Trump Teasing

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Look at farmajo his time is nearly up, all wasted ina ayaa lagu xasusan doona and time waster, he dont make moves, rageedi waa nag and he will never be consulted in politics ever. Wa balay dhahaya just a fuckin teaser.


Notice at the end Trump said I AM WORKING HARD FOR YOU PEOPLE. His a billionaire, he can go anywhere in the world, he aint gonna be hurting ITS YOU PEOPLE ayuu ka wada be it trade, security, foreign policy threats, etc. Wa runtisa sxb billionaire have nothing to gain.

Notice how he says XI loves china cause thats his team, and america is his team. When he says YOU people he means his TEAM, he aint shit without them like XI aint. But they can leave anytime and catch up on a beach anywhere in the world if the teams collapse, their powerful sxb.

We dont talk like that about being a team, we think make it on our own and not cooperate. No wonder were backwards. That's why it's rare for leaders to hate each other, it's about their team nothing else for them. They only hate each other when u fucking their team over, it's not personal.

Their all socialists these people, they operate like a team dont buy into capitalist crap waa nonsense. True capitalist is in africa, he operates individually and why his teams are peasants and dying and he is rich. One winner but no team, very easy to take out cause he stands on no back up. Hence kangaroo states. Funny he calls himself a leftist, progressive socialist, a communist at times and the ones who call themselves capitalist are the true socialists. See words dont mean shit sxb.
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That's I envision and wallahi when I say envision, I can actually see in my imagination. I want us scavenging countries that are neglected and not many hands involved so when they see us there, they will be oh who cares as their interests are that strong there. So their is no huge furore like mid-east and back n forth, im just saving us the waste on money and lives. It's different for russians and americans as they use that place as leverage in diplomacy. We won't need it we are not that linked to it as their economy is powered strongly by it.

I can see it if we scavenge these nations with no or minimal hands, their possibly be one hand there like regional neighbor and see who he reports to most likely china or west now in africa and see how important it is for chinese and west and if it's not get in there and begin the alliance process. It has to be written down all the steps to do it and repeat it over and over in nations. Term these are drones and back up bodies in alliance, we can fix them we have the same problem from colonialism also.

Some countries that are quiet sxb, especially around africa not all though forget the 4 dogs nigeria, ethio,egypt, south africa(that area is gone its neighbors also) other then short term interests, not long term stuff of alliances. It's just those nations u dont hear about, same with asian countries especially the ones u dont hear about like cambodia and shit like that. South america same deal. Just pick up crumbs boys. It's all the same bodies. Bullets dont care at the end of day.

Then we can start pressuring the africa region with hands in there but scaled lower in western interest like nations around nigeria, around south sudan, same deal with asia continent. Till we our alliance is so massive, we start thinking about nukes not too many though. Then we then take the rest. We end up coming with the guns, bodies, money as their developed thru our models as economies will be the same u just apply it to their strengths the models. It's all about then measuring how quick it happens. Then we got our short-term links with strategic russia-china-west and watch them deflate in wars, proxies, and all that around same neighborhoods for 100 years while we grow. We take over in the end as they didnt see it coming.
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Anyways I know it works because all my work career I cheated, I was taking crumbs from each person I worked with and his strength and added and ignored his negative and did with all to make myself damn complete. First it was hey this guy troubleshoot well, so i learned the method to troubleshoot( i am lazy now) but i know how do it when shit hits the fan. Then it was this person talks well so I learned that and moved into architecture(how to link business to tech) model similar to your house sxb u dont buy shit u dont need and u determine ur needs at home first, u do the same there and then cost it for value.

I was adding adding anigu all my career and keeping it for myself. The only thing i didnt learn was negiotation and diplomacy in that architecture role, I havent yet met one to cheat from. Plus sxb I never managed anyone but I had so many managers I mentally noted what worked and added them over time also especially the strengths cause they all have weaknesses u disregard it. Just add up the strengths and add it to yourself.

Thats why im telling u somaliyay, cheat cheat cheat forget the rules, you cant scream rules at nature it wont respond. Life isnt based on rules habartooda ha waseen if they say it is. U play within the rules thats it, u dont adapt yourself to it for life. Now im watching trump negiotation and diplomacy teams on kim, why? cause i wanna seee him? no so i cant fuckin cheat again. PPL think smartness is reading doing what others do and all that it isnt in all honesty UNLESS ITS WORKING obviously, its about RESULTS at the end of the day.

I remember when I first started my career, i planned it out to get technical skills so I went technical role and then it was get speaking skills so i went customer side of my role. Then I got stuck and said what the f*ck do I do now, so being young in my 20s, I just typed in highest paying IT job. Enterprise architecture came up, read it and said ok, then started looking out for it like any openings and intern type roles and thought get intern type role then move to 300k a year after 5 years. Short cut dont have cut all thru heirachy of IT.

