What is the general consensus among sheikhs in regards to free will?

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No idea. Like I stated above, when it comes to things I cannot comprehend, I do not act as if I know the answers. Like you, I too am a human being with limitations of thought. You can very well continue to ponder about these things, but I genuinely believe you'll never find the answers you desire to seek. It'll only lead to madness or a denial of truth.
So you mindlessly follow?


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
So you mindlessly follow?
No. For the things I can comprehend, I critically think about. Even I have doubts on some matters of the faith. I think those through alone, because I cannot trust the input of others. For my doubts in my head, I like to go through them alone. As for the faith itself, I follow it on a spiritual level. It is in the end of the day, a faith. There's no real proof. You follow a faith, because your heart desires it.
Bcoz he created his creation to believe him worship him but they denied Him he sent a holy book for u to follow the right path and how to avoid hell....basically He gave u instructions to go to heaven and u didn't follow the instructions that will lead u to hellfire!!
Give me a proper answer don't just regurgitate what your macalin dugsi tells you.
Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do - An-nahl (95)

This is the quran saying you get awarded for righteousness. So its not an award received by chance ( someone who is predestined to get that award).

Qadr is only aplied when it's about tragedy.

Say, "Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers rely - Tawbah (51)

So Prety much all the things you do is from your own will.



Death Awaits You
Atheists and secularists are two sides of the same coin.
These weird verses of violence and give false view of Allah come from the Hadith which were written 200 years after the prophets death . Therefore we can reject the Hadith as being false and misleading. Islam without the Hadith is a beautiful religion


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
@YourBroMoe I've had similar thoughts, but I doubt I'll ever believe again. Not because I hate religion, but because it just doesn't make sense to me. However, I appreciate religion for its cultural role in my life, and I realize its importance for many people.
You are free to believe what you wish. I hope you live a happy life. Not all will believe in the same thing. But since we live in the material world, we should treat each other with respect as fellow human beings. May peace be with you.
No, I stopped believing almost 15 years ago. It was very confusing and scary at first, but then incredibly liberating.
Since I was little I believed God to this day, since I have grown older my belief have grown stronger. How have life been for you since you left islam?
Who do you call for aid when no one came be of help to you?
Do you feel content and tranquility within yourself?

Walahi I find it strange when I see people who don’t believe in the one who created them, the world they live in, the provision He provides for their sustenance.

I don’t mean to brag since the day I fully started to practice Islam I have never felt depressed even when I was in bad situations. Islam gives me peace and ease in my heart. If I need anything I ask the one who created me and everything that surrounds me, i.e, to finish school, to get good job, wife, paradise... and I am satisfied with everything he provides for me. It pains me when I see Somalis who are gaals I don’t want you to go to the hell.
May God guide you to the straight path ameen.
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Give me a proper answer don't just regurgitate what your macalin dugsi tells you.

Hmmm I will explain it to u how your retarded mind understands.......so when u get a medicine from a pharmacy they give u instructions in how to use the medicine...how many times u should eat it or what time u need to take it!!! That's the instructions they gave u the reason for the instructions it's bcoz for u to feel better and not end up being sick ....and they tell u the side effects as well....but if u decide not to take follow the instructions u are basically worsening your sickness!! Now think of the medicine as the faith, the instructions=the quran , the side effects=test in life and not following the instructions=bad path with bad path u will end up in hell fire so will u blame god when he gave u instructions to follow so that may end up in heaven but didn't bcoz of your stupidity and u will blame god!! Yeah saaqid bring that same energy on the day of judgement f*ck boy!!
Hmmm I will explain it to u how your retarded mind understands.......so when u get a medicine from a pharmacy they give u instructions in how to use the medicine...how many times u should eat it or what time u need to take it!!! That's the instructions they gave u the reason for the instructions it's bcoz for u to feel better and not end up being sick ....and they tell u the side effects as well....but if u decide not to take follow the instructions u are basically worsening your sickness!! Now think of the medicine as the faith, the instructions=the quran , the side effects=test in life and not following the instructions=bad path with bad path u will end up in hell fire so will u blame god when he gave u instructions to follow so that may end up in heaven but didn't bcoz of your stupidity and u will blame god!! Yeah saaqid bring that same energy on the day of judgement f*ck boy!!
Sheep!Think for yourself.
Why would an all powerful 'benevolent' entity condemn his creations to an eternity in hellfire because of mistakes they made over one measly lifetime?
This is what many people say but think about it this way if Allah has given Islam to us and told everyone to say alshahada to only enter jannah just one word yet the human refused to believe in his existence and worse he said he doesn't exist I think it's their fault Allah gave you the choice and in the Quran the gaalo ask Allah to give them a day or two to become muslim but Allah says that they will go back to their ways
Does it say that in the Quran ?

Not directly but indirectly.

“So set your face toward the religion, as one by nature upright; the instinctive (religion) which God has created in mankind. There is no altering (the laws) of God’s creation. That is the right religion but most people do not know.” Surah Ar-Rum
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