What happens when an incel finally gets laid

Maybe he had bladder problem . You got to give the benefit of doubt a chance sometime 😀. Most men love women no matter how childish or illogical they can bE sometimes. Red pilling is good for the untrained and inexperience young male brain .

Oh lord the benefit of the what? the rat looking loser fully admitted he done it on purpose

calling your mother a slu* because apparently all women are is good for the brain :draketf:

Get help!

I honestly need to look into the man ill marry's brain and take it to the museum before i even consider sharing a life with him
It's the red pill community
A philosophy made up by half-brained pseudo-intellectuals with an anti-social personality disorder.

If you pay attention to the videos and comments on YouTube, Twitter, and other Social Media you will see it’s a collection of Men with Low Self-Esteem teaching other Men with Low-Self Esteem how to Pretend they have Self-Esteem and how to Manipulate Women with equally Low Self-Esteem.

This movement teaches Men to never settle and get married because every women is a slu* and it's just your turn and if you do settle never fall in love because if you love a women you're a simp. Instead of teaching men how to recognize and approach high-quality, self-accomplished, and high level Women, it demonizes such women and teaches you how to manipulate women who pretty much suffer self-esteem issues.

Now….why the analogy to INCEL?
Have you ever heard of “Ugly Duckling Syndrome”? It’s the unofficial label for someone who was unable to attract sexual or romantic partners in their youth who grows to become either very attractive or very able to attract the types of partners they always wanted…the downside is that the psychology of rejection, fear, and anger never really went away and this toxic pattern of thought leaks its way into the next chapter of this person’s life. So instead of simply enjoying their new found opportunity and exploring this new chapter in their life, this person will “punish” every women in their present day for the pain and rejection caused by the women in their past. The unresolved resentment will “cock-block” any happiness that can be obtained in these new relationships. Instead of savoring and experiencing the most fulfilling relationships possible, this person is going to manipulate a cycle of control and abuse in his relationships.

Why would any guy get lured into the Red Pill Philosophy? One word:

This community is dominated by men who resent Women. It’s really as simple as that.
There is no Straight Man with a Cultivated Mind, Strong Self-Esteem, and Confidence who needs to settle for manipulating Women with Poor Self-Esteem or Daddy Issues.

There are legitimate Men’s Rights Movements which tackle real issues such as Family Court Inequality, Child Support Abuse, etc. There are also legitimate sources of Self-Improvement aimed at Men and Women equally while still respecting the biological and cultural differences that we all experience in this life.

They believe all women are Slu** and it's just your turn they also believe women cannot truly love a man as a whole therefore should not be trusted.
I also payed attention and noticed it's heavily dominated by black men and arabs.

This guy fully calls his mother a slu* Image calling your own mother a slu* lord have mercy

I've seen 2 or 3 somali men so far in these communities and it really makes me sad

When I tell you these men are incels

Here's a community ran by an arab (Sudanese) guy and a black guy

Forget the title if you click on the video they fully say there's no respectable girls all women have been ran through

And here's the kicker
The black guy

is a full blown divorced incel
View attachment 186651

who was married to an out of shape latin chick and you can tell that he hates women now
View attachment 186650

View attachment 186649

And here's the arab guy, 30 year old massive incel he admitted to a coach that recently exposed him that he doesn't get the girls he wants he pays for sex and that he bangs 4s at most :draketf:

He heavily puts down women who have some level of standards in his podcast, and tells them to sleep with men on the first date and if they argue he kicks them out.

He preaches the arab culture on his podcast how their women have no rights, no rights over their body's, life decision, the fact that they are not allowed to get money, the way they're owned and controlled.
Literally they weren't even allowed to drive cars until recently.
And that he's never gonna love a women in-fact he will marry 4 women because of islam and even do threesomes with them smh.:farmajoyaab:
I think you got it a bit mixed up.

The whole point of "Red Pill" is for men to improve themselves. Red Pill basically tells men to work on themselves physically, financially and spiritually before going out to get women. It tells men to put themselves and their goals/ambitions before any woman, which is a good thing.

However, their are a few toxic Youtubers who prey on some mens insecurities and tell them that women are shit, it's just "your turn" etc etc which is where issues can arise.

However, some of their tips are pretty good. Such as never give a woman too much of your attention, and don't try to be the "nice guy".

That's just my take on it tho
I think you got it a bit mixed up.

The whole point of "Red Pill" is for men to improve themselves. Red Pill basically tells men to work on themselves physically, financially and spiritually before going out to get women. It tells men to put themselves and their goals/ambitions before any woman, which is a good thing.

However, their are a few toxic Youtubers who prey on some mens insecurities and tell them that women are shit, it's just "your turn" etc etc which is where issues can arise.

However, some of their tips are pretty good. Such as never give a woman too much of your attention, and don't try to be the "nice guy".

