This Is Why Reer Gedo Want Kismayo

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Everyone fled the desert back in the days. Marehan did also, that's why their still remnants here and there around mudug-galgaduud-ddsi. MJ fled also for a greener life kkkk, issa mahmoud, ali salebans, then osman mahmouds who fought with the king and expelled. We secured a beautiful spot in jubbaland, the tourist future, all dominated by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your majesty highness clan :win:

Come to think of it only omar mahmoud never joined kkkkk. No spot in JL. my ancestors made some wise decisions, I am happy with my kudhaa island inheritance. Damn I envision a alexandria tourist spot in the future. While smoking a cigar :win: 'clan checking' all guests :whoo:

You should incorporate the islands into PL.
Besides PL has different culture. Notice when PL was founded, no blood, war, no displacing, no looting, nothing but built thru peace, where-as that madman aideed was running around with guns in the south trying to force a govt and snm was exactly the same built on the tip of a gun. Nobody in Somalia talks about this stuff and ignore it like it's ok or they 'know no better' like their 'hayawan tribes'.

I think it's due to the 'sultanate' history it created structure, order, and heirachy in our clans especially mj, warsangeli, dashishe not so much dhulbahante from what I noticed. Like if one of our elders speaks and makes a decision, it's the end of it, have u noticed cidina kama daba hadasho. Where-as in the south they have no elders and noone listens to them anyways. They have no guidance basically.

The jabhad snm is more important in isaaq territories, where-as isimo are the pretty much our power base in PL and in mogadishu they are stuck with nothing in reality. There is no respected person among them that they all agree on.
May Allah bless bah Majerteen
Marehan claiming kismaayo is strange. They are the latest to arrive in the city, merely showed up 20 years ago, but they are the most adamant. :mjlol:

we been there for some 150 years and we aren't even as stubborn as you guys.

let's see where it gets y'all.:manny:

we have plenty of experience in karbaashing people.


Actually Dubeys have left Bosaso to work in Ceel Dahir, it's been growing lately I wouldn't be surprised if it overtakes Badhan in a decade
ceel dhahir and carmo will be one city in less than 10 years
its litterally 5 minute drive between their cities
mareahns, why yall so quite when the dr insults yall, maskiins, what happened to the insults yall are famous at throwing,

he is insulting your people and you appease him , where is nine, sheikh, shaolian, where are the crack head marehans who throw insults at everyone,

an MJ is insults you about kimayo when they are as powerless as yall,

war defend yourselves, are you not men, ?

kkkkkkk, the kab iyo lax line makes me laugh, as if we give a two hoots about it, but let him use it to karbash the B00000ns, wallahi he is karbahsing them good that midget Dr.
I am the only somali clan who owns islands, proper islands. Kudhaa and Hafun. There is no other islands in Somalia. Those issa clans own a little island but it's tiny, nothing like hafun and it's huge size or ku dhaa.

well all the islands of jubbaland coast are actually bajuuni, i will give you hafuun but we all know somalis have never been interested in islands, the banjuunis in jubbaland have used it to fish for centuries,

dr, dont make things up now claiming harti own khudha, war not even Mohamed zubeer or maqabuul from kismayo or badade can claim the jubbaland islands, natively waa banjuuns and their shanshi fisher men,

we somalis have only ever been interested in camel meat, we never ventured to the sea,

but i will let you karbash the MX they seem to be scared of you and very maskiin like, warya sheikh and nine why arnt yall saying anything, the dr is whippping you,

i love how he uses kab iyo lax though, like we give a shyt about it, he uses kab iyo lax to mame him self seem and harti/mj seem like a lion,

doesnt he know 5,000 Ogaden tall lads died for the place and the majorty of kenyan officers waa Ogaden lads from NFD

kualha kab iyo lax, he was insutling gacadheer just yesterday,

to us your all the same,
Waryaa Kismayo is our city. Sade waa qaran. Gedo is our Green Valley region. We're developing it. Sade is doing everything. And no you guys copy whatever us Sade Ugaases since we are your role models and wiser leaders. Kismayo ana leh. And Sade is a powerhouse. :icon lol:

war the midget is insulting you and all you thrtow is diplomatic talk, what happened to your usualy craziness, war karbash the or you and your B00000n race will lose espect,

this Mj used to bow for huuraale and now he insults you,

are you scared of him?

