Theres no real men left On Somalispot.

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That depends tho. If he's a good Muslim then why not? If he's a bad individual then you're right, but a women should choose on the character, and Deen. Not the hair type... Tf :westbrookwtf:

You don’t understand. No other ethnicity of women have accepted an apple for their mehr. Somali women are the only women who are seen as easy pickings. Hence the phrase cheap and clean. Not Bengali, not Arab and certainly not Pakistani. Why is it that when a ex-con revert comes out of jail, he is immediately referred to a Somali sister? This is the crux of the issue, saxib.
What a cuck. Go on twitter and YouTube and see the constant bashing somali girls give somali guys. Don't be mad when some Somali guys feel the need to retaliate


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
You don’t understand. No other ethnicity of women have accepted an apple for their mehr. Somali women are the only women who are seen as easy pickings. Hence the phrase cheap and clean. Not Bengali, not Arab and certainly not Pakistani. Why is it that when a ex-con revert comes out of jail, he is immediately referred to a Somali sister? This is the crux of the issue, saxib.
Arabs, and Pakistani be racist af. That's why. Likewise Somalis back home in the horn be racist af. Maybe those girls just want a man with good character, and loves his Deen. Also I doubt most Somali girls in the UK marry outside the race. That's far fetched.


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
What a cuck. Go on twitter and YouTube and see the constant bashing somali girls give somali guys. Don't be mad when some Somali guys feel the need to retaliate
Somali girls be cool af. Those girls talking crap are the ones usually used by the many hooligan Somali dudes out there.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
What a cuck. Go on twitter and YouTube and see the constant bashing somali girls give somali guys. Don't be mad when some Somali guys feel the need to retaliate

Retaliate by saying Apple meher?

That makes you both look bad


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
Somali women are the only group of women going for the revert ex-cons and allowing them to pay their mehr with just an apple. Other races of men will see us as weak and beta, if you have no problem with this then that’s some cuck shit wallahi.:ohlord:
Bro I know many Arab chicks who married revert black Muslims. Come to Columbus, Ohio, and visit masjid Assabaha. You see all these AA, and Arab mixed babies running all over the place. Those Somali girls choose them, because maybe you guys didn't step up to the plate. A lot of somali dudes in the west are hooligans, or taking there time in school, and will get married when they graduate. So you can't blame some Somali girls for choosing revert brothers. They just want to get married, and have kids to a good brother who practices his Deen. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Honestly no offense, but you make yourself sound inferior, and weak. Plus many Somali guys also marry outside of race. For example a lot of Somali guys go to India, to marry Muslim Indians who are miskeen. My dad literally asked me to do that last year, but I love my Somali women, and culture too much to leave them for an indian:rejoice:


Make Hobyo Great Again
I noticed the gif you used looks like you. Was that intentional? :siilaanyolaugh:
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