We have no claim to Ancient Egypt

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I see no difference between Ancient Egyptians and Mediterraneans.
The mummy portraits come from ROMAN Egypt, when significant amounts of Roman people settled in Egypt just like the Greeks did before them. The Egyptians, by the time these portraits where painted, had become a minority in their own land. Egypt was a prized land due to its fertility and wealth and so many of its invaders ended up settling there to exploit the land and make their own fortunes.

The claim that the copts are pure descendants of ancient Egyptians is utterly false and is used by the West to empower the Christian Copts to rise up against the Arab elite. Copts are just like Arab Egyptians, they are natives heavily mixed with foreigners. Just look at pictures of Copts. They still look like the Greeks they are.

The Ancient Egyptians themselves believed to come from Punt in Somalia. The paintings on the tombs from the Old, Middle and New Kingdom periods when the Egyptians were pure look very much like Somalis but with a lighter, more caramel complexion, which makes sense due to their closeness to the Mediterranean. They still have the straight nose, high cheekbones and slim figures that come naturally to Horners. Anyone who claims that the Egyptians were not related to Horners is just accepting the lies and claims of white anthropologists. Honestly, I expected better of you @SOMALI GENERAL.


Do these people look like Leventines to you?
The mummy portraits come from ROMAN Egypt, when significant amounts of Roman people settled in Egypt just like the Greeks did before them. The Egyptians, by the time these portraits where painted, had become a minority in their own land. Egypt was a prized land due to its fertility and wealth and so many of its invaders ended up settling there to exploit the land and make their own fortunes.

The claim that the copts are pure descendants of ancient Egyptians is utterly false and is used by the West to empower the Christian Copts to rise up against the Arab elite. Copts are just like Arab Egyptians, they are natives heavily mixed with foreigners. Just look at pictures of Copts. They still look like the Greeks they are.

The Ancient Egyptians themselves believed to come from Punt in Somalia. The paintings on the tombs from the Old, Middle and New Kingdom periods when the Egyptians were pure look very much like Somalis but with a lighter, more caramel complexion, which makes sense due to their closeness to the Mediterranean. They still have the straight nose, high cheekbones and slim figures that come naturally to Horners. Anyone who claims that the Egyptians were not related to Horners is just accepting the lies and claims of white anthropologists. Honestly, I expected better of you @SOMALI GENERAL.
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Do these people look like Leventines to you?


"For the first time, scientists have extracted full nuclear genome data from ancient Egyptian mummies. The results offer exciting insights into how different ancient civilizations intermingled and also establishes a breakthrough precedent in our ability to study ancient DNA.

The international team of scientists, led by researchers from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, sampled 151 mummified remains from a site called Abusir el-Meleq in Middle Egypt along the Nile River. The samples dated from 1400 BCE to 400 CE and were subjected to a new high-throughput DNA sequencing technique that allowed the team to successfully recover full genome-wide datasets from three individuals and mitochondria genomes from 90 individuals.

"We wanted to test if the conquest of Alexander the Great and other foreign powers has left a genetic imprint on the ancient Egyptian population," explains one of the lead authors of the study, Verena Schuenemann.

In 332 BCE, for example, Alexander the Great and his army tore through Egypt. Interestingly the team found no genetic trace of not only Alexander the Great's heritage, but of any foreign power that came through Egypt in the 1,300-year timespan studied.

"The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300 year timespan we studied," says Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max Planck Institute, "suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively unaffected by foreign conquest and rule."

They found that ancient Egyptians were closely related to Anatolian and Neolithic European populations, as well showing strong genetic traces from the Levant areas in the near east (Turkey, Lebanon).

This genetic ancestry stands apart from more modern Egyptians who share around 8 percent of their DNA with Sub-Saharan African populations. The data offers a fascinating insight into a prolonged period where ancient Egyptian ancestry did not mix with its southern African counterparts. It also suggests that this gene flow into modern Egyptian populations occurred relatively recently, within the past 1,500 years.

The study points out that the Trans-Saharan slave trade, which moved an estimated 7 million sub-Saharan slaves up to Northern Africa, over a thousand years up to the nineteenth century, most likely was how this genetic line influenced modern Egyptians.

Now that a robust and reliable way has been developed to study the DNA of ancient remains the researchers hope to broaden their analysis across a wider geographical variety of mummies. This will not only help paint a clearer portrait of Egypt's population history but give us a greater understanding of the genetic movements of ancient civilizations in the region.

The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.

