Virgins of SomaliSpot soo gala

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This is devastating information. I do not want to upset people. My primary concern is helping to protect babies and children.
And going about it the way you are is just gonna make ppl feel defensive and more likely to defend circumcision, I would go about it more gently and circumspectly if you actually want to make a change, Ppl don't care as much about facts as the way they're approached. You're not wrong, just aggressive and offputting


"What's done to children, they will do to society." - Dr. Karl A. Menninger

I maintain that the genital mutilation of female and male children is the single greatest calamity that is responsible for the state the Somali people are in. The violation and torture of children has far-reaching consequences!

This crime against God has a devastating impact on the human body and psyche.

Hold Your Children Tight.

:ivers:I'd really appreciate it if you could stop calling my penis mutilated before I fucking inbox you that shit and end this debate. :kodaksmiley:
"What's done to children, they will do to society." - Dr. Karl A. Menninger

I maintain that the genital mutilation of female and male children is the single greatest calamity that is responsible for the state the Somali people are in. The violation and torture of children has far-reaching consequences!

This crime against God has a devastating impact on the human body and psyche.

Hold Your Children Tight.
My dick isn't cut fam
Thank you. I'm very much aware of this and I have discussed this at length on another website.

The mutilated penis is a severely damaged organ and will NEVER function as God intended. Gentlemen, don't inflict this generational trauma on your sons! Ladies, better wake up and protect your sons! This INHUMANITY affects women too!

How Male Circumcision Harms Women

If anyone wants to see what a healthy penis is supposed to look like compared to a damaged penis, then view the video in the first post of my Infant Genital Mutilation thread.
You don't have to be a dickhead and call circumcised penises mutilated. Acting like it is the worst thing to happen. Now I will make sure all my sons become circumcised


LoveandLight the Liberator
And going about it the way you are is just gonna make ppl feel defensive and more likely to defend circumcision, I would go about it more gently and circumspectly if you actually want to make a change, Ppl don't care as much about facts as the way they're approached. You're not wrong, just aggressive and offputting

I have provided vital information to the Somali people. Here and elsewhere, I provided information on the anatomy and functions of the prepuce, and verses from The Holy Quran, which the so-called Hadiths used to justify the TORTURE and MUTILATION of babies and children are in blatant contradiction of. Sadly, the majority of Muslims don't study their religion. I told the Somali people that I strongly believe that the torture and mutilation of children is the single greatest calamity that has devastated our motherland, and the Somali people, wherever they may be on Earth. This INHUMANITY has far-reaching effects on society!

The Somali people must ask difficult and uncomfortable questions if there is any hope of extricating ourselves from the quagmire we are in.

I joined these forums for one reason only: To help protect babies and children of both genders, and in doing so, help the Somali people. Before I embarked on this campaign, I was aware some people might become upset or even angry with what I had to say. I forged ahead out of love for my motherland and people. I suffered a lot of abuse on these forums and elsewhere. I did try to present this information in a gentle manner. I was aware of the pain this information might cause. I tried to be diplomatic, and to this day I never use offensive language against anyone, even if they wronged me. I think I will write an ode to the ignore function.

I was banned once from another website for "being a troll" (imploring people to Hold Their Children Tight is trolling?!). I was one of the most hated members on those forums. I don't need that negativity in my life, but my love for babies and children will not let me quit. They let me back, but I have the threat of being banned again hanging over me. Nonetheless, I continue to forge ahead. I will fulminate with equal intensity against the brutalizing of girls and boys. Children of both sexes deserve to be protected! There is no gentle way to tell people that tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of baby boys have been tortured and that this INHUMANITY is still happening in so-called civilized countries.

It isn't easy telling people that babies are routinely tortured and experience Terror and Near-Death Excruciating Pain. I hope to reach the young people with this vital information. Virtually all males who were circumcised as babies have experienced Terror and Near-Death Excruciating Pain. Don't visit the same terror and torture on your baby boys!

Somali People, PLEASE Protect Your Daughters and Sons!

LoveandLight the Liberator, Legendary Hero of the Somali people
Salah is sunnah, your point?
If u look @ the justification behind this particular sunnah, circumcision is to prevent urine from accumulating in ur foreskin, dripping on your body and preventing you from engaging in salah. This seems like a moot point when you (unlike the desert bedouins) have a readily accessible source of water which u can rinse urself with. Therefore circumcision is no longer necessary according to the logic of the ahadith. We don't do things bc it's tradition and bc we're blindly following what we think are God's commandments. We think things through because God blessed us with a brain, and cutting off a piece of your natural physiology is something that should be thought through no matter how many people jump off the bridge before you. I will not be circumsizing any of my children boy or girl inshallah.

Edo Nene

SUGAR breasts
why is the area stiff and hard to penetrate or something
At times yes, especially when youre inexperience with sex and dont know how to make the girl wet. If u have ways to make your partner wet like a waterfall, theres no need of lubricant.


cismaan maxamuud
At times yes, especially when youre inexperience with sex and dont know how to make the girl wet. If u have ways to make your partner wet like a waterfall, theres no need of lubricant.
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