Been there, done that
It depends on your world view I guess, if you were more invested in the idea that all lives matter then the emotional weight of letting five people die would be far greater than one, especially when there are kids involvedWhen making lightning quick decisions we often act in favour of our emotions and our primordial selves surface. You also haven't mentioned the degree of closeness with this relative. Also, we are beholden to the tribe a bit more than we think. If we don't save him it might me ostracism and alienation from the group. And the mind registers rejection as abandonment which is a psychological form of torment linked to death. Having him die might feel like dying yourself which is a lot less guilt than if a family 'you have zero connection to' disappears. You could always rationalize that you couldn't quite save them and if the tables were turned a member of their kin would choose their qabil/member of their ethnic group over a Somali family of four. Even if the life lost of one individual is in service of the life of a group/family.