Was Hetshepsut really Horner?

Genotyped bones from Kenya of 3,000 years ago and Somalis today are almost the same people.

I get the feeling that zoomers living in the diverse West think that multiracialism was normal in ancient history. It was not, people usually were the same race in a geographic location.

Only with the Mongol/Turkic invasions later on in history, the Arab slave trade, and the European Age of Exploration (after the Renaissance) did multiracialism become normal.
Nah, Copts look like the Asiatics early kingdom Egyptians depicted themselves as very distinct from.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Ancient Egyptians and modern-day Coptic Egyptians are the same ethnicity.


She’s a foreign queen and was from ancient land of punt. Like Cleopatra who was from Greece/Macedonia. Also not all ancient Egyptians were these copts. They had a mixture of races.


Nah, Copts look like the Asiatics early kingdom Egyptians depicted themselves as very distinct from.

She’s a foreign queen and was from ancient land of punt. Like Cleopatra who was from Greece/Macedonia. Also not all ancient Egyptians were these copts. They had a mixture of races.

This topic is boring and already settled. Modern day Copts are the closest people to the Ancient Egyptians who preceded the Arab invasion:

PS. @Qeelbax Hatshepsut was not from the land of Punt. She was an Egyptian queen who established trade relations with the Land of Punt. She did not actually come from there.

People romanticize Ancient Egyptians way too much. They were just like today's Egyptians just with a different culture, not a totally different race of people.

Science doesn't care about your feelings. Not a single Horner population clusters anywhere near the Ancient Egyptians. Only people close to them are modern-day Copts.

Zoom into the chart and enjoy reality. :mybusiness:
I normally believe and respect scientific findings, but not when it comes to to topics like African history/peoples. A few decades ago, these same scientists you're bootyclapping for tried to tell the world that people like you were the intermediate between monkeys and humans z3zrULC

Would you have been like "EnJoY ReAliTy" then? :icon lol:


Support interracial love 💕
Can we all accept that our ancestors were camel herders and they were looking for water for their xoolo?

We had no part in ancient Egypt


I normally believe and respect scientific findings, but not when it comes to to topics like African history/peoples. A few decades ago, these same scientists you're bootyclapping for tried to tell the world that people like you were the intermediate between monkeys and humans z3zrULC

Would you have been like "EnJoY ReAliTy" then? :icon lol:

Genetic code has zero bias. It is a string of A, C, G, and T.

They drill a small hole into a bone of an Ancient Egyptian, then put the bone dust into a genome sequencer, and the result is what you get.

If these scientists were racist/biased and wanted to hide stuff, they would not have claimed that Eurasians are all 3-4% Neanderthal (an Ape-like species). Nor would they support the Out-of-Africa theory which claims all humans came out of Africa ~80,000 years ago.

Lastly, Egypt is literally next to the Levant and the first farmers in all of human history came from the Levant. It is not surprising whatsoever to anybody who studied ancient history that Ancient Egyptians are in fact closer to Levantines than to Sub-Saharan Africans.
Genetic code has zero bias. It is a string of A, C, G, and T.

They drill a small hole into a bone of an Ancient Egyptian, then put the bone dust into a genome sequencer, and the result is what you get.

If these scientists were racist/biased and wanted to hide stuff, they would not have claimed that Eurasians are all 3-4% Neanderthal (an Ape-like species). Nor would they support the Out-of-Africa theory which claims all humans came out of Africa ~80,000 years ago.

Lastly, Egypt is literally next to the Levant and the first farmers in all of human history came from the Levant. It is not surprising whatsoever to anybody who studied ancient history that Ancient Egyptians are in fact closer to Levantines than to Sub-Saharan Africans.
1. Its also "literally" in Africa, 99% of it. Imagine trying to connect a civilisation to a whole other continent just because of a tiny strip of land connecting them. Clown world :snoop:

2. Why did they depict themselves (early kingdom) as dark brown, with curly hair, very distinct looking from Asiatics (Levantines?) why did they go so far to distinguish themselves if they were indeed "the same people?" You cant tell me with a straight face that Copts look anything like the indicated Egyptian below (far right). He looks like a typical North East African man. Also, they depicted Puntites as looking very similar to them. Why not the same for their so called Levantine kin?

3. Studies also show that Kerma population (Cushitic) was closest to early dynastic Egypt. Why cherry pick and ignore these findings?
Thread here: https://www.somalispot.com/threads/...sest-related-peoples-to-early-dynastic.49397/

4. Show me ONE pyramid or cultural practice/clothing that resembles Ancient Egypt in the Levant/Mid East. Go on!

5. Its pretty well known Egypt went through several massive invasions over the 5000 years it ran for. Demographic change/ mass mixing was just inevitable

6. Several historical figures (eg. Herodotus) described them as dark skinned with wooly hair

7. THEY NEVER, EVER TESTED OLD EGYPTIANS! They made sure only to select new kingdom mummies, which could have easily been foreigners! They also never tested Early pharaohs, only ones that came to power after Assyrian invasions/takeovers! Obvious bias!

8. First kingdom Pharoah was from N.Sudan. Home of Cushitic peoples.

Lets just agree to disagree. I can believe what I want, and so can you. Stop shaming others who don't buy the mainstream narrative :mjdontkno:
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Geez we don’t have to claim this because we aren’t even related to those people.

our ancestors were living in nature and were worshipping whatever and had no care in the world, we should just accept that and move on


Ancient Egypt lasted thousands of years. So much demographic change has happened between the Old , Middle and Late Kingdoms, each lasting thousands of years. Impossible Copts descend from old kingdom

Making out modern copts as the people who built the Pyramids and great monuments, is nothing but an anti-Muslim/Islam rhetoric. Most modern Muslim Egyptians, were copts, who's family converted to Islam, and took on Arab customs and culture, and dumped their own Coptic language for Arabic.

