What makes a guy simp for a girl?

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How is it traditional or non Western for women to ‘simp’ when a man is meant to pursue. This isn’t me engaging in gender wars. It simply doesn’t make sense hence id like it if you can explain.

I get in an actual marriage in terms of obedience, you’d have a point. But we’re talking about getting picked here and you’re glossing over the traditional dynamic in which the man is the one that goes above and beyond.
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I agree with what you’re saying but “walking ATM machine” is an excessive term that strips men of their humanity and treats them like things that only exist to provide for you, it’d be like saying women are walking s*x objects, it’s dehumanizing and any man that says that shouldn’t be anywhere near a women.

Maybe you were be hyperbolic but you need to watch what words you’re using as it can have totally different meanings to other people that what you meant.

I don't mean that men are only reduced to their ability to provide financially, however, they are supposed to be the SOLE PROVIDER. Men exist to worship Allah SWT, protect and provide their families, these are their 3 non-negotiable duties in life.
I don't mean that men are only reduced to their ability to provide financially, however, they are supposed to be the SOLE PROVIDER. Men exist to worship Allah SWT, protect and provide their families, these are their 3 non-negotiable duties in life.
You should phrase it in a way as in the men should contribute everything they have for the family instead they have to be the sole provider. In this economy it is very unlikely that a family is getting by on just one income.


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A good woman will turn any man into a "simp". My dad never had a bank account and would give all his cash to my mom on payday before the days of direct deposit. The title of the house he fully paid for is only in her name. She never allowed him to get a glass of water for himself and would tell him to sit down when he was looking for his misplaced keys. Men will go beyond "simping" for a good, selfless woman. They'll die for you 1 million times over.
A good woman will turn any man into a "simp". My dad never had a bank account and would give all his cash to my mom on payday before the days of direct deposit. The title of the house he fully paid for is only in her name. She never allowed him to get a glass of water for himself and would tell him to sit down when he was looking for his misplaced keys. Men will go beyond simping for a good, selfless woman. They'll die for you 1 million times over.
Your parents sound lovely.
Why cant men simp? I have hundreds millions of male simps also women
First off, the second sentence is crazy.

I never said men can't simp. The whole thing was me talking down on simping men, and how taking care of women is not simping (so I don't respond to that strawman). But there is no equivalent for females simping. That's just how it is. I already mentioned what the closest thing was, which is kind of not the same, technically.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
First off, the second sentence is crazy.

I never said men can't simp. The whole thing was me talking down on simping men, and how taking care of women is not simping (so I don't respond to that strawman). But there is no equivalent for females simping. That's just how it is. I already mentioned what the closest thing was, which is kind of not the same, technically.
Haa ok adeer God bless you. I am going to upgrade to Arab men if somali men dont fix up. :ufdup:
Haa ok adeer God bless you. I am going to upgrade to Arab men if somali men dont fix up. :ufdup:
Let me give you an example:

It is like bravery for women; it has no meaning because a woman is not expected to be brave. The next man around is expected to protect her and no one ever expects her to do anything but run in the face of danger. The man on the other hand will be judged if he cowers in front of another man.

You have to understand things for genders are different. Values due to the intrinsic disposition do not carry similar judgments because of the differences. That is why simping is an effeminate submissive role, but being effeminate and submissive for a woman is not a negative. But it is always for a man, always. Again, some people want to flip and put words in my mouth by equating doing expected roles such as taking care of a woman with simping which I never do since I am talking about clear cut simp ish, or making this a reciprocity issue when it is not since a man acting like an eey with a leash to a woman is not acceptable even if a woman gave him something in return. I get that women don't understand the male-specific principles but damn it is going overboard on the clueless.:pachah1:

You are free to do whatever you want, walaal. Make sure the man is a proper Muslim. Just an advice. Though, I don't like the "upgrade" language. Don't be ridiculous.
They lack confidence. They believe they aren't good enough.

Many reasons but the point is a lot of them believe if they are 'so nice' to the girl the girl will eventually change her mind and want them. This never happens but it's what they believe for better or worse
A young man, who grows up in the West, sans a genuine male role model [operative] in his life, or in a single mother household, or by an iron-willed female progenitor, is bound to morph into a simpleton, and in turn reaches maturation only to sire hordes of the same, and so goes the cycle. I could not speak to the pickMes, lest admonished, therein losing my jewels in the process.
A young man, who grows up in the West, sans a genuine male role model [operative] in his life, or in a single mother household, or by an iron-willed female progenitor, is bound to morph into a simpleton, and in turn reaches maturation only to sire hordes of the same, and so goes the cycle. I could not speak to the pickMes, lest admonished, therein losing my jewels in the process.
Now you’re writing like you’re in the time of the great Tudor period.

‘Tis funny indeed great sire of the realm, but your flowery tongue thus does require the upmost and immense engrossment that I a mere lass cannot commit to’
Now you’re writing like you’re in the time of the great Tudor period.

‘Tis funny indeed great sire of the realm, but your flowery tongue thus does require the upmost and immense engrossment that I a mere lass cannot commit to’
In my opinion, the woman I went crazy over last time, had these qualities. She was super feminine, had a killer smile that was just cute af 😫, she had some sizeable lips that whenever she kissed my forehead, I could feel it for a good minute. My god some women are just dangerous. You just feel happy around a woman like that
I don't mean that men are only reduced to their ability to provide financially, however, they are supposed to be the SOLE PROVIDER. Men exist to worship Allah SWT, protect and provide their families, these are their 3 non-negotiable duties in life.
Okay, I agree with you as the man is a qawwaam over the women which means that the husbands rights over the women is to be obedient towards their man and not detract from their husbands orders unless he asks for her to do something haram.

A women that is provided and protected by her husband also has to make her self available to her husband and denying him that right is a sin upon the women without a valid excuse. A women also has to serve her husband in accordance to what chores need to be done in a society.

A women who is protected and provided for should also not leave her house without the permission of her husband even if you have matters else where or obligations outside of the home. It’s important to remember that a women has rights over their husband but you also have to uphold your rights too, if the husband does his part.

If you as a modern women can’t uphold these rights a man has then don’t expect for the man to uphold your rights over him.
Often, the problem comes from not having good options. When you don't have many choices and you think too highly of someone, you might end up simping or giving them too much attention and importance.

But, if you stick to your own boundaries respect yourself understand that it's about trying with more people (the numbers game) and don't let rejection bother you you're less likely to simp. It's important not to chase after someone keeping things balanced is the way to go.

