Was Hetshepsut really Horner?


Copts use the Ancient Egyptian language to recite their bible. I am not making this up, look it up.

They are not using Greek nor Arabic.

I wish Copts would speak to each other in Ancient Egyptian, that would have stopped this ''Who are the Ancient Egyptians????'' stuff forever.

That's because they're not, bro.
When I was there, the tour guide knew we were Somali so she placed extra emphasis on Hashepsuts temple.

She said that the temple, which fucking massive btw, is dedicated to her expeditions to Punt, which our guide said was Somalia.
The origin of punt is still debated by archeologists. Some say it was North east Eritrea, Ethopia, Sudan, South East Egypt, Somalia, Djibouti some put it somewhere in the middle East. It is still contested. And how is punt from Somalia when Af Somali don't have the letter P. Just asking.
I agree on most of what you say but i draw the “line” at punt did not include Somalia” animals migrate and can be traded. The thing is that the myrrh and frankincense are still sold from the same place. Which is in Somalia. We still supply the Vatican. Our unsi is just next level which safeguarded our shared horn kingdom from any mischievous people.
Ethiopian also sell it
I heard that her grandmother was from Punt or something along those lines.
It wasn’t her grandmother it was Hathor a ancient Egyptian goddess. Hathor was said to come from punt and if you look closely at her clothing it looks identical to the mordern Somali women clothing.
Lol leave other people's history alone 👍 we don’t have anything to do with egypt past or present.
Go look up history before you speak on stuff you don’t know nothing about. It’s known Somalia aka the land of punt was sacred and extremely connected to ancient Egypt
1. Its also "literally" in Africa, 99% of it. Imagine trying to connect a civilisation to a whole other continent just because of a tiny strip of land connecting them. Clown world :snoop:

2. Why did they depict themselves (early kingdom) as dark brown, with curly hair, very distinct looking from Asiatics (Levantines?) why did they go so far to distinguish themselves if they were indeed "the same people?" You cant tell me with a straight face that Copts look anything like the indicated Egyptian below (far right). He looks like a typical North East African man. Also, they depicted Puntites as looking very similar to them. Why not the same for their so called Levantine kin?
View attachment 215141

3. Studies also show that Kerma population (Cushitic) was closest to early dynastic Egypt. Why cherry pick and ignore these findings?
Thread here: https://www.somalispot.com/threads/...sest-related-peoples-to-early-dynastic.49397/

4. Show me ONE pyramid or cultural practice/clothing that resembles Ancient Egypt in the Levant/Mid East. Go on!

5. Its pretty well known Egypt went through several massive invasions over the 5000 years it ran for. Demographic change/ mass mixing was just inevitable

6. Several historical figures (eg. Herodotus) described them as dark skinned with wooly hair

7. THEY NEVER, EVER TESTED OLD EGYPTIANS! They made sure only to select new kingdom mummies, which could have easily been foreigners! They also never tested Early pharaohs, only ones that came to power after Assyrian invasions/takeovers! Obvious bias!

8. First kingdom Pharoah was from N.Sudan. Home of Cushitic peoples.

Lets just agree to disagree. I can believe what I want, and so can you. Stop shaming others who don't buy the mainstream narrative :mjdontkno:
Nin raag I absolutely agree with you don’t leave your ways because these idiots have no dhiig and don’t take pride in they’re history
You realise us mordern Somalis get our language and
It might sound like a silly question, but where the people in Somalia at the time similar to modern day Somalis? Would they even be recognizable to us now like phenotype and language?
Do you realise us mordern day Somalis get our language and features from proto somalis😭
Archeological research in Somalia is very poor.

Kenya has done more studies on the ancient people living in Kenya thousands of years ago. From about 4,000 years ago there are people who appear to be Cushitic or like today's Somalis already living there.
Around that time bantus didn’t even live in east africa all of east Africa stretching all the way to South Africa was inhabited by cushites
The origin of punt is still debated by archeologists. Some say it was North east Eritrea, Ethopia, Sudan, South East Egypt, Somalia, Djibouti some put it somewhere in the middle East. It is still contested. And how is punt from Somalia when Af Somali don't have the letter P. Just asking.
Greeks broke down the hieroglyphs that’s why. Both Somali and ancient Egyptian are in the same language group afro asiatiC then they both fall under the Hamitic branch so they basically cousins. The native word for somalia back then was buun which meant the horn. Today buun is the instrument horn which really surprised me