Then I got there and their is a fuckin reason their paid high, I learned to respect CEO and CIO after that role, never would sit around even when i left when I heard them abused by fellow colleagues. They don't have a fuckin clue what's on the line there for them. U fucked up there, u arent getting a job ever again, its small circle and they know each other. Its ride or die type role, thats when i realized architecture is good enuff pays 300k and its not ride or die. U can always get another achitecture job, its so public like those ceo and cio. That's when I decided I wont seek leadership roles, its not worth the risk when the pay aint much different to architecture.

At the level like C grade u aint doing the work or managing it, your imagining it and guiding the ones below to do it as you see the end result but then u gotta translate into reality and if u f*ck up you aint getting another job, notice they all FUCKIN RETIRE.

The closest lament example I can give is it's like when u do restorations to a home, some just can get stuck in and pray it all goes well, well not thats unacceptable, it has to be imagined the whole thing and then designed on paper and then executed. They wont waste milllions on trial n error u just wont get it. That's why its hard to work there without imagining your work. Its like u see the support guys, the tech guys, design guys, business functions, how the technology hits, how well, cost, the inputs it needs and outputs it gives, how long can it last, seeing operate first in imagination and converting to visual designs. But I was exposed only to CIO the IT c grade, didnt see CFO or CEO which is another fuckin problem.

CIO sxb just pins the tech to ppl to the process linked to the vision and and ensure values are enshrined in the staff, the way the work carried out, security and all regulations met, and it's how much value did u provide that's measuring stick. Cause anyone can do it but they can spend billions while u spend millions to do a better job. I think the principles are the same but the context has expanded with CEO its not just technology and its related functions. But I can't comment on it as I havent seen it with my own eyes. Its all about value driving in that area, I heard my CIO, value value value all the time in her office cause I was next cubicle.
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The best way to explain to your maryoolay asses is. Imagine me and you neighors( thats different department or company) Imagine I run my house cheaper then you on all items, people, rent, food, electronics, name it all and u come back and do the same but your blowing out to three or four times more then I need to do and If im getting my needs covered and if its still better then you with all that investment, your a fuckwit bay ka wadan. They want just enough to the job with a bit of scale involved to last long cause noone like change sxb its a fuckin nitemare.

Their fighting on every metric staff happiness, time doing job, delivery rates, costs obviously, how the vision is addressed, how to do it better to meet it, every metric u can think of if you see it inside it's a factor to them and an edge ay isku faanan. They list all factors that impact on carrying out the tasks of their organization and it's a race now. And I was in traditonally pretty liberal dept health sector, f*ck it wud be night in a conservative one.

That's when I realized politics is bullshit when running an organization, it don't matter if ur liberal ro conservative, they say this liberal ceo or dept head is a waste and if u go there, u will be shocked how effiency is paramount and then u wonder if this is considered bad and how value orientated everything is, then u can imagine what they describe as good would be far more rigid. That's when I realized once u get to a certain level in an organization politics is irrelevant, its down to bang for the buck regardless of political sides. It's like their own mind-set community.

But that's operation side of department it aint much different to private side, I think their no politics there, it's value drive competition. It may be different as u go higher up like minister, secretary, i never saw them so I dont know. But I know C grade there is no politics some were from private companies and others internal in a structure of C1 C2 C3 and they were all the same.
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I guess Trump has his front line and thats probably political and they figure out the plan, and in each department then it's political probably till the c grade level are handed the work to execute which is probably why its value driven on their side, but I assume sxb it's heavy politics above and god know what else. I dont think c grade even provide any input on policy direction set down from heads in that dept, its just here it is from minister and president and value drive it and deliver, we dont want ur opinion, off u go. I cant see where secretary or higher ups would care for daily workings and stuff like that, its below them it appears c grade guys drive it. They probably do the vision work the ministers and secretary. Its weird like I said I havent seen it anigu but i know at c grade its nothing value drives.


I can see I think now why they talk about politics cause the policy being driven in the departments comes from politicians, which then gets passed on to secretaries and C grade value drive it. It's highly political i would assume hence the abuses happening between them as they are the FIRST POINT that everything connects off below and we just steering it.

We all under politicians they drive POLICY which is our direction and what dept must do hence u cant be political below the politician. We cannot move with out politicians, we become lost in the wilderness. So C grade aint that high in the scheme of things. Then president translates promises to public and then forms the first line of team to turn into policy for their department the DIRECTION which can be anything hire more, hire less, do this and do that. Then it's execution from then on nothing about questioning the policy, it's all delivery end from C to everything below.

