Theres no real men left On Somalispot.

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Bro I know many Arab chicks who married revert black Muslims. Come to Columbus, Ohio, and visit masjid Assabaha. You see all these AA, and Arab mixed babies running all over the place. Those Somali girls choose them, because maybe you guys didn't step up to the plate. A lot of somali dudes in the west are hooligans, or taking there time in school, and will get married when they graduate. So you can't blame some Somali girls for choosing revert brothers. They just want to get married, and have kids to a good brother who practices his Deen. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Honestly no offense, but you make yourself sound inferior, and weak. Plus many Somali guys also marry outside of race. For example a lot of Somali guys go to India, to marry Muslim Indians who are miskeen. My dad literally asked me to do that last year, but I love my Somali women, and culture too much to leave them for an indian:rejoice:

These women are being prayed upon though. I’ll refer you to the case of this one revert who had 4 Somali wives, divorced them all one after the other then straight bounced without paying the mehr.
They have to ruin everyyyyyyy singleeeeeeee topiccccccccc with their dry ass salafi-apple jokes!!!!:mad::mad::mad:



Make me some Cambulo tonight.
These women are being prayed upon though. I’ll refer you to the case of this one revert who had 4 Somali wives, divorced them all one after the other then straight bounced without paying the mehr.
Bro now that's when I agree with you. That guy should be killed. Plus the community should speak about it. That's not good. The Muslims should've something about it. But there must be more to that story. They couldn't have just let him get away without an ass kicking. But also dudes like that exist among us. I've heard of Somali dudes doing that as well.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I think it would be a good idea if more Somalis were busy focusing on themselves and their families first and foremost and Qabiil as the last thing we're all individuals our Qabiil doesn't represent us

Secondly Things change cultures change we shouldn't expect the wife to cook and clean just cause that was the norm back home I think more Somali guys should learn how to cook and clean so they can help their wife and family this will leave time for other stuff like hitting the gym together or family activities


I dare u to show yourself.
this forum seems to attract qashin with very weird mentalities

How can some of you guys call yourself men when youre acting like girls?

In My opinion a real man wouldnt Ever put Down his own women nor brag about taking advantage of them

Heres the thing respect them, Honour them and defend their Honour otherwise youre no different than the African American community who label them as s and hoes

What Some xaliimos do doesnt reflect the entire community they arent a norm like some of you people seem to believe theres literally thousands who are Mashallah and some nolosha ka dhacay

I dont give a shit about a Farax or a xalimo whose a criminal or a cause they dont represent our community nor should you people

Most of you have been raised by a beautiful Somali women just like many of us make her proud Nin iska dhig who stands up for his women
A real man in my book is one with a pair of testicles and a dick. And as of honoring “your women” saaxib I don’t give a f*ck about other Somali girls except my own family. The only women I will protect their honor are my immediate family memebers as for other women, they can suck on my ugly toes.


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
I think it would be a good idea if more Somalis were busy focusing on themselves and their families first and foremost and Qabiil as the last thing we're all individuals our Qabiil doesn't represent us

Secondly Things change cultures change we shouldn't expect the wife to cook and clean just cause that was the norm back home I think more Somali guys should learn how to cook and clean so they can help their wife and family this will leave time for other stuff like hitting the gym together or family activities
The Prophet (SAW) was the best example. He would cook, and clean with his wife. He wouldn't just watch her do all the work. That old tradition of the women doing everything is retarded. A wife is your partner for life, and should be treated like your best friend. :banderas::friendhug:


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
A real man in my book is one with a pair of testicles and a dick. And as of honoring “your women” saaxib I don’t give a f*ck about other Somali girls except my own family. The only women I will protect their honor are my immediate family memebers as for other women, they can suck on my ugly toes.
Your life must be awesome. All our Somalis ppl are family sxb. I treat them all the same. With respect, and dignity :friendhug:

Unless they're gang banging hooligans singing lil pump music with there pants sagging..... That is.
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