Trump South Korea President Meet

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Trump has said he walked into a mess, I don't know about his nation domestically but globally, yes he did. Russia is about to swallow up his leverage tool countries using Iran who extends their axis and control, plus he lost 7 trillion on top of that and countless lives who he will need to tell their parents, not only are we worse off economically and u lost your taxes to nothing but your sons died for nothing too cause russia and Iran own these regions now.

He has China pushing into Africa and even though he says he likes the president of china, he must know what he is doing, ending another leverage tool of TRUMP. His got pressures on his alliances and a key franchise player south korea and japan. He has the EU mess economically and alliance possibly hurting(noone messes with their insurance) it's like saying you will drive a car with no insurance. You might not have accidents but u always need it in this world, lol. Cuz he knows the world is a vicious place of fake faces and fake news and corrupt hearts lol.

The only thing trump is bragging about is ISIS and ISIS humiliated him further by releasing how their going to operate in the gulf countries so they can cause it instability and control the oilfields loooool. He just switched them over to another area of operation a key economic life blood of the world. Then he has the brotherhood on the prowl like erdogan, qatar forming an axis and targetting many countries like yemen, syria, and nearly secured SOMALIA(red sea shipping lane).

I bet and I could put money on it, he don't like bush nor obama, he only talked about reagan not even senior bush(iraq war 1) All these terrorist roots when I looked into started after bush senior war in 91, they flung up after that and then george bush jnr carried it on further and obama done libya and now comes trump for the mess. With russia and china and the brotherhood god alliance project operating on the side

Can u imagine the increased cost on ISIS targetting the transport of oil not only in sea but targetting on land in saudi arabia and hijacking it, yelling allah akbar, this devil GOLD is wat u sold us for and our pride of islam. Saudi will respond with heavy security then that gets passed onto americans and the world with FURIOUS UPRISES. They should've ended it after kuwait and stepped away but I am sure some saudi interest group fooled them back then also, the americans die for saudis thats why the saudi king back then forgot his name called them his blue eyed slaves who will come whenever he calls. They shouldn't read to much into saudi interests because it creates a world of terrorists to follow by protecting them.

Imagine america is told to get out by qatar we have turkey protecting us a belief friend with a base, he has leverage and protection plus he is close to iranians anyways and turks wont allow saudis to change qatar role in brotherhood to finance politicians and haul in terrorists when their objectives are achieved in a nation. They will haul shabab all in when brotherhood project is done in somalia, its like their side arm the terrorists.

America it seems judges way to much on section manager reports and not so much on the area of dispute in their neighborhood, section managers can be corrupt, just go look at any organization.
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All Somalia comes down to is local grievances(federalist vs centralist vs secessionist along tribal lines) who link up with foreign partners who accept their local policies or not even or is mixed about it(step in ethio, saudi, dubai, kenya) who have only security concerns about the location in the area due to other geopolitical players operating that are opposed to them. Ethio n Kenyans more about their borders and if a terrorist state will take shape their first to go, and Gulfies it's their shipping lane, changing dynamics in yemen, and over-all a threat to the gulf.

Then add in the history of tribalism, colonial system(mismatched system for tribal folks), the hate that wedged over the decades till it exploded in tribal violence. Add in siyad who tried to deflect it to ethio or kenya all that rage inside the nation or a shared enemy as he couldn't find anything else to agree us on. Then it's war economy, hawiye businessmen benefiting from loot, paying taxes to anything anti government like the warlords, courts, and now shabab, possibly something else tommorow.

Then add shabab who is brotherhood arm pushing pressure of security on govt while brotherhood works inside institutions lining up their boys everywhere that matters for qatar, once constitution is signed and politics settled, it will die out is my guess or may reignite thru corrupting other opposing stakeholders. Since everything in the nation is so weak in terms of institution, it's the strong man shit happening and I am the boss but have no enforcers(weak institutions like security, army, etc) they wanna act like siyad basically but haven't got half the balls he had and the way he built his strength inside.


Can you imagine a world where KIM or Ayatollah has a nuke, we somalis will be like the first to get a deal to secure it for ourselves and nuke ourselves lol. Not only that but can u imagine us turning around and saying, hang on let's threaten america with we got nothing to lose, look at this place, BUT U DO. That's edge,

That's Leverage and trump doesn't wanna be put in that situation with profileration happening especially with states who are not ACCOUNTABLE to HIM or the non proliferation treaty. I bet Russia had to sign the non proliferation treaty but it's strange they also helped iran with technical know how. Maybe there is a loop hole in the agreement, 'duleelo' la geliyay that u can't sell it to anyone else but nothing about providing training on how to create one yourself.

