War imminent - Saudi's tells citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.

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I suspect at this point the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi in about 5-10 years time. It's quite clear the Zionist strategy is to cause corruption and mass chaos in the middle east which will eventually lead up to the moment of history I've been waiting for since I learnt about this subject as a child. The Last Hour and the end of human history is really the most interesting Islamic studies subject for me. I've done research in eschatology for about 5 years now and agree with the insight of both Sheikh Imran Hosein and Sheikh Rami Al Rifai regarding this topic. Here's a link about Imam Al-Mahdi and Prophet Esa and I'm curious to see what you think about it @Inquisitive_ :

You should listen to Sheik Imran Hosein's lectures. There are certain things I don't agree with him but otherwise everything he says is spot-on


You should listen to Sheik Imran Hosein's lectures. There are certain things I don't agree with him but otherwise everything he says is spot-on

I have, and in fact he's one of the few youtubers I subscribe too. My only difference of opinion I have with him is regarding the start of Pax Judaica. He believes it will occur after the Malhama but I believe we are already living in it. I may be wrong but the fact that Israel controls the United States like a puppet to do all it's dirty work is proof of the matter. The United States lost perceived global strength after the so-called terrorist attacks on 9/11 and it's been 16 years since the war on terror started with the U.S going on a irreversible decline. Just looking at the economy and the way the country is currently going is proof. I could definitely be wrong but I believe that's when Pax Judaica started and it will end with the Malhama and then the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi.

Remember this Hadith regarding Dajjal:

Allah's Apostle (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) , how long will he stay on Earth? He said: For forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be like your days.

The Quran tells us 1 day in the heavens is 1000 regular human days. So you have to break up the time intervals.

One day like a year: About a 1000 human days aka Pax Brittanica

One day like a month: 1000/12mo = About 83 years aka Pax Americana

One day like a week: 83/4w = About 21 years aka Pax Judaica

The rest will be like our days and when we will physically see the Anti-Christ himself. The only part I am not sure about with Imran Hosein is when Pax Judiaca will start. But of course Allah knows best.
I suspect at this point the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi in about 5-10 years time. It's quite clear the Zionist strategy is to cause corruption and mass chaos in the middle east which will eventually lead up to the moment of history I've been waiting for since I learnt about this subject as a child. The Last Hour and the end of human history is really the most interesting Islamic studies subject for me. I've done research in eschatology for about 5 years now and agree with the insight of both Sheikh Imran Hosein and Sheikh Rami Al Rifai regarding this topic. Here's a link about Imam Al-Mahdi and Prophet Esa and I'm curious to see what you think about it @Inquisitive_ :


I agree with most of it except the 1500 year statement, I belief he is referencing Al suuyti comments and the sources he used was from the Israelites

Other then those types of prediction's there is not much I disagree with, I read this before a long time ago or a peace similar to this, you have to keep in mind that a lot of the hadiths used for the end of times in Kitab al Fitan are mostly Da'eef and hence we can't construct a methodology based on this and some are misrepresented.

For e.g. the Banu Kalb tribe, there is also one in Saudi (from the royal family) and it's very likely the spoils would be taken from them rather then the one in Syria that are broke currently, Bashar Assad tribe is called Kalbbiya but Allah knows best which is true, it's very contested.


I agree with most of it except the 1500 year statement, I belief he is referencing Al suuyti comments and the sources he used was from the Israelites

Other then those types of prediction's there is not much I disagree with, I read this before a long time ago or a peace similar to this, you have to keep in mind that a lot of the hadiths used for the end of times in Kitab al Fitan are mostly Da'eef and hence we can't construct a methodology based on this and some are misrepresented.

For e.g. the Banu Kalb tribe, there is also one in Saudi (from the royal family) and it's very likely the spoils would be taken from them rather then the one in Syria that are broke currently, Bashar Assad tribe is called Kalbbiya but Allah knows best which is true, it's very contested.

