Vice mini Docu about Somalis being anti vaccination in Minneapolis, USA.

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Interesting. My grandmother was born in the north but raised in the south, she sounds more northern though. Only my grandfathers side are in the north.

Actually that's false. Interracial marriage is not common, interclan marriage I don't think is that common because of the diaspora and more contact with different qabiil.
Never said it's common in general it's currently more common than it's ever been throughout history. In the past 100 yeasrs interracial relationships have increased due to globalisation and migration. After Somalis left Somalia and settled in the west there has been more clan mixing. If I lived in Muqdisho I would most likely end up with a hawiye or Cadcad whereas now in London I might end up with reer waqooyi reer koonfureed or ajnabi. I have no problem with staying with your own or marrying out of your qabil/race. :nvjpqts:


Is it too sad to watch?

I saw a news headline on yet another measles outbreak in Maine that cited anti-vaxxers as the cause. On god, the first thing that came to mind is hearing on here that there's a Somali population in Maine. We need to bring awareness to our communities. This madness needs to stop, of which Somali children are the primary victims.

I mean, the men have long since been killing each other in the streets, and now children are dying from measles in the first world. How is that acceptable?

There's a really good podcast that broke down the numbers and provided some awesome coverage on the situation in MN from back in May, though it's not current the numbers may perhaps be worse:
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