Source: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History"
The mummy portraits come from ROMAN Egypt, when significant amounts of Roman people settled in Egypt just like the Greeks did before them. The Egyptians, by the time these portraits where painted, had become a minority in their own land. Egypt was a prized land due to its fertility and wealth and so many of its invaders ended up settling there to exploit the land and make their own fortunes.

The claim that the copts are pure descendants of ancient Egyptians is utterly false and is used by the West to empower the Christian Copts to rise up against the Arab elite. Copts are just like Arab Egyptians, they are natives heavily mixed with foreigners. Just look at pictures of Copts. They still look like the Greeks they are.

The Ancient Egyptians themselves believed to come from Punt in Somalia. The paintings on the tombs from the Old, Middle and New Kingdom periods when the Egyptians were pure look very much like Somalis but with a lighter, more caramel complexion, which makes sense due to their closeness to the Mediterranean. They still have the straight nose, high cheekbones and slim figures that come naturally to Horners. Anyone who claims that the Egyptians were not related to Horners is just accepting the lies and claims of white anthropologists. Honestly, I expected better of you @SOMALI GENERAL.
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Do these people look like Leventines to you?
The only substantial thing we have in common with the Ancient Egyptians is that we descend from a common Ancient Leventine/Eurasian population that entered North Africa thousands of years ago. However, Modern Somalis & other Modern Cushites carry significant Sub-saharan admixture, whereas Ancient Egyptians were pure Eurasians/Afro-asiatic people & Modern North Africans are no different since they're also largely of North African/Eurasian extraction:

Modern Egyptians, especially the Copts are the direct descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, the so-called "Arab" Egyptians who also for the most part identify as Muslim are not Arabs, they are ethnic Egyptians that have been culturally arabised for religious reasons etc. Plus, Copts are slightly closer to the Ancient Egyptians genetically because they lack any Sub-Saharan admixture, whereas their Muslim Egyptian brothers tend to carry small amounts of Sub-Saharan admixture, due to the Slave trade. Plus, the age old lie of Copts being mixed with Greeks & Romans is baseless & ridiculous, DNA testing has confirmed that Egyptians that lived in the Roman & Greek periods were no different to the Egyptians that lived before under Native rule. There was no large scale mixing or any large foreign settlements in Ancient Egypt when it was under the rule of Greeks, Romans & the Native Egyptians remained the super majority during those eras. Therefore, the Fayum portraits are an accurate depiction of native North African Egyptians & look nothing like Greeks & Romans who were White Europeans.

Somalis didn't even exist back when the ancient Egyptians were around, so the phenotype overlaps that we share with Ancient Egyptians doesn't even matter, since this is strictly about genetics. As for the pictures you have posted, they were purposefully darkened by Afrocentric lunatics. Somalis & other modern Cushites inherited their Caucasoid features from the Original Cushites(who looked like Ancient Egyptians & Amazigh people) that left the Caucasoid heartlands of North Africa & pushed southwards into the HOA/Sub-saharan Africa & eventually mixed with East Africans.

Watch this video, it will show you how Ancient Egyptians looked & dispel the Afrocentric lies you've been brainwashed with:
I saw a clip on youtube with Akala talking about the ancient Egyptians being black in the begining. He qouted the views of an Acient Greek traveller who clearly describes them as being black. The idea that ancient Egyptians could be black hasn't been plucked out of thin air. Also, when the world was starting to become fascinated with ancient Egyptian civilisation in the 1800s, the idea that black people could produce such a society wasn't something historians would ever admit, due to the fact that it threatened their narrative of African inferiority. The same thinking is still prevalent even on this forum. People will fight tooth and nail to peddle the myth of black people being unintelligent.

Also, its well known that by the time Cleopatra was queen, Ancient Egyptians were mixed. I've read an account on Cleopatra and she used to describe herself as being a decendent of Alexandra the great and of Macedonian Origin. This is a Historical fact.

I can't say for certain they were black, but nor can anyone say for certain they were not black. What is a fact is that towards the end of the ancient Egyptian reign, the kings and queens were heavily mixed due to foreign invasions and they themselves namely Cleopatra acknowledged their foreign blood.
I saw a clip on youtube with Akala talking about the ancient Egyptians being black in the begining. He qouted the views of an Acient Greek traveller who clearly describes them as being black. The idea that ancient Egyptians could be black hasn't been plucked out of thin air. Also, when the world was starting to become fascinated with ancient Egyptian civilisation in the 1800s, the idea that black people could produce such a society wasn't something historians would ever admit, due to the fact that it threatened their narrative of African inferiority. The same thinking is still prevalent even on this forum. People will fight tooth and nail to peddle the myth of black people being unintelligent.

