Warning for those who engage in zina

This is something not to brag about mate
Will Smith Smh GIF by The Academy Awards
I'm virgin because I'm waiting until marriage and because zina is haram. others are virgin because they don't get women that's the difference 😂


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
U really are the AIDS expert. I agree that the death penalty is needed for cases like these.

Yes. The thing about AIDS/HIV i find very very interesting--as a lab experimentist of human nature is- once u get it-- u become dark and devilish. U become miserable. And then what do miserable people do? Spread the misery! I have seen angelic good hearted people get so hurt they turn into a demon. And of course i am close by with my note book--documenting the process-- writing notes in my unassigned Freude experimentist mode! I am very interested in evil and how it manifest in the physical realm. That is why i tap into Jiini world. :damn:
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4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Her life is now changed forever. For the rest of her life she will have to take pills to suppress this disease.
It's very easy to prevent spreading HIV to your partners in 2024, taking the drug PrEP reduces chance of incection by over 98%. And even if he somehow did not have acess to PrEP he could've informed her that she should take HIV post exposure prophylaxis which if taken within 72 hours of infection reduces chances of infection by 80%. It's not 1982 anymore. he needs to be executed or lynched dirty ass nigga


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."
The next time I have sex I’m going to be married and will use protection. After what happened last time, I can’t take any chances. I can’t be knocking up no white girl no matter how pretty they look.
idk what’s more crazy. Ladies just giving it up and letting dudes hit raw or the fact that this dude had no problem smashing girls raw with aids
I’ve heard of a married man giving their miskeen wife HIV wym, it’s not just girls who are committing zina.

I’ve heard at least 4 different stories of Muslim girls (some I know mutually) who are as pure as the snow before getting married who end up with STD’s because their man cheated on them. One she found out was cheating with a literal prostitute 🤦🏾‍♀️
I’ve heard of a married man giving their miskeen wife HIV wym, it’s not just girls who are committing zina.

I’ve heard at least 4 different stories of Muslim girls (some I know mutually) who are as pure as the snow before getting married who end up with STD’s because their man cheated on them. One she found out was cheating with a literal prostitute 🤦🏾‍♀️
read the second part i’m also shaming dudes smashing chicks knowingly that they got something
There was this racist white male who had HIV and would get into fake relationships with the goal of spreading his disease to African American women without telling them about his condition. He was arrested after he done it to the 800th woman…
American Cadaans have no limits do they. I am very liberal but STONE HIM!!!
Turns out the women who made the post was lying. She was tryna get back at her ex. It’s pretty obvious though by the way ‘he’ was typing and straight up admit to it. Feel bad for the guy.