The Muslims who took Egypt from the Byzantine Greeks, were a mere force of just 4k men, which was later reinforced with an additional 18k man army. Once the conquest was a success, it starting a lengthy conversion process of the people of Egypt, which took centuries.



1. There is a giant desert separating North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa. Effectively this is an ocean. The camel only was domesticated in Roman times. When the Ancient Egyptian civilization started nobody even had camels.

2. They did not depict their neighbors accurately. They exaggerated their features to make them appear like ''the other'' more. Ancient Nubians (already genotyped) are similar to Habeshas when it comes to the ratio of Middle Eastern to Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Do the Habesha look like Dinkas to you?

3. Skull measurement studies don't mean anything. It is not as reliable as genetics.

4. Mesopotamia had Ziggurats, which predate pyramids. Pyramids are nothing more than a slight tweak to the Ziggurat model.

5. Elite rulers, not demographic replacement. Are you Italian because of Italian colonization of Somalia?

6. Modern Coptic Egyptians are darker than Modern Greek people. What he said is in comparison to Greeks.

7. You have a point here, nevertheless, they have tested pre-Islamic Egyptians and Copts are their closest relatives. So Copts and Arabized Muslim Egyptians are the only people who can claim Ancient Egypt. Most definitely not Somalis.

8. First Pharaohs came from Central Egypt.


1. Its also "literally" in Africa, 99% of it. Imagine trying to connect a civilisation to a whole other continent just because of a tiny strip of land connecting them. Clown world :snoop:

2. Why did they depict themselves (early kingdom) as dark brown, with curly hair, very distinct looking from Asiatics (Levantines?) why did they go so far to distinguish themselves if they were indeed "the same people?" You cant tell me with a straight face that Copts look anything like the indicated Egyptian below (far right). He looks like a typical North East African man. Also, they depicted Puntites as looking very similar to them. Why not the same for their so called Levantine kin?
View attachment 215141

3. Studies also show that Kerma population (Cushitic) was closest to early dynastic Egypt. Why cherry pick and ignore these findings?
Thread here: https://www.somalispot.com/threads/...sest-related-peoples-to-early-dynastic.49397/

4. Show me ONE pyramid or cultural practice/clothing that resembles Ancient Egypt in the Levant/Mid East. Go on!

5. Its pretty well known Egypt went through several massive invasions over the 5000 years it ran for. Demographic change/ mass mixing was just inevitable

6. Several historical figures (eg. Herodotus) described them as dark skinned with wooly hair

7. THEY NEVER, EVER TESTED OLD EGYPTIANS! They made sure only to select new kingdom mummies, which could have easily been foreigners! They also never tested Early pharaohs, only ones that came to power after Assyrian invasions/takeovers! Obvious bias!

8. First kingdom Pharoah was from N.Sudan. Home of Cushitic peoples.

Lets just agree to disagree. I can believe what I want, and so can you. Stop shaming others who don't buy the mainstream narrative :mjdontkno:
egypt border the levant and alot of times would come under the same rulers. it was historically connected to the levant than somalia. :mjlol: coptic they are closer to levantines than subsaharan africans. egyptians were too laandheere to be genetically replaced. they always outnumbered peninsular arabs. even today they are approx 1/4 of the arab league population and vastly outnunber them. to ethnically replace them you would have to genocide them like native americans or bring half of europe.


Making out modern copts as the people who built the Pyramids and great monuments, is nothing but an anti-Muslim/Islam rhetoric. Most modern Muslim Egyptians, were copts, who's family converted to Islam, and took on Arab customs and culture, and dumped their own Coptic language for Arabic.

The Muslims who took Egypt from the Byzantine Greeks, were a mere force of just 4k men, which was later reinforced with an additional 18k man army. Once the conquest was a success, it starting a lengthy conversion process of the people of Egypt, which took centuries.

This has nothing to do with Islamophobia.

The reason why Copts are the closest to the late period Ancient Egyptians is because they were not allowed to hold slaves and were not allowed to have much contact with foreigners.

Similar things happened to Jews in Morocco. They were not allowed to mix with Berbers. I am not saying Moroccan Jews are native to the Maghreb. They are not. They came from Spain (Inquisition). I am using them as an example to point to the fact that religious minorities were outcasted:

'' Behar et al. conclude that it is unlikely that North African Jews have significant Arab, or Berber admixture, "consistent with social restrictions imposed by religious restrictions," or endogamy. This study also found genetic similarities between the Ashkenazi and North African Jews of European mitochondrial DNA pools, but differences between both of these of the diaspora and Jews from the Middle East.[47] ''

1. There is a giant desert separating North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa. Effectively this is an ocean. The camel only was domesticated in Roman times. When the Ancient Egyptian civilization started nobody even had camels.
Convinently forgetting the first kingdom started in Upper Egypt, y'know, far away from the Levant. Closer to Sudan
4. Mesopotamia had Ziggurats, which predate pyramids. Pyramids are nothing more than a slight tweak to the Ziggurat model.
Sheekoy ku nacay :icon lol: show me these structures.And lets compare them to ACTUAL proptype pyramids....found in Sudan. Also, I'd like to see some cultural practices that are identical or at least very similar to. Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of time :icon lol:
3. Skull measurement studies don't mean anything. It is not as reliable as genetics.
Is that so? Skull formations are the result of said genetics. Boy bye

As I said before, lets just agree to disagree. You can believe they were Eurasians or whatnot, and I can believe they were nothing more than Indigenous NE Africans :)

Thank you, and good night
Peace Out Reaction GIF