"Ugly" is a state of mind: Opinions?


We need to import Nordics into Somalia and get rid of the trash genes. It will give rise to a new qabil.....a superior qabil

nordics are ugly tbh I don't get the hype
This only works on individual basis, on a population-wide basis it does not work as the ugly phenotype genes will re-emerge (throwbacks). :dead:
That's true. Eventually it'll come back around and we'll just look like Sri Lankans smh. Mixing with Ethios and Eris it is then loool


habeshas would make us uglier losing our eye shape for theres and also our height, kids would be damn near incels

My suugo theory only works on: 1) an individual basis 2) with very distant groups. Shit you guys are suggesting won't make ugly Somalis pretty. :lol: :russ:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Ugly people should race mix with people from a very distant population (SSA+Nordic or SSA+Northeast Asian). It removes the ugliness. Its their only salvation.

Some really ugly people can create hot offspring when they race mix.


I think environment can decimate genes. Particularly back home where there has been an increase in sedentary living, urbanization and an abandoning of traditional ways of living along with the death of conventional wisdom that were not passed on. Oddly, enough prolonged breast feeding and child spacing influence appearance. And these practices were very much the norm historically. To be honest, something as basic as mouth resting position, swallowing pattern, tongue placement and chewing can make one more or less attractive. And these are often done unconsciously. Some do this better than others which can help them in the long run.

land owner

Welcome to the yaab zone
Ugly is determined by your

frontal bone

parietal bone (2)

yogeo bone (2)

occipital bone

sphenoid bone

ethmoid bone


maxilla (2)

palatine bone (2)

zygomatic bone (2)

nasal bone (2)

lacrimal bone (2)

vomer bone

inferior nasal conchae (2)

malleus (2)

incus (2)

stapes (2)

hyoid bone

scapula or shoulder blade (2)

clavicle or collarbone (2)

sternum (manubrium, body of sternum, and xiphoid process)

ribs (2 x 12)

cervical vertebrae (7)

thoracic vertebrae (12)

lumbar vertebrae (5)

humerus (2)

radius (2)

ulna (2)

Carpal (wrist) bones

scaphoid bone (2)

lunate bone (2)

triquetral bone (2)

pisiform bone (2)

trapezium (2)

trapezoid bone (2)

capitate bone (2)

hamate bone (2)

Metacarpus (palm) bones

metacarpal bones (5 × 2)

Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges)

proximal phalanges (5 × 2)

intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)

distal phalanges (5 × 2)



hip bone (innominate bone or coxal bone) (2)

femur (2)

patella (2)

tibia (2)

fibula (2)

Tarsal (ankle) bones

calcaneus (heel bone) (2)

talus (2)

navicular bone (2)

medial cuneiform bone (2)

intermediate cuneiform bone (2)

lateral cuneiform bone (2)

cuboid bone (2)

Metatarsus bones

metatarsal bone (5 × 2)

Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges)

proximal phalanges (5 × 2)

intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)

distal phalanges (5 × 2)

