What is your career?

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Masha Allah sister, thats nice. I am in my final year of school. Planning to study civil,chemical or electrical engineering. I still got a long way to go.
Final year and you are still havent selected a major? Where they do that? By second year you must select a major in engineering schools.
Masters in Economics and Business administration, recently started a consulting agency with a buddy of mine, if all goes well I'll be moving to somewhere with a much lower income tax.
Fairyland? Nigga there is a difference between existing on the ground and being internationally recognized.Anyways aren't you a Dhulo? :chrisfreshhah:

I own you warya :birdman:
hahaha own him by bribing him while your cousins are dying in the Mediterranean, Dhulbahante is a thorn in British somaliland's deluded dream of gaining independence, keep the lacaag coming saaxib:ufdup:


There's a lot you can do as a consultant brother, change-management, optimization etc

:nvjpqts::nvjpqts:. I was waiting for u to say u were doing consultancy in Economics because I would have had a nice laugh.

But mashallah, you know your stuff, hope it goes well.
I'm an analyst at a O&G company.

I will be personally overseeing snitches like him.

@AbdiJohnson keep the info coming sxb.We need to keep our great country safe from these radicals :salute:

They sometimes approach you to get a job with them. It's like when a sports club manager goes to a high school or university/college game and discovers you and liked how you play.

This is the easiest way to work for them without the interview process.

I suggest you only hang out with Muslims and go to mosques everyday but also look very secular. When you see a white man or a police officer or anyone in a long leather coat, let them see you. Wave at them if possible when no one is looking. It's very easy.

The RCMP gave me their business card at a Tim Hortons years ago but I never called them. They tracked me down at a parking lot during my Salafi days. I regret losing it.

I know one very religious white convert who was used by the intelligence agency. He helped the police bag a few people. Hes on payroll.
I'm still deciding, I want to be an artist you know, but man, art school is so expensive. I was thinking of just doing it on my own, and maybe going into Phycology to understand the human brain more. I want to show through my art our country, and our people, and much more. Maybe one day they'll be hanging in a museum in Somalia.

Make your dream a reality have you heard of Aziz Osman he is a great Somali painter I would love one of his paintings of Somalia watch this video

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