No wonder govt officials are not sackable, they have no say in it policy just why it hasnt been delivered or where it has been and things needed. The guys above ministers are re-arranged like dogs cause they do have a SAY. Govt is set up like army. I never questioned the policy cause i was on delivery side untill it wasnt efficient and effective cause that just means do it easier for yourselves and keep quality standard or higher. Most ppl want their work easier but managers above sometimes wont allow it.
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If u ever get a job in govt, just play along with the structure even if it's hardest way possible untill u build rapport and slowly give them tips how to make it easier and say we should be achieving highest rating on efficiency and quality as the same time. For example dude ur doing 100 similar tickets, lets just write up knowledge article, one self serve tool, one email to that area or somewhere mutually accessed by all and say dont send us ticket, bang there u go. If thats not possible for watever reason like security, speak to developers now create me little program that can do all in big batch. It's his job to do this type of work, u utilize the people around u to make your work easier.

If u ever get work that just repeating from various different sources, it cant be the sources or teams that are the problem or else it would be just one team not multiple. Its problem with u and u just resolve it so it's done once or at least less then 100 times everything is scalable. But if its just one person its most likely them but dont end it there and start blaming it wont solve shit, u say how u want to learn, video, email, physically showing u, watever works sxb so they dont fuckin come back is the goal, its not proving a point. They usually so tired from inefficiency and if u feed them a fight, it just means they make it worse for u nimankani.

I could go into development and just know the rule, am i doing it more then once, what time am i spending on it, whats realistic, and re-route looking where to cut it in that environment. U just look for patterns that's it niyahow, am i enhancing, adding, merging, u look for the pattern is all I do is bug fix is more then once and then create something just for that problem the goal is always the same reduce your effort to 1 time only or as close as possible.
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So in coding you could group common function into some prepared syntax to save u writing it all out and it all becomes click n add and parameters adjusted reduced writing all that fuckin nonsense. It's better learning on principles not fine detail as fine detail changes, principles dont u just reapply as u need. So if your goal at the end is be efficient, if u aint doing in 1 minute the whole job which is unrealistic but you gotta set their goal there and keep moving towards it breaking down all the waste of time and effort. Sxb in operation roles where ur doing something it doesnt matter if is technology anything with doing CUT EFFORT AND TIME your doing it so do it the simplest way. It's bit different designing and c grade stuff though thats imagination and seeing it.

Ill pay close attention what secretary do and ministers next time because u dont have time for it inefficiency your bogged down and I let u know the real facts. But C grade and below were all operation people just different facets of it, some doers, thinkers, and leaders. I was in thinking role only in architecture. But were all OPERATIONS in the big scheme of things. we dont provide input, we deliver. so efficency is the only way in OPS there is no other measurement.

Ill read it soon actually secretary minister to president their seems to be another ring. But the ring were in, its deliver, not ask questions. They probably see as robots with different capabilities, some thinking and some doing, and some leading the doers and thinkers and its set up like that across each function thats a pattern. So they just look at us how quick, cheap, delivering you are based on your aspect of YOUR RING not THEIRS.

I bet any money they see us as slaves regardless of what side we are on operations be it thinkers, leaders or doers, if your not guiding the idea from the get go your in that ring with them, you will be measured on scales like slaves were and u think ur rising but u rising anywhere your still and OPERATION BOY just circling around in different areas and going from doer, thinker, leader but it's in delivery capacity only nothing else, get the job dont question the job or its direction only provide why its not done. Then we rat race in the operation mill and the higher ups secretary-ministers-president just look down and say keep it up boys knowing full well meeshay ku jiran, were so focussed on ourselves like on plantation, they sit across the ranch secretary-minister-president. Then there is bad slaves disturbing the plantation, harming ppl, ms13, and they look over and say PUNISHMENT TIME for harming the others on plantation but they also have no clue about the structure loooooooooool and if plantation uprises they come for trump and his henchmen. loooooool he is gotta stop em. They imprison them on the plantation basically the bad ones, time out for you and if your immigrant your put back on your old plantation for not adapting.

They fuckin own us nimanku. I am not to proud to deny at least, u can if u want but dont let pride fool u what we are in the world.
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Notice trump says he is calling FOREIGN LEADERS, owners of the plantations which are similar structures some are very similar to his ALLIES, some are bit different cuz their failing in plantation, but the order is the same and not much fruits coming out of it. He aint calling foreign workers, the foreign leaders buu yiri, cause they sit on a ranch too but some overlook a productive plantation some unproductive one but their all still on a plantation sxb hence they fight among themselves across plantations defending their leaders while this leaders laugh in their meetings across the world.