Go look up history before you speak on stuff you don’t know nothing about. It’s known Somalia aka the land of punt was sacred and extremely connected to ancient Egypt
So you’re telling me all of modern Somalia was Puntite… what proof is there to back your claims? Surely they would’ve left something behind. It’s still quite disputed where the actual kingdom was located but saying it’s known that we are descendants of them is hotep-ish. Also we’re not “extremely connected” to Egyptians. Stop the shoelicking
Nobody knows what the earliest Egyptians were like, but the academic community has a 100% consensus that Coptic Egyptians are the closest people to the Egyptians living in Egypt in the centuries before Islam (so around the time of the Roman Empire).
Earliest Egyptians are probably most similar to Horners.
Pastoral Neolithic DNA gives us an idea on what they looked like.
So you’re telling me all of modern Somalia was Puntite… what proof is there to back your claims? Surely they would’ve left something behind. It’s still quite disputed where the actual kingdom was located but saying it’s known that we are descendants of them is hotep-ish. Also we’re not “extremely connected” to Egyptians. Stop the shoelicking
Based on a mummified baboon, scientists said Somalia was a part of Punt, I think the northern and eastern region.


Earliest Egyptians are probably most similar to Horners.
Pastoral Neolithic DNA gives us an idea on what they looked like.

I don't think so, but time will tell.

I think the earliest ones will be similar to Natufians.

Another point is that those findings hes posting is a tiny sample collected from the North and they aren’t even that old. Little study has been done on the South and much older Kingdoms. @Apollo the equivalent of what you’re doing is similar to Hoteps picking 500 year old Bantu DNA in Israel to argue Israelites were Bantu. You know damn well there’s insufficient DNA evidence of Older Kingdoms. You are using little data to make grand conclusions like a Hotep.

They already have discovered and genotyped Ancient Egyptian mercenaries who were sent to various places in Europe and then died there. There bones were recently genotyped, all of them similar to modern-day Copts.

Ancient Egyptians being similar to Horners is all hopium, no real evidence so far. It is kind of insane at this point to even believe that.

An Ancient Nubian mercenary who died in the Balkans was also genotyped and he was similar to modern-day Nubians. How come this is not controversial, but modern-day Copt-like Ancient Egyptians triggers people so much?
I don't think so, but time will tell.

I think the earliest ones will be similar to Natufians and have less Iranian Neolithic.
Pastoral Neolithic remains could be modelled as Natufian(most of it is pre-Neolithic) + Taforalt with a bit of Neolithic Iranian and Anatolian which would have come from the Neolithic Farmers around 6000BC. The Iranian/Anatolian generally made up a pretty small amount of their ancestry so we can say Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia may not have been strongly affected by Neolithic Farmers relative to Northern Egyptians yet, but from the early Dynastic onwards southern skulls start to become more similar to northern skulls, so northern Egyptians kept settling in the south. Some northern Egyptians samples from the 9th dynasty cluster with late period northerners who we know are very genetically similar to Copts, so I wouldn't be suprised if a Copt-like profile existed as far back as the Old/Middle Kingdom but it would have been restricted to the North and over time it kept spreading to the South.

Early Southern Egyptians craniofacially cluster extremely close to Afroasiatic speaking Horners, Modern Egyptians don't came anywhere near as close compared to a Somali, or a Tigre sample, other groups like the Beja have been noted to be extremely close to predynastic upper Egyptians aswell. I don't expect predynastic southern Egyptians to be 40-50% SSA like many Horners but our Eurasian related components will be extremely similar IMO, most of it will be Mesolithic rather than Neolithic Farmer. I expect an early southern Egyptian to show a lot of continuity from mesolithic/paleolithic egypt, so they should be largely Natufian + Taforalt related with small amounts of Neolithic farmer ancestry via the Levant, this is exactly what Horners are due to literally being of neolithic Egyptian/Sudanese descent so we've retained that specific regional profile best.


@tariq moses

Cranial studies are not reliable. Northern Somalis have very ''Caucasoid'' skulls, even more than Habeshas and Nubians often, yet are more African than both modern day Nubians and Habeshas when it comes to autosomal genetics.


@tariq moses

Cranial studies are not reliable. Northern Somalis have very ''Caucasoid'' skulls, even more than Habeshas and Nubians often, yet are more African than both modern day Nubians and Habeshas.
Tbh you shouldn’t waste your time it’s hotep believe which is sad. We have our own history but people want to really be associated with ancient Egypt in any way possible
The origin of punt is still debated by archeologists. Some say it was North east Eritrea, Ethopia, Sudan, South East Egypt, Somalia, Djibouti some put it somewhere in the middle East. It is still contested. And how is punt from Somalia when Af Somali don't have the letter P. Just asking.
It was called “Bunt”. Europeans called it Punt instead because they can’t really pronounce
Tbh you shouldn’t waste your time it’s hotep believe which is sad. We have our own history but people want to really be associated with ancient Egypt in any way possible
No, we’re just tired of the anti-African bias many “Egyptologists” (mostly xaasid old white men) seem to have. AEs knew who they were, left countless images of themselves on the walls, and idiots find crazy ways to try associating them with people they depicted as very different from them and fought with many times.

