This is for the arab bootyclappers. where yall at?

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I misread, I read 'there are xabeshi's and some idiots idolising them on here', I thought it is about Arabs.

She's talking about the sudden surge in pro-xabashi trolls. All of whom seem to be claiming Isaaq. It leads me to believe that they are either Somali trolls from other clans or xabashi trolls who seem to only know Isaaq. Have you been at the tigrey goat-wine again?:bell:
I misread and misunderstood it too so don't worry lol:icon lol:.

Look most people, who are new on here, don't know me.

However, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I will admit it. But if I know, I'm right than I will say so.

However they are some fake new users all claiming to be my tribe issaq, it's really annoying because the others will use it, to attack us all.

I'm glad you highlighted it and stuck up for yourself, even if it wasn't directed at you.
Everybody knows my opinion on Somalis who bootyclap for xabashi. A lot of those are trolls or just joking. It's not my fault you're too senior to notice. Also, I'm not gonna chase every fake Isaaq Sheegato around.

But you're arab-arselicking is serious and not a joke. Even if they pissed on you, you would still call it a nice shower. Don't throw stones in glass houses, like I said before.

Don't reflect your attitude on me, it is you that would take anyone 's piss.


Your superior
My condolences to your husband. How long has he had that problem?:bell:
Don't take this cajuusad seriously, she wants us to ignore the fact those who work for Ethiopia on the ground and worship them are darod and the dogs of Kenya who were protesting for the Kenyans were darod too lol.


Everybody knows my opinion on Somalis who bootyclap for xabashi. A lot of those are trolls or just joking. It's not my fault you're too senior to notice. Also, I'm not gonna chase every fake Isaaq Sheegato around.

But you're arab-arselicking is serious and not a joke. Even if they pissed on you, you would still call it a nice shower. Don't throw stones in glass houses, like I said before.
She grew up in an Arab country that's why her command of the English language is poor and she defends them. She might as well write Somali and she's a fob ee iska daa.


live and let die.
She grew up in an Arab country that's why her command of the English language is poor and she defends them. She might as well write Somali and she's a fob ee iska daa.

It's one thing to argue against the (at times) irrational anti-Arab sentiment on SSpot, it's an entirely different thing to unconditionally defend them. I suspect she's got more ties to the ME than simply being born and raised there...
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