It's definitely a quick way to get what u want be it political(get out of islamic lands) for terrorists and change this and that about your nations, it's not worth it at all the mess that comes with.


Even if America doesn't have a hand to play or a significant one cause the nation will weigh up it's options cause that's what they do in negiotation, it's about options and they will see if America hand is worth what they want to trade off on which can be anything(prisoner, terrorist, political reform, new leader, watever it is) even if they don't have direct hand, I bet you they have a hand somewhere with your friend who you do care about like what he did to north korea lol.

Sudan might think it's escaped, but he will call in saudi arabia to play it's hand for him. Noone escapes is the message being sent by the american machine!!! You saw how quick they handed over bin laden and said please leave the country, bin laden tried to bribe them with 'economics' and doing projects but when america said u will be decimated, well bin laden sorry but security comes first before food lol and out he went. See how easily ppl negiotate sxb!!!

It seems ever since the Saudis have taken an economic presence in there so scenarios like that do not occur anymore. They wanna make money while subduing u at the same time. So if the hand is needed they will say I will pull out my FDI and make u starve or hurt ur ass and this allows them not to waste a bullet on u or create a vaccum like iraq or libya for a worse scenario or for a scramble as it's real enemies start to see picking grounds lol


So if you somalis are so addicted to the outside and FDI, remember businesses represent their countries, that's the foreign interests that America always talks about, it's their businesses in your nations, and it's a hand for them. So how you handle FDI in Somalia will be interesting and if you get them to sign clauses that it's purely a business relationship and politics must be barred from it but I doubt that will happen because they won't choose your nation over where they live and operate.

I have to admit though, Puntland and Somaliland is far more welcomed by DC elites then hawiye regardless if he is president, it's all those deal breakings, brotherhood shit, islamic courts, warlords era, the looting of their own citizen properties, funding shabab, notice america slapped all those hawiye brotherhood telecom owners with sanctions? nimankan sirdoonyada way la socodan wax kasto dal kasta ka jira.

I think they know the Darod well PL anyways is more reliable partner, honors agreements, wants to share the nation through federalism, hates terrorism and anything related to it be it brotherhood or not as they would have to know the history but it's also obvious them your not a very sellable person to the public, we have a trump image in the nation and wont win hearts basically.

SL well clan project, it will just result in a scramble in the end by proxies with angry tribes within them, built on shared enemy premise will be hostile nation in the end even if it's united and cause trouble, possibly will trade off with brotherhood in hamar for north/south deal in return for kicking out west/dubai/saudis which they will if they house shabab in their lands while dealing with these nations and attacking allied states to the west.

Somalia is truly a MIXED BAG. Where there is HOPE is PL but he aint SELLABLE to the public, we dont have a good image in the nation and we have to be honest about that. MOG is last cause, brain tumor all over but their more likable like liberals but it's still brain cancer inside. SL is like white nationalist movement lol.
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That's why it would be far wiser for majerten to take a back seat, well at least the nation is secured and send in a good face that can pull people while being federalist to the core like a dhulbahante or a leelkase or warsangeli after-all the policy succeeding should be the goal not the person there. Or if we can't find anyone locally, send in a true federalist from mogadishu(hard to come by, deal breakers and can't be trusted) haday kursiga galan way isbadelan and that's the worst character to have in the world.

If we could get the ambassador to somalia from america to say WE CONSIDER ANY PARTY AFFILIATED WITH OR ALIGNED OR ANY INDIVIDUAL THAT PUSHES FOR MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AGENDA LOCALLY OR GLOBALLY AS NOT PARTNERS WE WANT TO DEAL WITH. THEY GOT RID OF MORSI SXB. That will allow either an indepedent or federalist to walk out as president regardless of clan while killing the brotherhood party. They may change names or conceal the party but we know they need money, they will need to go to qatar or be backed by it or turkey and expose them on the stage. Noone just gives u cash without some trade off being made.
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Qolana Janno qolana naar
That's why it would be far wiser for majerten to take a back seat, well at least the nation is secured and send in a good face that can pull people while being federalist to the core like a dhulbahante or a leelkase or warsangeli after-all the policy succeeding should be the goal not the person there. Or if we can't find anyone locally, send in a true federalist from mogadishu(hard to come by, deal breakers and can't be trusted) haday kursiga galan way isbadelan and that's the worst character to have in the world.

