waves of somalis moving from Europe to canada/ America


Oh, that's good in my case. I have a thing for men with British or any European accent
Valentines Day Love GIF by foodieg
SORRY! IT'S AN AMERICAN THING! If my American and female sspoters know what I mean. If someone with an accent other than a bland/boring American one, immediately I'm attracted to them. It's just so s$ggsy!!!
joan jett want GIF
i don't see the appeal of british accent. its ugly to me especially the black british slang :holeup::holeup::deadosama:


Elementary/middle/high school memories of the Pledge of Allegiance. You put your right hand on your heart, face the flag, and say

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One Nation, under God
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all

I still remember it, 5 years later. I didn't really do the Pledge in junior and senior year
I never did that shit. I used to just stand still and whenever my elementary school teacher came up, I would say "that's against my religion" :dead::dead:


Those lads are from Birmingham which is a known shithole. I heard two scousers flirting with each other and it sounded like animals mating calls :damn:
But at least they still talk better than those frenchie scum south of the sea who speak like their tongues are glued to the top of their mouths.

@Erythrean you have been exposed. Stay in your shithole. Don't even think about coming to London, we have enough of your kind (bootlickers) here.
animal mating call :mjlol: :russ: :deadpeter: :deadpeter:


Funny story

When I visited my cousins in England, they got their house robbed when no one was there and we came back to it and called the cops

Took the cops, no joke, 1 hour for them to come. Cops didn't even have guns on them :dead:
Canada is like the best parts of England and USA combined

No school shootings and stabbings as well :banderas:
We have 4 cities that are habitable - 2 of them cost and arm and a leg to live in ( toronto and vancouver), montreal - I can't stand that bird ass language they force everybody to use. the others are simply not fit for my psychosocial wellbeing.
America it is.


A blessed human
How to spot a racist American

v Red or v pale face
trucker sunglasses
has a musty wifebeater on
smells like shit
baggy ass jeans


We have 4 cities that are habitable - 2 of them cost and arm and a leg to live in ( toronto and vancouver), montreal - I can't stand that bird ass language they force everybody to use. the others are simply not fit for my psychosocial wellbeing.
America it is.
Funny story

When I visited my cousins in England, they got their house robbed when no one was there and we came back to it and called the cops

Took the cops, no joke, 1 hour for them to come. Cops didn't even have guns on them :dead:
I went to London and I was amused by their police.
I've never seen a police force so unintimidating. I felt like I could take them.
They wear wearing cute round hats and visibility jackets driving their little Mr. Bean cars. :mjlaugh:
I like to assume they have a more serious police force hiding in the shadows, away from the public ... cause ain't no way they are controlling crime with those middle aged British men(and women) playing dress up.


I went to London and I was amused by their police.
I've never seen a police force so unintimidating. I felt like I could take them.
They wear wearing cute round hats and visibility jackets driving their little Mr. Bean cars. :mjlaugh:
I like to assume they have a more serious police force hiding in the shadows, away from the public ... cause ain't no way they are controlling crime with those middle aged British men(and women) playing dress up.
Michael Jordan Lol GIF

I swear I felt the same way. The lady cop that came was like 5'2 130lbs soaking wet.

No joke, I swear I could takeover England in 30 days by myself


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