are you rtoo busy sharpening your teeth, coward,

war fight back and put him in his place,

walle Ogaden waa geesi asli, real men, we made to of our slaves insults each other over kismayo

we been busy whilst they fight each other,

alxamdulilah, this makes me so happy to see my enemies fighting,

take darood and kab iyo lax and shoved it both yall,

:sass2: please continue fighting, more chance for me to rule both yall in jubbaland,
That's what I find unique about PL, they start from ground zero and create towns and cities in a few years, where-as other clans stick to what 'darod' gave them, isma bixin karan, wa tabar daran yihin, waxana keenayso ma haystan' base fican markeedi hore except a few rich at the top and a few rich can't build a city, it requires a good base population oo wax haysto.

Ogaden has built NFD, Ogaden region, and jubbaland, doobely, kismayo, afmadow,

i went to kismayo in 2012 dec, 3 months after we liberated, every house was abadnone by Ogaden 80% and then by harti the rest,

Ogaden and Mjs are good at long term thinking and sacrificae, they build,

in london you will see lots of businesses owned together by Ogadena dn Mj, but you will never see marehans or dhulbahante,

even warsegnali langabs are better,

marehan are good at working though, they work, dhulbahante drink qamro like their 1door reer abti,

hawiye waa mixed, habar gidir waa mafia, always xaram, mostly,

marehan dont do business, they like to get education and work,

the jews of somalia waa habar gidir, waa mafia ruthless,

marehans issue waa unpredictable and inpatient, waa hot headed, they have no aim except to work for another,
the biggest lost for darood waa dhulbahante,

waa switched off, they dont fight their enemies, they dont do business, they seem very atatched from the world,

most dhulbahantes i know waa iska like 1door,

there is no ambition,

we need to give them cousins ambition,

they need to kill 1door , all of them first and rise up like the darwiish days,
Waryaa we do have a native population number in our city Kismayo. Our people mostly live in their city Kismayo. See you mentioning the landeere Barre Hiiraale. Your scared of him after all that karbashing he gave to Kab iyo Lax. And he had thousands of Militias. We own all the properties. And the only duli squatters are Kab iyo Lax.

mareahn waa good at fighrting but waa not very patient, they have no vision, no staregy

Mj will work hard and then cut of their own arm or leg when they are successful, they need to learn humbleness,

Ogaden waa long term, staregic, they will perserve, build slowly their momentum, waa like elephant, they move slow but strong,

we never lose a peice of land, if you kick us , we will be back 100 years later,

Ogaden waa also racist, he looks down on others, in NFD on lock, Ogadenia on lock, jubbaland soon on lock insha Allah,

harti lakiin waa cowards at war, good at mouthyiness, but even russia and maerican somwrtmes needs men to die for her cause, harti do not want to die,

marehan will put up the most mafia as a leader, they do not think, then they lose it,

Ogaden will place in and invite all to share,

look at Ogadeinya, we have 43 tribes , for 1000 years sicne we moved away from our harti relatives, we have dozens of tribes that have lived and married our girls yet they never tatste power,

mareahn and mj biggest weakness is they fear each other and fear Ogaden deep down, becasue i it comes to one man one vote they know their place,

Ogaden has resouces, the greenest lands and all animal exported out of hargeysa and bosso waa from deep Ogaden lands, thus if we move that to kismayo htier economies are over,

also Ogaden can fight, waa brave, so daroods all day destroy each other,

if daroods were united they can rule and own east africa,

they cover easly 70% + of all lands, rivers, green land, coasts, and they have seats of govrment in kenya and ethiopia, lakiin darood waa his worst enemiey, waa useless self hating idiots,

a hawiye and 1door will united to keep darood out, but darood kills his own kind,

look at dhulbahante/harti killing each other last week, waa doqomo, Mohamed zubeer will never watch Ogaden sub clans to fight, where is gaas, that useless economist, why is he silent,

if jidwaq killed each other, Ogaden will intervene no doubt and advise them,

yet Mj sits and watches as his harti cousins wipe each other out,

useless daroods, you could have ruled like kings yet you are too focused on each other,

gun gun dhasehy daroods,

and dr osman, stop boasting about kismayo, we conqueed jubbalnd in by 1820-1840 and took NFD by 1870 when your midget people were still in dusty puntland,

no need to boast to marehans, that will only drive them towards hawiye arms,

marehans are good at being used by hawiye, like dhulbahante they have no self confidence or respect, waa foot soldiers of habaar gidir,

Having displaced the Wardei from the Juba region between 1820 and 1840 , the Ogaden were not content to settle down but continued their southward expansion since the loot from the Wardei was an appetizing reason to continue their raids.