If we could get the ambassador to somalia from america to say WE CONSIDER ANY PARTY AFFILIATED WITH OR ALIGNED OR ANY INDIVIDUAL THAT PUSHES FOR MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AGENDA LOCALLY OR GLOBALLY AS NOT PARTNERS WE WANT TO DEAL WITH. THEY GOT RID OF MORSI SXB. That will allow either an indepedent or federalist to walk out as president regardless of clan while killing the brotherhood party. They may change names or conceal the party but we know they need money, they will need to go to qatar or be backed by it or turkey and expose them on the stage. Noone just gives u cash without some trade off being made.
Are you normal Dr.?


Are you normal Dr.?

No, I am not I am fascinated by Kim lately and the potential that can mean for poor countries in general and our loop holes to the top, rather then working way there. It's cheat mentality sxb looooooool.

If Kim does survive this or America has some card we don't know about, he will have his own franchise KIMMY, influence around the world, shaking shit how he wants, everyone reporting to the boss KIM. While South Korea continues playing it's puppet role lol.

I don't blame Trump for it though, he walked into a mess, he had bad leaders before. It don't know matter how strong america is if the guy behind it is a loser lol. They should've had a policy long time ago if we see any traces of any beginnings of nuclear development, libya model the place.

I am learning these for my own future, like I may one day have authority over someone and I need to know the under dog position and what that can mean so if I have problem with them, I know how to handle it. Kinda like is a guy under u who has a nuke the same as someone who doesn't regardless if he is under u or not. It's not the same shit at all. The nuke in the work place could be 'ties' with seniors above u.


Is it even possible to create a dome over a city? similar to ancient towns who had gates to protect their towns. Wat a great endeavor that would be to set up a dome across a continent, that would be some nasty costs involved. It's not 100% as you can't cover all the desert areas and the radiation would be terrible.

The best option is to get rid of this weapon and enforce it thru an agreement on all nuclear countries to disarm, the last thing they want is poor nations getting their hands on it and having them by the balls. Then place ATOMIC agency in each country to ensure it's never developed again. The costs involved are nasty.

China should be worried also not laughing, if KIM can say nuke war to trump, he will do it also to china. They never of sat by to allow a man with nothing to lose develop such tools. Trump was right again, this isnt a trump problem or an american problem, this a world problem he will do this everyone. Everything is getting so tight in the world in all fields, it all about that edge now.
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Wallahi Somaliyay. This is gonna end in either this image


Or this


Where as Trump vision of the meeting it's either going to end like this


Or the Libyan model. This is worst then Siyad barre who escaped or the enemy catching you sxb, This your own people that are serving justice on you. War strategies are starting to change, it's a i'll knock
your military out and then step away and let your people hunt you down.


Both have a lot riding on this sxb. Personal, national, global, history. Wallahi noone can predict where it's heading.
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If trump can denuke kim, thats history you cant deny him nobel peace prize. It stopped ppl like us ever getting one ever and threatening the world thru a rogue state channel. However we must note trump set a stipulation, this won't end with another meeting. It's this type of meeting he is talking about. Something gonna happen type of meeting.


The bullets in for trump and kim are different and both lethal but a stipulation has been set, it's gonna end in one way or another, either u do what u gonna do kim and ill do what im gonna do is what Trump saying and every is arming up their bullets and adding as many as they can. Trump if he gets a good deal with kim happy and a complete denuke, it's a bad message to the world that u get rewarded but at least it will be a one off thing cause they will ensure no other poor man ever dares that try that shit and watching movements in each nation and nuclear pychists.
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I wish Somalis negiotated like that, that's what real countries do, real politicians, not this fake crap that we house who agree to have another meeting always. The only thing we negiotate on is shared matters like climate change, humanitarian, things that are not the issue, we all need to eat we know that, we all need drink water, we all need hospitals, homes, stop discussing these things. Those are left for last as it's easiest. All our negiotations are weak, it has no stipulations so it always end in lets just summarize and come out with comminque so we dont look like fools in front of the ppl and talk about what we can agree on which is basically we have another meeting.
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