Unreasonable anti-Arabness is a gateway of apostasy.



سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Anti-Arabness is usually pushed by murtads (not just Somali, but those from other non-Arab Muslim communities). Those who are overt with their kufr will openly shun Arabs AND Islam, saying it is an Arab religion and criticise their people for adopting another people's religion and traditions. But not all murtads are open with their kufr, so you have those (munafiq) who still claim they're Muslim but try to covertly push their community away from Islam. So they incite Arab hatred by means of stereotyping them and portraying them in the worst light to get you to dislike them, then they criticise Arab influence in our culture such as clothing, language etc., so that you also see it as problematic and hate it too. From there they can start to criticise Islamic influence in our culture (like wearing the jilbaab) under the guise of shunning Arab influence (which they already established is bad). Their end goal is to finally get you to dislike all Islamic influence and Islam itself by associating it with Arabness (people whom you loathe by now) and the foresaking of your own unique culture and traditions of your forefathers.
I’ve noticed reviling Arabs has become a new form of munafiqnimo to covertly signal to other munafiqs or to misguide people to

Generally it’s vile people with low inhabitation and general lack of cultivation to appreciate finer nuance
I think you have it backward, or that this form is a minor gateway to the confounding correlation, which is that people already leaning towards the apostasy trajectory channel their hate for Islam by starting with indirect rhetoric, first obsessing about Arabs, secondly, associating Islam with Arabization, then conflating Islam in general with Arabism, then creating false dilemma of Somaliness with Arabization that Islam supposedly accompanies -- all to deliberately confuse separate things, attempting to reduce Islam as nothing more than an Arabian hegemonic homogenizing tool for the Arab, an invasive cultural warfare mechanism, rather than a religion from The Creator. These same people who are like this are usually staunch secularists who would invite Westernization.

Hate for Arabs is a way to drive the wedge to shift people's opinions, and it starts with an obsession with victimization and historical and cultural fabrications as well. If they convince people that the Arab is an antagonistic actor and detrimental to Somali existence, then maybe people can start disassociating with Islam, which they claim is their primal tool for Arabism.

These are cowards who move like serpents because they lack the courage to speak their minds. And these things are not mutually exclusive; they can be what you described and follow this mindset.

But you have another form. Namely, the unintelligent person with a severe inferiority complex that disproportionally fixates on Arab mistreatment of other people on quite a selective basis (as you will find racist treatment of people if you look for it eventually), and these fools often get used by the crypto-murtads above.

In truth, Arabs are not perfect people. They are not collectively our enemies, but they are often our friends, many of them are shitty, and many more are good. Like all people. Kinda like us, right?

You will have a Somali-hating guy from the New World (exceptions) pushing the same rhetoric about us, but none of these career Arab haters would call themselves an evil race of people because we do some fucked up thing now and then. You often see the anti-Arab being very racist towards other groups. It's often like that. The ugliness they claim others have is what they hold themselves.

Remember, some of these people have the least contact with Arabs among Somalis so much of their inferiority comes from ideas in their mind. Their flaws and sense of insecurity take shape and are attributed to others for instrumental reasons. This is a psychological argument for the fools, not necessarily the murtads. The miserable love company.

Arabs are our equals from a historical perspective. When you constantly obsess about them as if we were their slaves, it makes us seem lesser because some people can't do personal self-reflection. People need to exercise some self-respect and dignity. It's pathetic.
Anti-Arabness is usually pushed by murtads (not just Somali, but those from other non-Arab Muslim communities). Those who are overt with their kufr will openly shun Arabs AND Islam, saying it is an Arab religion and criticise their people for adopting another people's religion and traditions. But not all murtads are open with their kufr, so you have those (munafiq) who still claim they're Muslim but try to covertly push their community away from Islam. So they incite Arab hatred by means of stereotyping them and portraying them in the worst light to get you to dislike them, then they criticise Arab influence in our culture such as clothing, language etc., so that you also see it as problematic and hate it too. From there they can start to criticise Islamic influence in our culture (like wearing the jilbaab) under the guise of shunning Arab influence (which they already established is bad). Their end goal is to finally get you to dislike all Islamic influence and Islam itself by associating it with Arabness (people whom you loathe by now) and the foresaking of your own unique culture and traditions of your forefathers.
Some of what you wrote is very similar to what I wrote. Funnly, I did not read your post before I finished writing mine. Just to let you know.:ftw9nwa:

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
They can't help themselves, have you ever seen these guys making countless threads complaining about the racism and discrimination madow muslims face. Instead they go full SAAAAAR cause someone said something about arabs.
These bootyclappers would be shot dead trying to enter Saudi Arabia
Well then they are counterfeit Jews aren’t they. I’m talking about Arabs with Israelite ancestry
Those Jews reject the label “Arab Jew” because people will just think they’re ethnic Arabs. They call themselves Mizrahi Jews to avoid the confusion.

Yemeni Jews & other Arab converts are the only actual Arab Jews.
Saying no to Arab influence = Being anti Islam. That is the real problem. Indonesia is the biggest Islamic population and no one cares. Not speaking and understanding of it doesn't make you a non Muslim. Not speaking and understanding Urdu doesn't make you a non Muslim.

Islam is for all peoples of earth regardless what language they speak. It is not especially being divine to being an Arab.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
So many people in this thread that lack basic reading comprehension.

i am not saying booty clap arabs or arabs are without fault.

All im saying be careful when your critiquing arabs that your not emboldening murtards who use anti Arab sentiments to push anti islam covertly.

I understand you that critiquing arabs doesn’t equal critiquing islam. im just some use it as a method to insult islam. With phrases like Arab worshiper.

Even when you try to uphold traditional muslim beliefs they say go back to arabian desert.
People need to stop being so emotional

Islam like any other political system can be used and twisted to support any individuals and societies goals, When you have millions of people from third world countries paying thousands to travel to the Arab states due to religious reasons or economic reasons pushed by religious reasons you obviously have a power disparity there.

I'm not Somali, but Somalis have historically benefitted from Islam in the horn and would not be a strong political base without it. Same with Habeshas and Orthodoxy and Arabs with Islam as well.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Arabs make up less than 20% of Muslims. What's with Somalis' Arab obsession and being quick to run interference for them?

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Wouldn't it be just as bad to besmirch other Muslims, no matter their origin? Keep the same energy for all. FYI, not all Arabs are Muslim; you don't owe someone respect for the language they speak; it is earned through actions and indicative of their character.
I agree its wrong to insult any muslim no matter their origin im just saying these murtards don’t insult nigerians to push people to apostasy they insult arabs especially arab muslims. Because in their twisted mind they think its an Arab religion and so they trick uneducated people into hating arabs. Once you hate arabs its an easy jump to start hating on islam because “it came from arabs”


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