The Ogaden migration towards the Tana in the 1 860s and 1870s, was one of struggle to wrestle control of the land from the Wardei .The Ogaden were firmly established along the banks of the Tana River by the 1870' s, having virtually conquered and subordinated the Galla to
Somali domination. According to Turnbull the attack of 1865 by the Somali Ogaden when the Wardei were weakened by plague was so unexpected and so violent that the Wardei were utterly broken by it.
Scattered through the fighting was, hundreds were killed; those who survived either fled to neighhouring tribes or became serfs to the Mohamed Zubeer, the Talmoge, or the Magabul. Many were sold as slaves in the markets of Lamu, and Zanzibar.

Had it not been for the arrival of Imperial British East African Company rule in 1885, the Wardei would have ceased to exist as a community with a separate cultural and political identity."
Marehan claiming kismaayo is strange. They are the latest to arrive in the city, merely showed up 20 years ago, but they are the most adamant. :mjlol:

we been there for some 150 years and we aren't even as stubborn as you guys.

let's see where it gets y'all.:manny:

we have plenty of experience in karbaashing people.

Having displaced the Wardei from the Juba region between 1820 and 1840 , the Ogaden were not content to settle down but continued their southward expansion since the loot from the Wardei was an appetizing reason to continue their raids.

The Ogaden migration towards the Tana in the 1 860s and 1870s, was one of struggle to wrestle control of the land from the Wardei .The Ogaden were firmly established along the banks of the Tana River by the 1870' s, having virtually conquered and subordinated the Galla to
Somali domination. According to Turnbull the attack of 1865 by the Somali Ogaden when the Wardei were weakened by plague was so unexpected and so violent that the Wardei were utterly broken by it.
Scattered through the fighting was, hundreds were killed; those who survived either fled to neighhouring tribes or became serfs to the Mohamed Zubeer, the Talmoge, or the Magabul. Many were sold as slaves in the markets of Lamu, and Zanzibar.

Had it not been for the arrival of Imperial British East African Company rule in 1885, the Wardei would have ceased to exist as a community with a separate cultural and political identity."


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Guuul Ogaadeen waa dad gob ah waan tolkeyga in terms of dhaqan they are closest to us along with Dhulos and Leelkase but Ogaadeen can be nasty sometimes waxaa la yiri Ogaadeen waxay dul fuulan kama kacaan when they are on top they won’t let you live waa doqon that’s where hatred for OG comes from nothing else you need to be humble in victory and smile in defeat Ogaadeen waa landheere laakiin sida laangaab bay u dhaaqmaan they either rule you with an iron fist or you rule them with an iron fist there no way to share with them so it better not to even live with them

@Teeri-Alpha @garad gacmadheere @Ferrari @DR OSMAN
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Guuul Ogaadeen waa dad gob ah in terms of dhaqan they are closest to us along with Dhulos and Leelkase but Ogaadeen can be nasty sometimes waxaa la yiri Ogaadeen waxay dul fuulan kama kacaan when they are on top they won’t let you live waa doqon that’s where hatred for OG comes from nothing else you need to be humble in victory and smile in defeat Ogaadeen waa landheere laakiin sida laangaab bay u dhaaqmaan they either rule you with an iron fist or you rule them with an iron fist there no way to share with them so it better not to even live with them

In all honesty I don't mind sade the REAL sades, because to win mj over you simply need to be anti hawiye, we changed a-lot from 90's onward, we are not friendly with those hawiye after what they did. We actually regret we didn't participate in the sade wars against them. Hawiye weligisa waa iska qaawana tarikh ahan, we should've known he would never establish a govt, qof walbo wuxu ahaa intanan somali isku iman ayuu ku noqday. Isaaq returned to his british queen cause that's the only history he has. Harti returned to ancient sultanate traditions. Hawiye waa aragta wuxu ku noqday, nothing because there is nothing for them to go back to except italians or keenadiid which they don't want.

I mean for f*ck sakes even sayidka said 'i dont want hawiye in my army' that indicates he wasn't even muslim because sayid was building an islamic resistance and wanted muslims as soldiers. He said mandow hawiye kuman dirsan adigu in reference to reer galgaduud.

