War imminent - Saudi's tells citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.

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The Yahuud are currently conducting their largest ever military exercise in their entire history involving over 100 fighters with several countries like Germany, Italy and the US participating, the aim is to seize Lebanon from Iran and it's proxy.

The Saudi's forced Hariri to resign and blame Hezbollah for it, as a retaliation a missile was fired towards Riyadh airport by the Iranian backed Houthi's, they further threatened to strike many more positions.

As a result the Saudi's have declared this as an act of war by Iran, they already blocked land, sea and air access to Yemen. A regional war that will turn global quickly is brewing in that region.

It's likely what Trump meant with "calm before the storm" comments in the beginning of October which he refused to elaborate on, after a military briefing.

Tehran has warned that those missiles will continue to rain down until the blockade is lifted.

Saudi Arabia has told its citizens in Lebanon to leave the country immediately.

It has also urged Saudis not to travel there.

Tensions between the two countries have risen since Lebanon's Saudi-backed PM Saad Hariri resigned on Saturday, saying he feared for his life.

Saudi Arabia has also accused the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah of firing a missile at it from Yemen shortly afterwards.

Many Lebanese fear that their country is becoming embroiled in a wider conflict between Saudi Arabia, a major Sunni power, and Shia-led Iran, its biggest regional rival.

In Lebanon, various political factions have called for the return of Mr Hariri, whom many believe was pressured into quitting by the Saudis.

He has made no further statement so far, but his office says he has been having meetings with foreign diplomats in Riyadh.

Meanwhile French President Emmanuel Macron, who is currently on a Middle East trip, said in an unexpected announcement that he would visit Saudi Arabia on Thursday evening.

He said he would discuss Lebanon and Yemen with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, adding that he had been in informal contact with Mr Hariri.

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According to Zionist intelligence, the Iranian's have warned that the houthis will strike all their airports and ports that are in range of the missiles provided, the best part of this news is that all the UAE ones are in good range which is the backbone of their economy, the UAE is on high alert now.

Let's actually hope this happens and the UAE is economically crushed, the payback for these bastards interference's in our affairs is looming very close

Iran threatens to hit Saudi, Abu Dhabi and Dubai air and sea ports, ships more missiles to Yemeni Houthis
Afghanistan-Iraq-Syria now Lebanon, Allah is paving the way for the army of Mahdi to enter Israel.



Self imposed exile
Iran should just drop Hezbollah and Lebanon.

What's the point of a land bridge if you don't have the military to make use of it?

Create another Shia puppet force in Lebanon in a decade.

The Saudi crown prince would actually be crazy enough to start an all out war with Iran if they came to the rescue of Hezbollah.

He'll probably try to disgrace the Shia population there to push Iran to get involved.

Once they do it's over for Iran and a major Russian alley will be gone.
the war in yemen already costing 200m per day..i say let them keep fighting. hopefully they'll exhausted there resources and cut there ties with al kebab.


I suspect at this point the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi in about 5-10 years time. It's quite clear the Zionist strategy is to cause corruption and mass chaos in the middle east which will eventually lead up to the moment of history I've been waiting for since I learnt about this subject as a child. The Last Hour and the end of human history is really the most interesting Islamic studies subject for me. I've done research in eschatology for about 5 years now and agree with the insight of both Sheikh Imran Hosein and Sheikh Rami Al Rifai regarding this topic. Here's a link about Imam Al-Mahdi and Prophet Esa and I'm curious to see what you think about it @Inquisitive_ :

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