Also, its well known that by the time Cleopatra was queen, Ancient Egyptians were mixed. I've read an account on Cleopatra and she used to describe herself as being a decendent of Alexandra the great and of Macedonian Origin. This is a Historical fact.

I can't say for certain they were black, but nor can anyone say for certain they were not black. What is a fact is that towards the end of the ancient Egyptian reign, the kings and queens were heavily mixed due to foreign invasions and they themselves namely Cleopatra acknowledged their foreign blood.


The last Cleopatra was pure, or nearly pure, Greek, and she was not a descendant of Alexander. She was one of the Ptolemies, who descended from Ptolemy Soter, one of Alexander's generals. The Ptolemies began full brother/sister marriages with Ptolemy II to preserve the newly pharaonic line, leaving the line fully Greek. Antiochus III was the Hellenistic Greek king of Syria (successor to Alexander in Asia), and his daughter, Cleopatra I, was the only exception. Only Ptolemy XV, son of Julius Caesar, and the children of Marcus Antonius, are known to have been mixed, and that, not with Egyptians..



Another article confirming that early Egyptian genetics were not sub-Saharan:


Given the "Black Egypt" movement out there, I am not sure an unlinked youtube clip is such a great source.


I saw a clip on youtube with Akala talking about the ancient Egyptians being black in the begining. He qouted the views of an Acient Greek traveller who clearly describes them as being black. The idea that ancient Egyptians could be black hasn't been plucked out of thin air. Also, when the world was starting to become fascinated with ancient Egyptian civilisation in the 1800s, the idea that black people could produce such a society wasn't something historians would ever admit, due to the fact that it threatened their narrative of African inferiority. The same thinking is still prevalent even on this forum. People will fight tooth and nail to peddle the myth of black people being unintelligent.

Also, its well known that by the time Cleopatra was queen, Ancient Egyptians were mixed. I've read an account on Cleopatra and she used to describe herself as being a decendent of Alexandra the great and of Macedonian Origin. This is a Historical fact.

I can't say for certain they were black, but nor can anyone say for certain they were not black. What is a fact is that towards the end of the ancient Egyptian reign, the kings and queens were heavily mixed due to foreign invasions and they themselves namely Cleopatra acknowledged their foreign blood.

Akala is a delusional SJW stepping into a field he knows nothing about. He gets his ideas from Afrocentric Black Americans.

They are the same tired old lies about Ancient Egyptians popularized by African Americans.
Akala is a delusional SJW stepping into a field he knows nothing about. He gets his ideas from Afrocentric Black Americans.

They are the same tired old lies about Ancient Egyptians popularized by African Americans.

He qouted Herodotus. I did a bit of research after watching that clip. It is a fact that Herodotus did indeed describe the ancient Egyptians as black. Whether Herodotus was telling the truth is another matter. The idea that they were black really isn't a new concept.

The last Cleopatra was pure, or nearly pure, Greek, and she was not a descendant of Alexander. She was one of the Ptolemies, who descended from Ptolemy Soter, one of Alexander's generals. The Ptolemies began full brother/sister marriages with Ptolemy II to preserve the newly pharaonic line, leaving the line fully Greek. Antiochus III was the Hellenistic Greek king of Syria (successor to Alexander in Asia), and his daughter, Cleopatra I, was the only exception. Only Ptolemy XV, son of Julius Caesar, and the children of Marcus Antonius, are known to have been mixed, and that, not with Egyptians..



Another article confirming that early Egyptian genetics were not sub-Saharan:


Given the "Black Egypt" movement out there, I am not sure an unlinked youtube clip is such a great source.

I don't class Akala as proof. I merely researched his proof and evidence and Herodotus a famous ancient Greek historian believed the Egyptians to be black.

Either way, towards the end of the Ancient Egyptian reign they were no longer ethnic Egyptians.
I don't class Akala as proof. I merely researched his proof and evidence and Herodotus a famous ancient Greek historian believed the Egyptians to be black.

Either way, towards the end of the Ancient Egyptian reign they were no longer ethnic Egyptians.

According to genetics, the Copts are still ethnic Egyptians.