And the muscle volume of your

abductor digiti minimi (foot) abductor digiti minimi (hand) abductor hallucis abductor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis longus adductor brevis adductor hallucis adductor longus adductor magnus adductor pollicis anconeus articularis cubiti articularis genu aryepiglotticus aryjordanicus auricularis biceps brachii biceps femoris brachialis brachioradialis buccinator bulbospongiosus constrictor of pharynx -inferior constrictor of pharynx -middle constrictor of pharynx -superior coracobrachialis corrugator supercilii cremaster cricothyroid dartos deep transverse perinei deltoid depressor anguli oris depressor labii inferioris diaphragm digastric digastric (anterior view) erector spinae - spinalis erector spinae - iliocostalis erector spinae - longissimus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi ulnaris extensor digiti minimi (hand) extensor digitorum (hand) extensor digitorum brevis (foot) extensor digitorum longus (foot) extensor hallucis longus extensor indicis extensor pollicis brevis extensor pollicis longus external oblique abdominis flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) flexor digiti minimi brevis (hand) flexor digitorum brevis flexor digitorum longus (foot) flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum superficialis flexor hallucis brevis flexor hallucis longus flexor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis longus frontalis gastrocnemius gemellus inferior gemellus superior genioglossus geniohyoid gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus gracilis hyoglossus iliacus inferior oblique inferior rectus infraspinatus intercostals external intercostals innermost intercostals internal internal oblique abdominis interossei - dorsal of hand interossei -dorsal of foot interossei- palmar of hand interossei - plantar of foot interspinales intertransversarii intrinsic muscles of tongue ishiocavernosus lateral cricoarytenoid lateral pterygoid lateral rectus latissimus dorsi levator anguli oris levator ani-coccygeus levator ani - iliococcygeus levator ani-pubococcygeus levator ani-puborectalis levator ani-pubovaginalis levator labii superioris levator labii superioris alaeque nasi levator palpebrae superioris levator scapulae levator veli palatini levatores costarum longus capitis longus colli lumbricals of foot (4) lumbricals of hand masseter medial pterygoid medial rectus mentalis m. uvulae mylohyoid nasalis oblique arytenoid obliquus capitis inferior obliquus capitis superior obturator externus obturator internus (A) obturator internus (B) omohyoid opponens digiti minimi (hand) opponens pollicis orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris palatoglossus palatopharyngeus palmaris brevis palmaris longus pectineus pectoralis major pectoralis minor peroneus brevis peroneus longus peroneus tertius piriformis (A) piriformis (B) plantaris platysma popliteus posterior cricoarytenoid procerus pronator quadratus pronator teres psoas major psoas minor pyramidalis quadratus femoris quadratus lumborum quadratus plantae rectus abdominis rectus capitus anterior rectus capitus lateralis rectus capitus posterior major rectus capitus posterior minor rectus femoris rhomboid major rhomboid minor risorius salpingopharyngeus sartorius scalenus anterior scalenus medius scalenus minimus scalenus posterior semimembranosus semitendinosus serratus anterior serratus posterior inferior serratus posterior superior soleus sphincter ani sphincter urethrae splenius capitis splenius cervicis stapedius sternocleidomastoid sternohyoid sternothyroid styloglossus stylohyoid stylohyoid (anterior view) stylopharyngeus subclavius subcostalis subscapularis superficial transverse perinei superior oblique superior rectus supinator supraspinatus temporalis temporoparietalis tensor fasciae lata tensor tympani tensor veli palatini teres major teres minor thyro-arytenoid & vocalis thyro-epiglotticus thyrohyoid tibialis anterior tibialis posterior transverse arytenoid transversospinalis -multifidus transversospinalis -rotatores transversospinalis -semispinalis transversus abdominis transversus thoracis trapezius triceps vastus intermedius vastus lateralis vastus medialis zygomaticus major zygomaticus minor

One single flaw in any of these departments and it’s over for you and you’re destined to rope #ixaaryounot #facts #lookism



Have u not seen the beauty of Ethio/Eri women? They will indeed better our phenotype lol.
height maybe tolerable for women but short stature in men is suicide, why chance it unless your only having daughters? also like I said there eyes are horrendous man looking like a frog and sheit nah man I'm good, they also don't improve our foreheads, basically no improvement at all were the better looking group


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Have u not seen the beauty of Ethio/Eri women? They will indeed better our phenotype lol.

Somali women have more of an elegant look. And an average Somali female often has tall brothers for whatever reason. Ethiopians are more variable but enjoy the roulette and possible shrukeness.
height maybe tolerable for women but short stature in men is suicide, why chance it unless your only having daughters? also like I said there eyes are horrendous man looking like a frog and sheit nah man I'm good, they also don't improve our foreheads, basically no improvement at all were the better looking group
Why hate the eyes tho lol it's only a minority anyway. Their foreheads are better let's admit, they don't have that curvaceous and balbous shape some xalimos and faaraxs have sbx. I think they win in looks but they're prob too similar to us to make a big change.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Nah, have to say xabesh.
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You're a sycophant.

1. Somali girls you are addressing are western born or raised so Diana usage does not apply.
2. They vary in temperament. Some are more health conscious than others and they don't need to throw off religious garb to win you over.

I don't wear the headscarf, what I wear looks good and my manner, look and voice are appeasing due to a decent upbringing. :nahgirl: If you have a fetish just own up to it instead of trying to take a dig at Somali females.
You're a sycophant.

1. Somali girls you are addressing are western born or raised so Diana usage does not apply.
2. They vary in temperament. Some are more health conscious than others and they don't need to throw off religious garb to win you over.

I don't wear the headscarf, what I wear looks good and my manner, look and voice are appeasing due to a decent upbringing. :nahgirl: If you have a fetish just own up to it instead of trying to take a dig at Somali females.
Yh ngl I threw a jab at yall there :meleshame:


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somali women beat habeshas easily theres a reason one are supermodels and the other isn't
Ofc they're gorgeous. To each their own.

But the model part doesn't mean anything lol. Xalimos that are dark and tall get recruited. There's more West African models than xalimo models, should I put them higher tho?
I don't think so.