We made a huge miscalculation in the 90s. But sade is still stuck in 90's mode and not adapting his politics to the reality on the ground.


Our hate for sade blinded us, we don't hate sade, we just don't think his the rightful 'ruler' or representative of darod clan, that's all. It's not hate at all. We should've been smarter to see, hawiye is no alternative either because hawiye cannot agree among themselves, they have no real structure inside or history or respected people among them that they agree on.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
In all honesty I don't mind sade the REAL sades, because to win mj over you simply need to be anti hawiye, we changed a-lot from 90's onward, we are not friendly with those hawiye after what they did. We actually regret we didn't participate in the sade wars against them. Hawiye weligisa waa iska qaawana tarikh ahan, we should've known he would never establish a govt, qof walbo wuxu ahaa intanan somali isku iman ayuu ku noqday. Isaaq returned to his british queen cause that's the only history he has. Harti returned to ancient sultanate traditions. Hawiye waa aragta wuxu ku noqday, nothing because there is nothing for them to go back to except italians or keenadiid which they don't want.

I mean for f*ck sakes even sayidka said 'i dont want hawiye in my army' that indicates he wasn't even muslim because sayid was building an islamic resistance and wanted muslims as soldiers. He said mandow hawiye kuman dirsan adigu in reference to reer galgaduud.

We made a huge miscalculation in the 90s. But sade is still stuck in 90's mode and not adapting his politics to the reality on the ground.
Ditoore you have to understand Hawiye are very smart when it comes to Darood they all view us the same and will unite to stop Daroodism but Darood can NEVER EVER unite to stop Hawiyeism MJ are racist as hell to Hawiye they don’t even hide it that’s why Hawiye favor diplomatic MX if they have to choose one it’s not out of love but out of necessity if MJ/MX could ever come to a common ground USC dominance would be finished and maybe even with help from non Hiiraab Hawiye the capital would be moved its garbage Darood that cant unite don’t blame Hawiye


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ogaden has built NFD, Ogaden region, and jubbaland, doobely, kismayo, afmadow,

i went to kismayo in 2012 dec, 3 months after we liberated, every house was abadnone by Ogaden 80% and then by harti the rest,

Ogaden and Mjs are good at long term thinking and sacrificae, they build,

in london you will see lots of businesses owned together by Ogadena dn Mj, but you will never see marehans or dhulbahante,

even warsegnali langabs are better,

marehan are good at working though, they work, dhulbahante drink qamro like their 1door reer abti,

hawiye waa mixed, habar gidir waa mafia, always xaram, mostly,

marehan dont do business, they like to get education and work,

the jews of somalia waa habar gidir, waa mafia ruthless,

marehans issue waa unpredictable and inpatient, waa hot headed, they have no aim except to work for another,
Boowe the best resturants in the united kingdom are owned by mj, theres no known ogaden restaurants in london or united kingdom.


Ditoore you have to understand Hawiye are very smart when it comes to Darood they all view us the same and will unite to stop Daroodism but Darood can NEVER EVER unite to stop Hawiyeism MJ are racist as hell to Hawiye they don’t even hide it that’s why Hawiye favor diplomatic MX if they have to choose one it’s not out of love but out of necessity if MJ/MX could ever come to a common ground USC dominance would be finished and maybe even with help from non Hiiraab Hawiye the capital would be moved its garbage Darood that cant unite don’t blame Hawiye

I agree something needs to be done about sade, we are acting like they don't exist. Farmaajo-Yuulka-Saacid, this policy of just ignoring sade isn't the best policy, it doesn't work at all. But there is a problem among sade even inside themselves, I've seen more sade split over their politics as half are usually pro darod the other half are not.
Our hate for sade blinded us, we don't hate sade, we just don't think his the rightful 'ruler' or representative of darod clan, that's all. It's not hate at all. We should've been smarter to see, hawiye is no alternative either because hawiye cannot agree among themselves, they have no real structure inside or history or respected people among them that they agree on.

Sade is the most noble tribe in all of darood. We know how to rule justly and not deal in underhanded ploys. We are somali nationalists and wadanis at heart, which is why the ruler of greater somalia can only be a noble dini ugaas. Kismayo is our port and as a harti you shouldn't even mention it. The cagdheers were brought in on the backs of their bantu masters and that is coming to an end soon.
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