Wagner coup in Russia


Sound mind sound body
Putin supposedly richest man on the planet. The west with all its decadence at least has some checks and balances. Look at hell trump and Biden put through because system somewhat works with democracy

China and Iran is probably just like Russia another opponent built up by America military industry. Truth is america doesn’t have an equal just hustle to spend close to trillion annually on military.


Putin supposedly richest man on the planet. The west with all its decadence at least has some checks and balances. Look at hell trump and Biden put through because system somewhat works with democracy

China and Iran is probably just like Russia another opponent built up by America military industry. Truth is america doesn’t have an equal just hustle to spend close to trillion annually on military.
India is the future it seems. At least they have a democracy and a 1.5bn population.

These autocrats that turn into dictatorships always become corrupt and inefficient. Although maybe AI government will save them


Sound mind sound body
India is the future it seems. At least they have a democracy and a 1.5bn population.

These autocrats that turn into dictatorships always become corrupt and inefficient. Although maybe AI government will save them
That will be interesting once AI is fully devoloped and currency goes mostly digital. will make hiding and stealing money a lot harder in future . systems hopefully will catch things humans would miss with creative accounting

negative is loss of privacy and government being all up in our business


That will be interesting once AI is fully devoloped and currency goes mostly digital. will make hiding and stealing money a lot harder in future . systems hopefully will catch things humans would miss with creative accounting
Let’s hope so, it’s the only thing that can save Somalia. We could have a justice system run by AI and skip the need to train lawyers and judges for decades, while also hoping they aren’t corrupt which is near impossible in an environment like Somalia where it is embedded. It’ll be good for rule of law which is the biggest problem African countries have.


Sound mind sound body
Let’s hope so, it’s the only thing that can save Somalia. We could have a justice system run by AI and skip the need to train lawyers and judges for decades, while also hoping they aren’t corrupt which is near impossible in an environment like Somalia where it is embedded. It’ll be good for rule of law which is the biggest problem African countries have.
For sure. Even America supposedly AI is already drawing up complex contracts scary times for white collar workers used to be tech impacting manual labor
Real talk, If Putin liquidates Wagner, he will not have much trouble in Ukraine. Because the Russian command has been working on an alternative to Wagner for some time. Prigozhin may be trying to thwart this plan by making a fuss about the Russian army striking the Wagner base.

True, it's mainly all other countries 'dependent' on Wagner that will feel the side-effects, should the entity be liquidated.

How many western and central African countries recently evicted France/west and partnered with Russia (technically Wagner only) and hoping that it would help them in whatever threats (militants in particular) facing their countries? The results are bleak thus far and this will be another blow to them.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

You are starting to sound like a Tankie who isn’t nuanced and who’s politics is strictly motivated by anything Anti American/West. There isn’t going to be a multi-polar world, Russia and the United States are two sides of the same coin, both of whom want to take over the world. Russia has an interest in re-creating the soviet Union and swallowing up all it’s former territories (which includes central-Asian Muslim countries) and let’s not forget the atrocities they have committed against Syrian Muslims on behalf of Bashar al-Assad and how they are allies to Iran (the biggest enemy of the Arab and Muslim world).

well I mean.... I don't know, I don't want to completely dismiss what you're saying. I don't think you're totally off the mark.

am I anti-the-West geopolitically... well... yeah. that's been pretty blatantly the case for quite a while, it's not anything new.

I am fed with the West trying to make me think atheists and homos are anything normal and I'm staunchly and rightfully opposed to Western imperialism. I am tired of the West pushing its satanic agenda.

I am resolutely hostile to this satanic agenda.

am I a tankie???? I mean.... in a certain way, I respect the old-school Soviet, Fidel, Che sort of Marxism-Leninism more than this garbage homo version of communism being pushed by the West. but ummm.... I'm definitely not on board with the whole genociding religious people aspect of Stalin type ideology. so that part no.

and I don't believe in Marx and I literally am sympathetic to Pinochet and have defended Cold War-era cleansings of commies....

no way does any argument hold up that I'm a Communist. for example, I was very staunchly against Pedro Castillo and Lula.

but am I anti-the-West geopolitically? Yes. Yes. Yes. I don't deny that. I don't apologize for it.

everything that you point to Russia having done, the US has done pretty much the same stuff. but I think the US has done the same stuff and then more. I think if you put both on the scales, the US crimes will be heavier in total.

but that's sort of besides the point. I want Russia to take an anti-the-West line and I feel Putin is insufficiently hardline. sort of like Khruschev was seen as too soft towards the West and Mao wanted him to take a harder line. I think the Wagner guy represents a harder line. I want Russia to take a harder line against the West. I want Ukraine to be crushed.