I see that makes sense. You can't create methodologies and predictions based on da'eef hadith and expect sound results. It's still good to look over and recognize them for what they are at least. As for the 1,500 year statement I realize it goes against what Allah stated in the Quran that only He knows the time of the hour so that settles that too. Thanks for the input Sxb :nvjpqts:
I agree with most of it except the 1500 year statement, I belief he is referencing Al suuyti comments and the sources he used was from the Israelites

Other then those types of prediction's there is not much I disagree with, I read this before a long time ago or a peace similar to this, you have to keep in mind that a lot of the hadiths used for the end of times in Kitab al Fitan are mostly Da'eef and hence we can't construct a methodology based on this and some are misrepresented.

For e.g. the Banu Kalb tribe, there is also one in Saudi (from the royal family) and it's very likely the spoils would be taken from them rather then the one in Syria that are broke currently, Bashar Assad tribe is called Kalbbiya but Allah knows best which is true, it's very contested.

Wait so what if Assad is the sufyani from the banu kalb tribe:mugshotman:
Wait so what if Assad is the sufyani from the banu kalb tribe:mugshotman:

That hadith and anything related to Sufyani is Da'eef if not fabricated outright. read below.

It doesn't fit in with the events of today either, the Rafidah are running the operations in Syria along with Russia, Assad is nothing more then a puppet right now that has been rescued from total destruction.

According to those hadiths the ruler of Damascus from the lineage of Abu Sufyan will not only march towards Mecca but also Iraq and Khorasan (Pakistan, Afghanistan etc) something that I can't foresee happening in our lifetime by any stretch.

I have never seen Imran Hussein refer to these hadiths either in any of his work that I have read.
I suspect at this point the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi in about 5-10 years time. It's quite clear the Zionist strategy is to cause corruption and mass chaos in the middle east which will eventually lead up to the moment of history I've been waiting for since I learnt about this subject as a child. The Last Hour and the end of human history is really the most interesting Islamic studies subject for me. I've done research in eschatology for about 5 years now and agree with the insight of both Sheikh Imran Hosein and Sheikh Rami Al Rifai regarding this topic. Here's a link about Imam Al-Mahdi and Prophet Esa and I'm curious to see what you think about it @Inquisitive_ :

I've been listening to imran hosein since for close to 8 yrs, that guy is very insightful on what he's talking about, I watched a video that he made back in the late 90s early 2000s and walahi everything he was saying is relevant to all the things going on, I'll try to find the video for u


I suspect at this point the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi in about 5-10 years time. It's quite clear the Zionist strategy is to cause corruption and mass chaos in the middle east which will eventually lead up to the moment of history I've been waiting for since I learnt about this subject as a child. The Last Hour and the end of human history is really the most interesting Islamic studies subject for me. I've done research in eschatology for about 5 years now and agree with the insight of both Sheikh Imran Hosein and Sheikh Rami Al Rifai regarding this topic. Here's a link about Imam Al-Mahdi and Prophet Esa and I'm curious to see what you think about it @Inquisitive_ :

I agree with most of it except the 1500 year statement, I belief he is referencing Al suuyti comments and the sources he used was from the Israelites

Other then those types of prediction's there is not much I disagree with, I read this before a long time ago or a peace similar to this, you have to keep in mind that a lot of the hadiths used for the end of times in Kitab al Fitan are mostly Da'eef and hence we can't construct a methodology based on this and some are misrepresented.

For e.g. the Banu Kalb tribe, there is also one in Saudi (from the royal family) and it's very likely the spoils would be taken from them rather then the one in Syria that are broke currently, Bashar Assad tribe is called Kalbbiya but Allah knows best which is true, it's very contested.
The view of the majority of scholars is that this industrial civilisation we see today will eventually collapse before the end of times. Therefore, 5-10 years is wholly unrealistic. We could be 500 years away for all we know.
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If its on mainstream media, don't believe it
I've been listening to imran hosein since for close to 8 yrs, that guy is very insightful on what he's talking about, I watched a video that he made back in the late 90s early 2000s and walahi everything he was saying is relevant to all the things going on, I'll try to find the video for u
You mean this? Great series.

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