What went wrong with Somali integration to west?

Only few made it, most were giving illusion of wealth. I don't mean taking there deen or dhaqan either.

Only if they see us benefery counterparts on both ends and respected members of society.

We have few success story here and there. Reality is avoided at all cost.
This is good they should be honest about the west. These Somalis should build there dream of Somali and not slave away there youth to a society that doesn't want you there at all.
If we go by stats 80% + of 2nd generation Somalis between 18-24 are in education and employment in the west.

They are integrating fine tbh , there is a lot of fear mongering or hysteria with the use of anecdotes on the web and on the news. Selecting individuals who are not representative of the average person or the group as a whole.

But think about it deeply who is gonna complain or make big news story around a Somali who goes to the library, school, job everyday or the mosque on friday and comes home after?

So you not gonna hear much about the average person, who is just living a regular honest life.
There is no news headline or social media post that is gonna read ''Today a Somali stayed out of trouble and helped his hooyo and aabo with groceries and looked after his sibling''
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This is good they should be honest about the west. These Somalis should build there dream of Somali and not slave away there youth to a society that doesn't want you there at all.
The hate we get is unlateraly crazy. They don't see us equal or respected member of society. :jcoleno:
Most Somalis are perfectly happy in the West. They save money and build themselves houses back home where they intend to retire. A taxi driver has a better life in Minnesota than a doctor in Mogadishu. Let’s be real.


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You sold your soul, thats why :holeup:

I wasn't talking about me.

People who speak like the guys in that TikTok video are those who couldn't survive in the west, due to refusing to adapt. They're tiny but vocal. Projecting and making excuses are their coping mechanisms. Somalis, especially when they experience a bad situation or failure, do this alot. There are so many Somalis doing fine and most of those who aren't will never move back to Somalia.
Most Somalis are perfectly happy in the West. They save money and build themselves houses back home where they intend to retire. A taxi driver has a better life in Minnesota than a doctor in Mogadishu. Let’s be real.
Living decent life from paycheck to paycheck and raising family is all we care.

Maybe retire whit paid house back home. Sometimes having too much flyys is fitna.

Majority of us can't complain. Only underachievers scream the loudest
Every diaspora group sends back money home in form of remittances and have properties in their home country, the Chinese for example do it way more. It's not a Somali thing or them trying to divest from the western country that they currently live in. Most often it's an investment strategy.

And also integration the way i see it is being incorporated into the civic and economic life of a country. Which Somalis are doing really well considering the obstacles they came with, Somalis are actually integrating at a high rate.

It took Europeans like Norwegians for example until the 3rd generation to fully assimilate into the American Society.

Norway was once the kind of country Trump might’ve spit on. Now its people don’t even want to come here.​

During that time of intense immigration, researchers have found, Norwegians were far from the model they might appear to be today. For decades after their arrival, they struggled to adapt and lagged behind other groups..
By that same measure, even second-generation Norwegian-Americans (black bars) had failed to assimilate and move into higher-paying occupations than their immigrant parents.
Instead, it's evidence that assimilation is a difficult and gradual process. It takes generations, perhaps a long as a century, to catch up to the native population. Boustan said that, on the whole, the immigrants of today look to be on a path similar to that followed by Norwegians and others in their study.

Ironically they subjected each-other to the same fearmongering around immigration as they now do to other immigrants like Somalis and other Africans, Muslims today
European immigrants of that time fueled many of the same fears about immigration we see today, and politicians fought to close the nation's borders back then as successive waves of migrants from different European countries faced hostility upon arrival in the U.S.
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Plotting world domination
Only few made it, most were giving illusion of wealth. I don't mean taking there deen or dhaqan either.

Only if they see us benefery counterparts on both ends and respected members of society.

We have few success story here and there. Reality is avoided at all cost.

When my family arrived to the states they lived in the hood. My uncles and aunts that arrived here as young adults didn't really turn out as well compared to their younger siblings that were preteens when they arrived.

I was a bit lucky growing up because my parents had some close relationships with my uncle's and aunts that turned out pretty well.

One thing they did that stood out to me was that they moved away for college. At the time they were all living in the hood. Most somalis tend to just go to a local community college just to avoid taking out loans while still staying in the hoods they were raised in.

I honestly believe that decision to move away for school played a role on how they turned out. If you look at AAs for example a bunch of them legit do the same thing. That's why you can find a lot of them complaining about student loan debt. They graduated with a degree, broke into the middle class, and now have to deal with some debt. I asked my uncle recently about his and he told me he payed his off after 7 years of working.my other aunts and uncles said they paid it off within 10-12 years.

@AbdiFreedom do you think if most young Somali men moved away for college we would have higher graduation rates?
Dumb thing to say, why not take advantage of all percs west have to offer, like freedom to do almost everything you want.

You are being ungrateful. :ulyin:
As said by the famous satanist Aliester Crowley "do what thou wilt".

If you want the fake life of materialism and runaway individualism of mindless cattle, then yes it is a paradise for you. In reality the west is a hell of illusions and ultimately spiritual destruction.

Their sciences have no basis, it is all rationalism, jumping and swinging from one branch to the other. It is a disease infecting the world at an unprecedented level.


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better to not integrate into these shitholes. Get your degrees and leave. No point in living here only to die riddle with debt.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Many live in a false reality where they believe they can find a life as comfortable as in the West.

Integration ≠ Assimilation

Those who think that just because you integrate you get rid of your culture, language and religion are completely wrong. Integration means respecting the rules and laws of the country you are in without going against them, for example by paying taxes, working and not committing crimes.

While assimilation means sacrificing your old identity to enter a new society.


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Nothing actually, we kept our culture and are around 1.5 generations in. Many of us are doing well. I dont really understand the weak inferrior mindset some of you have