I want an even balance of power between Russia and the West. right now I think the balance is tilted more in favor of the West and I want that balance to be even.

balance of power theory is an ancient concept and it isn't some concept cooked up Stalin or Putin. it is very ancient and it is what I'm in favor of.

obviously I think my view is the correct one but I think your opinion is valid and I think my opinion is valid as well. I don't think there's any sort of obligation on me to lean more in favor of Ukraine and the West. I think it's a valid opinion if that is what you hold but I don't think it's correct and I don't think there's any sort of binding obligation on me to lean more towards the West.


For sure. Even America supposedly AI is already drawing up complex contracts scary times for white collar workers used to be tech impacting manual labor
Crazy times ahead, always used to be about how robots would be replacing manual labour but it’s actually the white collar that should be terrified. No need for investment bankers, lawyers, civil service, artists/videographers etc soon.

I look forward to it. We need something radical in Somalia to save the country. Even if we had a perfect government for the next 30 years we’d still be behind where Ethiopia is today which is disgusting to think about. We need to skip this, kind of like how third world skipped the need to build landlines under ground for Internet everywhere but now instead you just need one big fibre cable or now can connect to a satellite for internet. Skipped the need for massive infrastructure spending


Putin supposedly richest man on the planet. The west with all its decadence at least has some checks and balances. Look at hell trump and Biden put through because system somewhat works with democracy

China and Iran is probably just like Russia another opponent built up by America military industry. Truth is america doesn’t have an equal just hustle to spend close to trillion annually on military.
China is on another galaxy to Russia/Iran. China now is much stronger than the USSR at it's peak


Sound mind sound body
China is on another galaxy to Russia/Iran. China now is much stronger than the USSR at it's peak
Maybe China is strong on paper no major conflicts or experience. most of there tech stolen from 🇺🇸 manufactures using them for cheap labor. Whereas russia has battle hardened generals and soldiers from decades of battles. I would say superior military tech that they actually produced in-house. There missile defense systems and nuclear weapons up there with best of them. Before this war Russia was second in most military ranking.


I think Wagner was bounced into this similar to the 2016 attempt on Erdogan.

Prigozhin likely has more allies than the Gulenists in the army but unlikely to be much help as they are already marked and targeted while they’re in Rostov which is a 12hr drive away.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I also want to mention, to elaborate.... who is more criminal... the US or Russia....

one thing I want to mention first is... when you consider who is criminal and how criminal they are, you have to look at the total picture of their crimes- not only the crimes against Muslims....

for example, there is the hadith where a woman goes to hell because she starved a cat...

and if you are running a Muslim government... some who murders a non-Muslim is still a murderer and still should be charged with murder....

so we have to look at the grand total of the crimes and the crimes overall and worldwide.... not only in Muslim countries and against Muslims but just overall, grand total of crimes... for example... pushing gay propaganda on five-year-olds... even if only a minority of those five-year-olds are Muslim... it's still a big deal.... trying to push homoism on Ugandans, even if Uganda was purely Christian... it's still a big deal....

if we consider the US and Russia... starting from the fall of the Soviet Union (I have openly said and it's on here that I believe the US was the morally superior side during the Cold War).... if you consider the US and Russia.... since the end of the Cold War... you consider the overall crimes of both.... I think you have to do serious logical gymnastics to conclude that Russia's crimes outweigh the US crimes... if you want to talk about Russia killing Muslims, I think the US has killed more Muslims... you want to talk about using their military to boost Shia expansion, Russia did it in Syria... the US invaded Iraq and handed it over to the Shia.... so I don't see how you can say either side comes out any worse than the other on this front.... and the Chechens, as horrible as that was- Russia was fighting separatists within their borders... how many Afghans did the US kill and the Afghans are outside the US borders and on the other side of the world.... then pushing lgbt and promiscuity on the entire world, degeneracy, destruction of morals..... these are not small things!!!! trying to force these these on people even in Kabul and Uganda... these are not small things.... I don't think you can possibly add up the total crimes and do so in an objective manner without the US coming out worse in terms of its total crimes....
Prigozhin appears to have planned this operation in detail. Things are developing at a quick pace now inside the R federation

Look at this thread. A good summary of Prigozhin's objectives.

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