What is your career?

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No career yet, hopefully, I can marry a rich man who'll take care of me. Currently, I attend Uni full-time and work part-time in retail. And what's an RN? Like a nurse?


Pepe Trump
I'm currently in university studying computer science. I plan to get into the AI industry but before then I'm planning to join the British Armed Forces in the Navy branch.
Masha Allah sister, thats nice. I am in my final year of school. Planning to study civil,chemical or electrical engineering. I still got a long way to go.
Chemical engineering:rejoice: We already know chemical warfare is the way of the future why not be on the winning side:patrice: That and mechanical technology is the future
Chemical engineering:rejoice: We already know chemical warfare is the way of the future why not be on the winning side:patrice: That and mechanical technology is the future
And also greater salary. :rejoice:
But I was taken aback when I saw the number of people with a degree in chemical eng who had a hard time finding a job on reddit.
I'm still deciding, I want to be an artist you know, but man, art school is so expensive. I was thinking of just doing it on my own, and maybe going into Phycology to understand the human brain more. I want to show through my art our country, and our people, and much more. Maybe one day they'll be hanging in a museum in Somalia.


Pepe Trump
I'm still deciding, I want to be an artist you know, but man, art school is so expensive. I was thinking of just doing it on my own, and maybe going into Phycology to understand the human brain more. I want to show through my art our country, and our people, and much more. Maybe one day they'll be hanging in a museum in Somalia.

Where you from?
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