Whats the point of going after girls in the diaspora?

If you're marrying from back home marry a second cousin or some other family.Other woman will exploit u and chew you out.Woman back home respect their parents really highly so if their dad is already your adeer or adeer labaad theres a lower chance of them wronging you.Generally I understand that marrying a woman from here or home both have their pros and cons, and im heavily conflicted.This is the only situation saxib where incest is wincest,and in this scenario it is best if your parents find/recommend the girl for u.
thats when they‘re the nicest, they worst ones are they ones who use and exploit you and later ditch AND make fun of you :dead: girls back home are not for the faint hearted.
Walahi, it's true. Somali's especially the ones back homes are the masters of finessing people :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
You shouldn't be naive and assume girls back home are better than the ones in the west

Just be smart and careful
I can tell you never been back home :silanyolaugh:, most girls i hanged out with were brutal, they will eat you alive and spit you out. They‘re no joke. My fam always say that diaspora kids are dacaad and laugh. Ileen the girls (and guys) back home are savages. Girls here will ghost you when they see you‘re not their type, girls back home will exploit and make fun of you in front of their friends.
A: na kani wuu foolxunyahay ee maxaad ka rabta
B: naa shaqadeyda maaha, wuu i biiliyaa kkkk nacaskan, ish oo maxad moodaysay inaan ka helo kkk waan ku meel gaariya kkkkk
Just letting you know:silanyosmile:
Hayaay sheekada iiwad :sass2:


King Of NSFW
Warya you making me jealous of these emojis you have :mjcry:
Step your game up and you'll be like me one day akhi
Sxb my motto is tell them what they want to hear. Sell them lies tellem your a rapper with a shitton of money and drip watch the panties drop waraa. Once u get ur stick wet dash them to the bushes. Sheikh ice cube tells it best

dont listen to this degenerate who sees women as nothing but pieces of meat
Walahi, it's true. Somali's especially the ones back homes are the masters of finessing people :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:

i second that. Somali women back home are very ruthless and cunning. They will eat you alive if you are a musket. Unless you lucky enough to end up with a miskeenat


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Lol back home xalimos are not innocent. With their secret marriages and quick divorces. The grass isn't always greener. Unless you prefer to be husband number 5 to a 20 year old and supporting her entire extended family.:mjlaugh:
:leon: Multiple divorcee before 21. Wa-Wa-about-virgin-feminine brides. Kkkkkkkkk