Vicious Jew Supremacist Learns Her Biological Father is An Arab And Her Biological Mother Is A Ex-Jew Muslim Revert.


It's weird to me that you guys are arguing over admixture that may not even be real. @Arma. Seriously email me your raw data:

And lemme have a look.

Here, saxiib.


Look it sort of like this:


Your Y-DNA is from that one dude on the left and your mtDNA is from that one chica on the right among all those people. Although, in truth, auDNA is a little more complex. Dude to random recombination over the generations you may inherit far less from some of those ancestors than others, even miss out entirely on DNA segments from many of them. it's really a toss of the dice which segments of DNA you inherit from your parents in the 50% you get from them. You may in fact be 15% awoowo but 35% ayeeyo, for example. That can seriously happen. And who knows how much each ancestor of ayeeyo's in that 35% got left behind.

Generally speaking, as I understood it before, most DNA tests is to determine paternal lineage or paternity, as in the case for Visa applications, crime scene evidence, inheritance etc, they solely check the Paternal Y lineage unless otherwise required, mtDNA is never at play. That was what was confusing. Autosomal vs Common DNA tests. There is this default thinking that DNA means the Y connection.

Plus mtDNA is not reliable.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Generally speaking, as I understood it before, most DNA tests is to determine paternal lineage or paternity, as in the case for Visa applications, crime scene evidence, inheritance etc, they solely check the Paternal Y lineage unless otherwise required, mtDNA is never at play. That was what was confusing. Autosomal vs Common DNA tests. There is this default thinking that DNA means the Y connection.

Plus mtDNA is not reliable.
I see, I hadn't realized that about visa applications and crime scene stuff. But yeah, these companies all mainly do autosomal stuff as that is what's ancestry informative. Y-DNA is not useful for that. Just for your paternal lineage which can come from literally anywhere despite your real ancestral makeup. Same for mtDNA. Good rule of thumb is if you see a percentage then it's auDNA you're looking at. You can't be 55% Y-DNA J1. You either are J1 or you're not. There is no in-between. Same for mtDNA L3f1ab or N1a, for example. If you see 60% "Somali" or something then obviously they're looking autosomal DNA.
I see, I hadn't realized that about visa applications and crime scene stuff. But yeah, these companies all mainly do autosomal stuff as that is what's ancestry informative. Y-DNA is not useful for that. Just for your paternal lineage which can come from literally anywhere despite your real ancestral makeup. Same for mtDNA. Good rule of thumb is if you see a percentage then it's auDNA you're looking at. You can't be 55% Y-DNA J1. You either are J1 or you're not. There is no in-between. Same for mtDNA L3f1ab or N1a, for example. If you see 60% "Somali" or something then obviously they're looking autosomal DNA.

With that said, the EV32 somali comes from Patrilineage. All percentages therefore mentioned for a somali that puts her or him in the Somali ethnicity is exclusively Patrilineage. A Somali can be mixed but their Y-DNA is what makes him/her a Somali or not. That is my understanding of 23andMe results for Somalis. This is in line with Islamic understanding as well since our fathers determine our families and ethnicities in the biological sense. Not the legal.


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