What was Your High School Prank?


Certified Liin Distributor
At my High School we had a summer party in the parking lot and after we got shutdown for barbecuing on school property we drove over to a girl's house across the street and continued it. I got thrown in the pool after a multi-man chase and it was sick.
The most macaan fuckery fuelled event I part took in was when I was in elementary.

I was in grade 6 and we knew on the last day of school we'd have water fight.

Young geeljire was prepared :trumpsmirk:
I gathered 3 different water guns and for at least 2 weeks I'd piss in there as often as I possibly could.

All those ass teachers that gave me detention got some and so did the little snitching niggas.:pacspit:

Twas glorious and it's one of my fondest memories:westbrookswag: