What makes Iranian women different from Somalis? They take off the hijab when they move to the West

That's not true.

Many Somali women who fled the Civil war at least had a High School Diploma. That's because most refugees from Somalia came from the Capital city. People living in the Capital City were not illiterate.

A lot of the people that stayed behind are Nomads/Farmers, who are more likely to be illiterate.
Well, you are talking about some women who are educated. I am talking about the majority who I have encountered in the west who are only literate but lack any knowledge in other fields of education. Let’s be honest the average Iranian woman in Iran will be more educated than a Somali woman from Somalia. Especially now the differences in education is more pronounced.
Well, you are talking about some women who are educated. I am talking about the majority who I have encountered in the west who are only literate but lack any knowledge in other fields of education. Let’s be honest the average Iranian woman in Iran will be more educated than a Somali woman from Somalia. Especially now the differences in education is more pronounced.

I don't believe you.
Sorry to hear that.

But it still does not make sense that the majority of women you've encountered are uneducated. Do you mind telling me which country you live in?
I am from the UK, I don’t live there now, I left there when I was really young but I go back sometimes.

My parents especially my mom was a mid teen who didn’t complete her education and as well many women her age because of the civil war and became refugee.
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I am from the UK but don’t live there now and I left there when I was really young but I go back sometimes.

My parents especially my mom was a mid teen who didn’t complete her education and as well many women her age because of the civil war and became refugee.

It's unfair to call women, struck by the misfortune of war, "uneducated". They would have completed their studies had it not been for the civil war. Their daughters on the other hand, are mostly educated I'm certain.

Why did you bring up Education and throwing away the Hijab as though it's correlated. In fact, an educated mind, would embrace the Hijab as it is not only pleasing to Allah and as an added bonus, defies the male gaze.
It's unfair to call women, struck by the misfortune of war, "uneducated". They would have completed their studies had it not been for the civil war. Their daughters on the other hand, are mostly educated I'm certain.

Why did you bring up Education and throwing away the Hijab as though it's correlated. In fact, an educated mind, would embrace the Hijab as it is not only pleasing to Allah and as an added bonus, defies the male gaze.
most ppl who get educated eventually become less religious, they become too smart for their own good when they learn about all this philosophy and political stuff
most ppl who get educated eventually become less religious, they become too smart for their own good when they learn about all this philosophy and political stuff

I disagree.

β€œIt's the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

I think people who have weak imaan and are easily led astray, lose their faith because another human wrote a book on a topic.
That's called being indoctrinated.
Are you saying women knowing about basic history, maths, geography, … etc. an indoctrination? The curriculum ofc in Iran will be more biased towards their pov in philosophy, some historic events, … etc. other than the western pov. So where the women will get their western enlightenment as opposed to some Muslim women in the west who are more practicing than some Muslim women in MENA. As well Iran had produced a lot of scholars during the Islamic period. So Iranians are pretty intelligent people.
Are you saying women knowing about basic history, maths, geography, … etc. an indoctrination? The curriculum ofc in Iran will be more biased towards their pov of stuff other than the western pov. So where the women will get their western enlightenment as opposed to some Muslim women in the west who are more practicing than some Muslim women in MENA. As well Iran had produced a lot of scholars during the Islamic period. So Iranians are pretty intelligent people.

Western Enlightenment as a concept, refers to Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries; when they had an intellectual + philosophical movement.

Are you referring to that period of time, or do you think that adopting and learning about Western ideals and Culture is 'Enlightenment'.
I disagree.

β€œIt's the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

I think people who have weak imaan and are easily led astray, lose their faith because another human wrote a book on a topic.
I dont believe they are truly educated, but even here in the west, when ppl go through education, especially university, they lose their deen
Iranians are fighting back against misogynist the Morality Police. One of these goons walked up to a woman and slapped her. A bunch of men jumped him. This is good for Iran, only men can stop other men from being pathetic bullies.



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It's unfair to call women, struck by the misfortune of war, "uneducated". They would have completed their studies had it not been for the civil war. Their daughters on the other hand, are mostly educated I'm certain.

Why did you bring up Education and throwing away the Hijab as though it's correlated. In fact, an educated mind, would embrace the Hijab as it is not only pleasing to Allah and as an added bonus, defies the male gaze.
The Somali literacy rate peaked in the 70s at roughly 65% - which is probably a lot lower for women.
I'm not advocating it or saying it's positive, it's just something I've noticed. It looks like the women in Iran now are very eager to take off the hijab too.

Again I'm not attacking anyone.
Well most of the Iranians in the USA are atheists, even more irreligious than the turks. Its more of a strategy to assimilate and not be oppressed. Some embrace the hijab after the backlash muslims received after 9/11 to be supportive of their community. Usually people go to ways they throw away religion and the hijab or embrace it and become more religious. Iranians became less religious while Algerians and others became more religious.

