What are you looking for in a partner?

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Samaroon (zero relation) for political and ideological reasons and for inheritance concerns. My womb must be kept in the tol.
Diaspora born
32-36 y/o (my age and older)
Similar level of religiousity
Advanced Degree
Well-spoken and avid reader
An unconventional/beautiful mind
A sharp nose, good jaw, caramel to reddish brown with curly to wavy hair.
Athletic prowess and health conscious
Never married
Stable two-parent family
Tight knit with parents and siblings
Emotionally balanced
Respects women
Good father potential
Appreciates my ingenuity
Growth mindset
Not clingy but not ambivalent
Conversationally dexterous
Has a life of his own, interests, hobbies
Believes in lifelong commitments
Likes to write (or some sort of creative outlet)
Hasn't fornicated/never dated ajnabis
No buuq/no drama
Exceptional banter (that's tame)
Self-awareness and judicious in using critical feedback that facilitate growth
Easy to talk to/confide in - trusthworthy
Generous spirit - loves all people but has a trusted few to call upon.
Zealous in his passions with an enthusiasm and charm that's contagious
A nouveau Somali - traditional in some respects but en vogue in others
Totally infatuated with me and forgets other women exist but not in that psychotic pillow smothering way or bromide in your coffee if a male compliments me, kinda way.

:mybusiness: Male me!
Girl.... Just say you want to remain single :gucciwhat:


The one and only 4head
-She has to be fun,
-She cannot be a hardcore feminist,
-She has to love her family,
-She has to be confident in herself,
-No too short, at least she has to be 1m66 or 1m70. Since i'm 1m81,
-She has to be an atheist,
-She has to be from the Horn of Africa but i can accept any woman that is attractive to me.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Masha Allah good for you

Thanks, my old world geeljire friend.

Good for you, too. All I ask is you try to take better care of yourself in the future. Excessive calool fat can be challenging to carry with weak knees and atrophied calves. It's also a precursor to heart disease.

Don't let this be your fate.
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Engineer of Qandala
Deen, a healthy love for the blessing us Somalis have been given:ahh:
No UK accents:shookgabre:
Fit, and health conscious, neither of us can get fat after marriage :browtf:
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