Trump is redirecting his plantation and saying look at that other plantation it's hurting us canada, eu, china, it's redirecting the plantation guys on themselves and then comes the your black, your white, your asian, no your muslim, your liberal, your conservative, and HOOORAHHHHHHH iyo qaylida. They just keep sitting on the ranch. Then turban guy plantation indian comes to america and they like you wearing turban my plantation doesnt loooooooool and all the social barriers across the world. It ensures the top 1% is never attacked by plantation, i bet they read slave revolts in past.

Notice trump is focusing his hate on the leaders, its never towards fuckin plantation bees. He just takes good examples from plantation and says BE LIKE THESE YOU BASTARDS LOOK AT THIS PERSON MEDAL. then back down again boy. hey be like this person firefighter when plantation on fire rinse and repeat. Cultural harmony and sits there and says respect your fellow slave and work together. Then MS13 this bad slave holds him up high for the plantation to see(media).

The set up is all the same in the world, will they get along? not with themselves but on plantation bees nah sxb they dont really care other then making sure it dont revolt, productive, etc they know the battle is with themselves. He dont need to talk to the plantation, just call the plantation owner thats all and hits all the plantation once. Plantations are all the same only difference is some are working and productive, some are not(poor ones), but the worse one is(some are on fire). PPL assume poor is the worst, no it isnt, destruction is even worse as your poor and still scared.

Syria is probably worst in the world. Cause destruction and poverty and scared isn't static either, they scale from bad to terrible. We are around just bad sxb in the big context. Notice poor normal people with no instability, dont flee to syria, the shit just got worse your poor and fkn scared at the same time. Thats why yemenis ran to somalia, its poor but hey at least im safe. Its better keeping plantation operating cause it can get worse even if your poor, dictatorship, no happiness, dont add fear to it.

Somalis are at least eating, the field is dead, bit of life here and there but it's dead all around in larger context, their just sitting there and eating and shitting though nothing else but cud be worse u cud by syria and assad. We need to get back on the plantation asap not stare at it and wonder if it will grow. Little bit of danger in our plantation shababis under the the big corn leafs as disguise(their face covering) waiting to pick off our ranch owners to install a new ranch owner muslim brotherhood. The ranch owners are federalist, secessionist, centralist all battling each on the ranch who will run it and how. Shababis dont touch the secessionists, centralist(ikhwani) as they see shared enemy the federalist cause secessionist wont be able to change the federalist backer who he operates with so teamed up with centralist and said lets get rid of the fool.
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He spoke of one nation dominating the region. Envision plantation circle that's what he meant that are geographically linked only and there is more circles for each other neighborhood. Then add water-ways, sky above each plantation, nukes for a few that u know who has it, it's pretty strange really when u think about it or imagine it, it's easier to actually deliver when its visual approach.

Then you create links between the farms and the ranch owners those with geographic reasons, economic across the sea, security reasons due to another plantation in turmoil in it's area and the flow direction(nearest safest nation), then link alliances the ones based on similar freedom and human rights values west, japan, south korea, then link the similar systems but absent values most third world, then add a big pool of guns and nations dumping it in thru alliances NATO, big pool for economic markets and no govt official saying u cant come in or charged high.

It's funny but u can clearly see sky is shared(climate), security is shared by all regardless of farm as the knock-on effect will disperse onto productive farms after initial stop nearest safest nation. Then just line up the plantation based on all the sectors of that nation and divide them into doers-thinkers-leaders. Line up on top of that another layer for business, academia, hospitals, cops, army. Then the last layer is the GOVT, it don't get any higher in the plantation they own the whole lot, then business own the next biggest chunk, then academia and education, health guys, business covers all private regardless of sector u can break it down also into different layers resources, tech, blah blah. Then add the world organizations between the farms, health, trade, UN for poltiics, farm borders,legal, international courts, waterways, and security and god knows what else probably climate body is coming. These uniting places where all nations come is hard to enforce, they dont have guns, its suggestions at best nor authority over any farm. Peacekeepers aint guns they just break the fight up nothing else, not resolve it. Then your asses are born in the plantation as that is your starting point hence u cant look back any further nor can I, you can only look to where u started in the ORDER.

I highly doubt anyone conquering time, you can only look back to where u started, u cant go back any further and it will continue move on forward. Noone knows the HOUR not bad for 5000 years ago. There is no going back, but forward can possibly be bended or speed up but that's just across distance nothing else, you can speed up in the world and reach different places doesn't different times though. You still subject to another time that aint fuckin changing. Time is static at the top and bendable within it only, you wont age sxb differently not from what I can see anyways. You just get to distances quicker or slower but your subject to higher time.
Strange isn't it.
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Just because it's day and night is just fake time that one, there is another time sxb that flows forward above all that measurements we do. U wud think since it moving forward u wud start backward and start old then die young but that's not the sequence at all as we can see we start young and die old.
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