According to Herodotus:


"HERODOTUS ON AFRICA OUTSIDE OF EGYPT Herodotus provided such detail on the people of Africa that it is clear Egyptians of 450BC had extensive contact and knowledge of Africa as far as the western coast According to Herodotus, the population contained two indigenous races (Libyans and Ethiopians) and two immigrant races (Greeks and Phoenicians)."



"Ethiopians" were east of the Nile and Libyans west. The Libyans contributed to several Egyptian dynasties and were the earliest rulers of the Delta. According to this article and some Egyptian paintings, some Libyans were blond with blue eyes.

"To be fairer to the truth, from the extant preserved material one can safely ascertain the Pharaohs to have been the invaders of the region, who, as told by their own history, forcibly unified Libyan Lower Egypt and Nubian Upper Egypt into what is known as Egypt: the House of [Libyan] Ptah. This was the subject of several studies including the one presented at The Symposium On "Libya Antiqua" , held in Paris between the 16th and the 18th of January 1984, and titled: The Tehenu In The Egyptian Records. The paper, written by A.H.S. El-Mosallamy and prepared at the request of the Unesco, told us nothing we do not already know, but nonetheless it was a recent summary of the basic facts put forward in the last century by Petrie, Breasted, Bates, Galassi, Maspero, Borchardt and many others whom history had practically forgotten, and was largely drawn from the ancient records preserved by Eratosthenes, Manetho, Plutarch, Plato, Herodotus, Diodorus and the ancient Egyptian records, as those of the pyramid papyri of Berber Unas (the god who swallowed all the gods).

The pre-dynastic existence of the Temehu and the Tehenu is ascertained from several facts, the most important of which is the Palermo Stone, the oldest document in the world, which preserves a long list of pre-Dynastic Libyan kings & queens of Lower Egypt before its invasion by the Pharaohs. The Delta city of Sais was the centre of the worship of the Libyan Goddess Neith, and most scholars generally agree that the inhabitants of Sais were mostly of Libyan Berber origin. Other Libyan Delta cults included those of the Libyan Cat-Goddess Bast at Bubastis, and Osiris & Isis at Buziris, who went on to dominate the Egyptian and Roman pantheons, and even survive to the present day in Europe as the secret cults of Isis & Osiris. It is therefore generally concluded that the Berber Tehenu tribes were the natives of the Egyptian Delta long before the menace of Menes, who forcibly unified Egypt and invaded the Tehenu territories in the north and that of the Temehu and Nubian's in the south about 3100 BC (or 3400 BC according to other sources)."
DNA is a major factor to determine racial classification but it comes second to physical evidence such as crania.

Studies have shown that the closest human population to the both pre dynastic Egyptian and dynastic Egyptians were closely related and resembled people from the Horn of Africa.

There was recent and extensive study done by C. Loring Brace, Seguchi and Qifeng in which they state clearly:

"Here we offer a comparable treatment of samples of recent and prehistoric human populations running from the Middle East to the western edge of the Eurasian continent, north to Crimea, east to Mongolia, and southward through Nubia and Somalia plus samples from North Africa and representatives of the Niger-Congo-speaking peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa (Table 1). Teeth and the tooth-bearing parts of facial skeletons of course do reflect differences in response to the forces of selection on different populations (23), but they were left out of our analysis."

Table 1:

As shown in Fig. 1, the Somalis and the Egyptian Bronze Age sample from Naqada may also have a hint of a Sub-Saharan African component. That was not borne out in the canonical variate plot (Fig. 2), and there was no evidence of such an involvement in the Algerian Neolithic (Gambetta) sample."

Point continued in which Bronze age Egyptian, Nubian, Somali and ancient Israeli farmers were given their own unique category:

"Next the Portuguese Mesolithic, Greek Neolithic, Italy Eneolithic, and Swiss Neolithic samples and the Italian and Greek Bronze Age samples were combined to make a “Prehistoric Mediterranean” twig. Then Naqada Bronze Age Egyptian, the Nubian, Nubia Bronze Age, Israeli Fellaheen (Arabic farmers), and Somali samples were lumped as “Prehistoric/Recent Northeast Africa..."

Congo Niger speaking populations do NOT cluster with Egyptian/Somali/Israeli farmers as mentioned here, but cluster a bit more closer to the Nilo Saharan Nubian population:

"The Niger-Congo speakers (Congo, Dahomey, and Haya) cluster closely with each other and a bit less closely with the Nubian sample (both the recent and the Bronze Age Nubians) and more remotely with the Naqada Bronze Age sample of Egypt, the modern Somalis, and the Arabic-speaking Fellaheen (farmers) of Israel."

