What do you guys think about women pursuing u for a relationship instead of the opposite way round

at some point during the relationship whether you started showing interest or not, there needs to be some reciprocation from the girls side if things are going good. A relationship is a two way street. That’s why playing hard to get and mind games can only go so far
Like I guess in the past it would be mostly men pursuing women, they would be the ones looking for the best women, and competing for them, trying to marry the best women etc etc..
Nowadays it seems quit different and women are pursuing men
If a women came up to you and started to talk to you or showing interest pursuing u, would u care or just accept
also do u prefer to make the first move to a girl or opposite way round
When the hunter becomes hunted.
So as I expected, most of you guys don’t feel comfortable with a girl pursuing and you want to be the chaser (this is natural). But where things become strange is that in this forum, you guys don’t want to pursue properly. You want to ask her out, but not pay or be gentlemanly. How does that work? You’re either modern and okay with women chasing you and going halves or you pursue and act like a man.
If the approach is soft and feminine I would be curious, but the ones that approach me are always aggressive, like their on the clock or something.