That's just my take on it tho
Look just say your miserable misery needs company and go

majority of women are attracted to decent men that are alpha

that naturally get things done and have their goals set not some red pilled incel jacking off taking advices from communities full of people with a combined 1 brain cell

real men have their purpose and know how to handle their business ya dig?
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Dude what?
there's no benefit in marriage unless your religious?

you're probably one of the losers i ran into that was in those communities and you forgot to add to your response only get married if you want to have kids never love a woman kick her to the curb if she even looks at you in a different way should i continue...
Huh? Let's take religion out of the equation for a minute, marriage has no benefit to men at all. Explain to me, outside of religion, how does a man benefit from marriage? It's just an expensive ass wedding, an expensive ass ring and a piece of paper.
Look just say your miserable misery needs company and go

majority of women are attracted to decent men that are alpha not some red pilled incel jacking off ya dig?
What? I didn't say anything that was false.

Most women want someone who has status/wealthy, someone who's tall and physically built. Women will tolerate more bullshit from a man who has those things, over an average joe.
No good man worth marrying gets caught up in these red pill black pill talk. Only weird lonely incels talk identify with those ideologies. So it's better to ignore them :drakekidding:
No good man worth marrying gets caught up in these red pill black pill talk. Only weird lonely incels talk identify with those ideologies. So it's better to ignore them :drakekidding:
ye that's the whole point

if a man is doing well financially, physically and spiritually he would have no use of red pill

red pill just tells men to fix themselves and put their goals in front of chasing women (working out, raising your income levels, connecting with god etc).
It's the red pill community
A philosophy made up by half-brained pseudo-intellectuals with an anti-social personality disorder.

If you pay attention to the videos and comments on YouTube, Twitter, and other Social Media you will see it’s a collection of Men with Low Self-Esteem teaching other Men with Low-Self Esteem how to Pretend they have Self-Esteem and how to Manipulate Women with equally Low Self-Esteem.

This movement teaches Men to never settle and get married because every women is a slu* and it's just your turn and if you do settle never fall in love because if you love a women you're a simp. Instead of teaching men how to recognize and approach high-quality, self-accomplished, and high level Women, it demonizes such women and teaches you how to manipulate women who pretty much suffer self-esteem issues.

Now….why the analogy to INCEL?
Have you ever heard of “Ugly Duckling Syndrome”? It’s the unofficial label for someone who was unable to attract sexual or romantic partners in their youth who grows to become either very attractive or very able to attract the types of partners they always wanted…the downside is that the psychology of rejection, fear, and anger never really went away and this toxic pattern of thought leaks its way into the next chapter of this person’s life. So instead of simply enjoying their new found opportunity and exploring this new chapter in their life, this person will “punish” every women in their present day for the pain and rejection caused by the women in their past. The unresolved resentment will “cock-block” any happiness that can be obtained in these new relationships. Instead of savoring and experiencing the most fulfilling relationships possible, this person is going to manipulate a cycle of control and abuse in his relationships.

Why would any guy get lured into the Red Pill Philosophy? One word:

This community is dominated by men who resent Women. It’s really as simple as that.
There is no Straight Man with a Cultivated Mind, Strong Self-Esteem, and Confidence who needs to settle for manipulating Women with Poor Self-Esteem or Daddy Issues.

There are legitimate Men’s Rights Movements which tackle real issues such as Family Court Inequality, Child Support Abuse, etc. There are also legitimate sources of Self-Improvement aimed at Men and Women equally while still respecting the biological and cultural differences that we all experience in this life.

They believe all women are Slu** and it's just your turn they also believe women cannot truly love a man as a whole therefore should not be trusted.
I also payed attention and noticed it's heavily dominated by black men and arabs.

This guy fully calls his mother a slu* Image calling your own mother a slu* lord have mercy

I've seen 2 or 3 somali men so far in these communities and it really makes me sad

When I tell you these men are incels

Here's a community ran by an arab (Sudanese) guy and a black guy

Forget the title if you click on the video they fully say there's no respectable girls all women have been ran through

And here's the kicker
The black guy

is a full blown divorced incel
View attachment 186651

who was married to an out of shape latin chick and you can tell that he hates women now
View attachment 186650

View attachment 186649

And here's the arab guy, 30 year old massive incel he admitted to a coach that recently exposed him that he doesn't get the girls he wants he pays for sex and that he bangs 4s at most :draketf:

He heavily puts down women who have some level of standards in his podcast, and tells them to sleep with men on the first date and if they argue he kicks them out.

He preaches the arab culture on his podcast how their women have no rights, no rights over their body's, life decision, the fact that they are not allowed to get money, the way they're owned and controlled.
Literally they weren't even allowed to drive cars until recently.
And that he's never gonna love a women in-fact he will marry 4 women because of islam and even do threesomes with them smh.:farmajoyaab:
Muslims who follow this red pill thing are totally pathetic. Instead, they should spend time on learning about the life of the prophet SWS and his teachings. They want pious women like the wives of the prophet SWS, but all they do is degrade women and call them names online. Then they complain and wonder why good women are running away from them. Bad akhlaaq will get you nowhere.