Anyone who wants to read the report can find it here:

Interesting how many people turn a blind eye to the fact that the cradle of ancient Egyptian civilisation was Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) which literally had no physical border with Nubia/Cush.

Which is why studies show clearly that the earliest Egyptians clustered together with Cushitic Kerma:

"The Predynastic populations studied here, from Naqada and Badari, are both Upper Egyptian samples, while the Dynastic Egyptian sample (Tarkhan) is from Lower Egypt. The Dynastic Nubian sample is from Upper Nubia (Kerma). Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic Egyptians to be more similar to other African groups than to Mediterranean or European populations (Keita, 1990; Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental variation among Predynastic and Dynastic populations studied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). This suggests that, at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migration or replacement events occurred during this time.

Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean populations
(Zakrzewski, 2002). A craniometric study found the Naqada and Kerma populations to be morphologically similar (Keita, 1990). Given these and other prior studies suggesting continuity (Berry et al., 1967; Berry and Berry, 1972), and the lack of archaeological evidence of major migration or population replacement during the Neolithic transition in the Nile valley, we may cautiously interpret the dental health changes over time as primarily due to ecological, subsistence, and demographic changes experienced throughout the Nile valley region."


Starling, JT Stock. (2007). Dental Indicators of Health and Stress in Early Egyptian and Nubian Agriculturalists: A Difficult Transition and Gradual Recovery. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 134:520–528[/QUOTE]
I can feel the dilemma in this thread. Somalis wallahi :siilaanyolaugh:

Claiming a migration from the levant into the Horn through Yemen. Is this to prove the Cauca...origin
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But when it comes to the Nile valley discussions you guys claim movement from there moving southwards into the Horn to claim...

So,sth like
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? I keep finding more distinct people in this group too

The agenda is very cringe. The claim to be Caucasian and cluster with whites is clear for everyone to see.

What these guys will never tell you is that any admixture amongst Somalis is pre-agricultural.

"The Ethio-Somali ancestry is found in all admixed HOA ethnic groups, shows little inter-individual variance within these ethnic groups, is estimated to have diverged from all other non-African ancestries by at least 23 ka, and does not carry the unique Arabian lactase persistence allele that arose about 4 ka. Taking into account published mitochondrial, Y chromosome, paleoclimate, and archaeological data, we find that the time of the Ethio-Somali back-to-Africa migration is most likely pre-agricultural."

"In this work, we find that the genetic composition of non-African ancestry in the HOA is distinct from the genetic composition of current populations in North Africa and the Middle East. With these data, we demonstrate that most non-African ancestry in the HOA cannot be the result of admixture within the last few thousand years, and that the majority of admixture probably occurred prior to the advent of agriculture."

Just as a side point... Scholars are debaing whether or not this ancient admixture had any effect in changing the physical composition of ancient humans who left the Horn. In other words.... Many scholars don't even believe this 'admixture' had any significant impact on their return to Africa. A point that I will be making in some threads.

Those two races couldn't produce a 'Somali'.

Which is why this whole Nilotic mixing with Levantines is so ridiculous. If such a thing happened, the product would probably resemble this...


Also, the Somali look is homogeneous. Any homogenous population couldn't get their looks simply through admixture alone. Which is why Brazilians look different from eachother, since they are heavily admixed. Any Somali admixture happened through a combined process of evolution (mainly/primary) and admixture (slightly/secondary).

Second point:
According to many anthropologists, Nilotes and Cushites existed as long as eachother... Some scholars even point to a minority community of the Cushitic Beja (who have no Nilotic admixture) who possess Y-DNA Haplogroup A as evidence of the aforementioned position. So to say that Cushites are descendants of Nilotes is factually incorrect.
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Omg are people still arguing about this shit?

Somalis are NOT related to Nilotes or North Africans. We are our own pure group in Africa and the Ancient Egyptians are our descendants. Their's even some cadaan here trying to tell us African history like his people don't have agendas.
Why would arabs come to our black Somali ancestors to claim their ancestry and gods? Arabs are notorious for hating black people. They would never have claimed us if they were truly the ancient Egyptians at the time. Think for a second about that.
Did the Ancient Egyptians go to Libya, or Morocco, or the Arabian Peninsula to claim them? No, they came to the Horn of Africa. This is how the Ancient Egyptians drew our ancestors that they claimed:


Can someone at least explain to me why the Egyptians themselves said they originated from Somalia? Just tell me that.
Omg are people still arguing about this shit?

