What are your opinions on the Dutch diaspora?


Oh yeah!!!!

As a diaspora, we speak 3 different languages, sometimes even more!!!!!

English, Dutch & Somali. We also got to learn different languages at school:

- German,
- French
- Italian,
- Spanish,
- Greek/Latin,
- Mandarin.

I personally choose German & French in high school and although I wouldn’t consider myself to be fluent in both languages, I have a basic understanding off it and can actual hold conversation!


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I don't trust any of these Reer Viking users who claim to be on deen online, I just know they get up to some Scandi-lous behaviour irl
Was shook seeing how many half swedish roaming the earth. Just how many of them aabos were undercover dhil*s? 🧍‍♀️
Was shook seeing how many half swedish roaming the earth. Just how many of them aabos were undercover dhil*s? 🧍‍♀️
No shaming nayaaa


I heard you guys are more religious on average. That can’t be possible since netherlands is such a heathen country?
It’s 50/50.

You have those who are really religious and all that, and then you have those who aren’t that religious.

The key difference we have from other European countries is that you have girls here walking around without a hijab & guys who drink & smoke weed.
Wallahi were perfect!!!!! A lot off popular athletes are from here, the first group that immigrated here left for the UK, so you mostly just got the second wave refugees living here.

People here just mind their own business, we aren’t loonatic terrorists like reer UK, but we also aren’t known for gang violence and or criminality like reer Canada or Murica. You don’t got people eyeing you up and down and being in your business like that.

The Netherlands has a huuugeeee diaspora group from other countries though, so the whole thing with Somalis being hated in the UK was a problem here too, but we as a collective group stood by each other and didn’t let others demean us. So we also don’t have gender wars kr smt like that.
Y’all were hated in Netherlands too


Glad you like it lol

Alx that's great to hear!

Do other Muslim/African communities get blamed for crimes instead of Dutch-Somalis?

I heard, in Sweden because Somalis are the dominant black group there, they get all the blame for most saqajaan behaviour that goes on in the country. Is it similar to that for you guys?

Sounds a little bit like Australia in the sense that we are a younger diaspora (mid 90s to early 2000s was our peak in immigration) but it's different in that we have a tight-knit Somali community with youth events that go on regularly.

Inshallah, it gets better for you guys ♥️

Oh yeah they do get blamed!!! the Moroccans are notorious on the number 1 lost off getting blamed for every crime imaginable, before them it were the Caribbean’s (those from the ABC islands) & South Americans (Those from Suriname & Guyana). Somalis don’t really commit crimes here, we are also not really known for that. Most Dutch people dont know much about us, except for the fact that we are very loud people whenever we speak.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
It’s 50/50.

You have those who are really religious and all that, and then you have those who aren’t that religious.

The key difference we have from other European countries is that you have girls here walking around without a hijab & guys who drink & smoke weed.
Are you guys xasiid over in the netherlands or is it merely a uk phenomenon?


Oh yeah they do get blamed!!! the Moroccans are notorious on the number 1 lost off getting blamed for every crime imaginable, before them it were the Caribbean’s (those from the ABC islands) & South Americans (Those from Suriname & Guyana). Somalis don’t really commit crimes here, we are also not really known for that. Most Dutch people dont know much about us, except for the fact that we are very loud people whenever we speak.
And thank you! @DojaKhat ❤️ Inshallah it will get better for us


Isn't it boring in NL as a Somali? I moved away 18 years ago
It’s fun in the bigger cities like Rotterdam, Amsterdam & Eindhoven.

you gotta know certain people to really live a fun life.

but outside off that yeah, it’s okayish. Not dramatic like overseas.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
It’s fun in the bigger cities like Rotterdam, Amsterdam & Eindhoven.

you gotta know certain people to really live a fun life.

but outside off that yeah, it’s okayish. Not dramatic like overseas.
Are the guys leng?? :mjpls:

