrean people, killed 100.000s of Eritreans, and raped thousands of Eritrean women.

Garaad also defended the Meles Zenawi/TPLF who invaded my country Eritrea from 1998-2000, when they killed 100.000s of Eritreans committed ethnic cleansings in Eritrea including to my family, deporting 100.000 Eritreans from Ethiopia because of their color of their Eritrean eyes and raping thousands of Eritrean women during the Ethiopian/TPLF occupation of 1/4 of Eritrea from 1998-2000 by the Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi.

He also defended Ethiopia‘s/TPLFs 12 years long genocidal invasion on Somalia and Ogaden/Galbeed from 2006-2018, when ten thousands of Somalis have been killed, thousands of Somalis raped,
Al Shabab emerged, Ethiopia even transported weapons in TFG and Al Shabab strong holds and he defended the war crimes of Ethiopia in Somalia like the Mogadishu Mosque massacre in 2008 by the Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi.

He also defended the war crimes the TPLF has caused from 2020-2022 when the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front started the civil war in Ethiopia in 2020, attacked Eritrea, bombed Eritrea, occupied Eritrean territories, killed and raped thousands of Eritrean refugees in Tigray and Afar region, killed thousands of Ethiopian and Eritrean afars, thousands of Amharas, and destruction of 2 mosques by the TPLF in the afar region and Amhara region.

This man Garaad is dirty a man.
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“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
He defends all kind of Ethiopian war criminals, Ethiopian Dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi and the TPLF and he praises the pm.

He praised the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam (Derg) who threw chemical weapons on the Eritrean people, killed 100.000s of Eritreans, and raped thousands of Eritrean women.

Garaad also defended the Meles Zenawi/TPLF who invaded my country Eritrea from 1998-2000, when they killed 100.000s of Eritreans committed ethnic cleansings in Eritrea including to my family, deporting 100.000 Eritreans from Ethiopia because of their color of their Eritrean eyes and raping thousands of Eritrean women during the Ethiopian/TPLF occupation of 1/4 of Eritrea from 1998-2000 by the Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi.

He also defended Ethiopia‘s/TPLFs 12 years long genocidal invasion on Somalia and Ogaden/Galbeed from 2006-2018, when ten thousands of Somalis have been killed, thousands of Somalis raped,
Al Shabab emerged, Ethiopia even transported weapons in TFG and Al Shabab strong holds and he defended the war crimes of Ethiopia in Somalia like the Mogadishu Mosque massacre in 2008 by the Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi.

He also defended the war crimes the TPLF has caused from 2020-2022 when the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front started the civil war in Ethiopia in 2020, attacked Eritrea, bombed Eritrea, occupied Eritrean territories, killed and raped thousands of Eritrean refugees in Tigray and Afar region, killed thousands of Ethiopian and Eritrean afars, thousands of Amharas, and destruction of 2 mosques by the TPLF in the afar region and Amhara region.

This man Garaad is dirty a man.
He’s just an outright liar