Somalis are NOT related to Nilotes or North Africans. We are our own pure group in Africa and the Ancient Egyptians are our descendants. Their's even some cadaan here trying to tell us African history like his people don't have agendas.
Why would arabs come to our black Somali ancestors to claim their ancestry and gods? Arabs are notorious for hating black people. They would never have claimed us if they were truly the ancient Egyptians at the time. Think for a second about that.


I've disproved the white washed lies. Their evidences are what we call selective academia. They quote anything that fits a certain agenda whilst the rest just take it up.

Refer back to my recent posts.

I've disproved the white washed lies. Their evidences are what we call selective academia. They quote anything that fits a certain agenda whilst the rest just take it up.

Refer back to my recent posts.
Thank you walaal. I read your posts and it's eye opening. None of them have debated why the Ancient Egyptians claimed Somalia as their homeland. It wouldn't make sense for brown Arabs with the most superior civilization ever to claim some black Horn Africans that they supposedly had no relation with. But these self-haters and this random cadaan will never address this, nor the other points I made.
Also Moses (AS) was black. So why is it so hard to believe the Ancient Egyptians, who raised and adopted him, were too?
Plus I have joked around saying that Somalis are mixed, but I truly don't believe that we are. How come we're the mixed ones in Africa, yet Bantus and Berbers are "pure" Africans? It's just a bunch of bullshit to me. Whites, Arabs, and Bantus all want to label the unique history and phenotype of us Cushitic people. They've always done that for years claiming that we're a mixed people, but not them. They get to be pure for some reason but not us.
Thank you walaal. I read your posts and it's eye opening. None of them have debated why the Ancient Egyptians claimed Somalia as their homeland. It wouldn't make sense for brown Arabs with the most superior civilization ever to claim some black Horn Africans that they supposedly had no relation with. But these self-haters and this random cadaan will never address this, nor the other points I made.
Also Moses (AS) was black. So why is it so hard to believe the Ancient Egyptians, who raised and adopted him, were too?
Plus I have joked around saying that Somalis are mixed, but I truly don't believe that we are. How come we're the mixed ones in Africa, yet Bantus and Berbers are "pure" Africans? It's just a bunch of bullshit to me. Whites, Arabs, and Bantus all want to label the unique history and phenotype of us Cushitic people. They've always done that for years claiming that we're a mixed people, but not them. They get to be pure for some reason.


The 1st ancient Egyptian dynasty was from Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) which borders Cush. They are the closest population to the Cushitic Kermans. Menes was the one who United both Upper and Lower Egypt.

Inter family marriage between Kerma and Egypt existed for a long time up until the Middle Kingdom.

Lady Senuwwy for example, was married to an ancient Egyptian governor. This statue is from Kerma, Sudan:


Also, Jebel Barkal is the holiest site of the ancient Egyptian religion and it's in Kerma, Cush. It is the place where the amciean Egyptians believed the god Amun emanated from.

P.S @CaliSomali I'm new so I can't like your posts yet. But I like all of them :)


Those two races couldn't produce a 'Somali'.

Which is why this whole Nilotic mixing with Levantines is so ridiculous. If such a thing happened, the product would probably resemble this...

Also, the Somali look is homogeneous. Any homogenous population couldn't get their looks simply through admixture alone. Which is why Brazilians look different from eachother, since they are heavily admixed. Any Somali admixture happened through a combined process of evolution (mainly/primary) and admixture (slightly/secondary).

Second point:
According to many anthropologists, Nilotes and Cushites existed as long as eachother... Some scholars even point to a minority community of the Cushitic Beja (who have no Nilotic admixture) who possess Y-DNA Haplogroup A as evidence of the aforementioned position. So to say that Cushites are descendants of Nilotes is factually incorrect.


As I have said many times before, not Modern Nilotes but ANCIENT ones.. They are not the same.

Modern Nilotes are mixed with West-Central Africans, many studies have shown this, while the Ancient ones were not. Explaining the difference in looks between Somalis and today's Nilotes.

PS. Haplogroup A exists all over the Cushitic world. Especially in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Oromos have it, Afars do as well. Only in Somalis was it LOST due to a paternal founder-effect (wiki that term) but still exists as a minority lineage. I have spotted ethnic Somalis scoring high Somali on 23andMe but still have with haplogroup A. Although they are not common. @Nilotufian @Pastoralite
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