The Truth Behind So-Called "Cushitic Unity" That's Peddled By Young Somali Men


“Devout Muslims” eh? Then why is it a shithole, anarchic, hate one another to share power, the worst place in the world a mother or a child could be? Is it because of Islam or these 99.9% so called “devout Muslims” worship their clans and not Islam? Which one? Most of those who are pro-Cushitic are Muslims like these “99.9% devout Muslims” who screwed up a whole nation.
It is in such a state because they are tribalistic unfortunately


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
I am swimming in Habesha siil here in America. And how do u know who these girls are checking? :wow1: yaab


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
this whole thread is stupid lmao. even the idea of people lusting over habesha women is stupid cause not many habesha girls are checking for a somali, so any guy lusting over them is clueless. habesha girls are barely even checking for their own men tbh

im also pretty sure the basis of a horn african unity is not based on habesha girls, but more so people similar to one another in both looks, culture and geogrpahy banding together. its not a groundbreaking concept, nearly every region on earth comprising of neighboring countries has something similar. the only horn african unity i can ever see being successful is ethiopia djibout + eritrea if its dictator falls and maybe sudan. somalia's way too chaotic and unreliable to be trusted in some sort of union.
How do u know who Habesha woman are checking? Do u work for tinder?


That wasn't his point lol. His point was those Somali men who wish to seek union with Ethiopia and Ertirea are mainly thirsty over Habesha women. They are willing to throw away their nation and disrespect their ancestors and form a union with our arch enemy. If you had political and historical knowledge for the situation involving with the Somali and Habesha people then you would understand but since you didn't do enough research and live in the diaspora, your opinions are merely erroneous.

If he had married a Habesha woman then you would've had a point but he's not and your comment was rather more personal.

@Factz thats exactly the point I made above however I do agree with @VixR that our fellow horners and maybe even sudanese brothers and sisters are much better than non somali bantu's and arabs for many reasons as these blacks see us as arab caste offs and even imply about breeding out somali's


Your bullshit “kinship” towards habeshas had you telling me Ogaden is part of Ethiopia and at least it’s not a failed country. A place where ogadenis are regularly abused and harassed. Not only do you sound like a sell out, you are the female equivalent of a “cuck”. The definition of a weak link. f*ck outta here.

@MoeMoney @VixR is correct habesha's are preferable than other black people who are derogatory to horners but somali's in particular these madoow have a disdain for us especially such as our physical features.
Go to Somalia and see for yourself. All somalis in Somalia are practicing Muslims who pray, fast give zakat etc


At the same-time, they locked the country into a permanent anarchy while they slaughter one another, starve children, girls and women are raped at will? Indeed they are "Great" Muslims. What did the Somali "Murtads" do to other Somalis and Somalia?


I swear, some people lack reading comprehension. I'm not shitting on them for liking Xabesha women. I'm going at them for wanting to be RULED by Xabeshas, by having Somalia relinquish its independence, just so that they could be close to those women.

@Armadillo thats what I explained
That was the culture historically, back in the day, mostly within the homeland. In that society the children would go with the father too if there was a split.

Out of all the mixed Somalis I know its the ones with a Somali mother are the ones that are no different to other Somalis. They speak the language know the culture etc. Children spend most of their time with their mothers.

So yeah you can hold onto that rule if youd like but it produces Maya Jama' types vs. this half Italian (father) half Somali (mother).

@Factz @embarassing sister/brother your actually wrong their are many children who have somali fathers and ajanabi mothers who know and are proud of their culture and heritage case in point

this is a myth perpetuated by certain women who want to marry out by justifying it with the rationale of at least our mixed kids are somali and know their culture when that can happen, however it has nothing to do with the fact that these ajanabi fathers are better per say than it is just to do with those men are more leaning or partial to the somali mother and her background but that in its self is rare.

As I knew a somali boy growing up who had a maghrebi algerian father and a somali mother I once asked him are you proud of your somali background to which he replied no I don't want to be called somali even if my mum is and has subsequently raised me for most of my life as his algerian father was absent for most of his life.

Which indicates that these so called lost somali's by somali fathers is a gross lie/fallacy to justify marrying out to ajanabi men by claiming that their kids are still somali when the opposite is true,

as the only instances when their kids know about being somali is when the ajanabi man doesn't impose or raise the child with his culture and lets the somali mother raise the child with her culture, because the ajanabi man is more appeasing to her which are highly rare instances.

people always cite maya jama but conveniently overlook iman and her kids which is indicative of both parents being lost, in addition to not upholding nor affirming their heritage maya jama's father was a criminal ex con who's wife wasn't even muslim had she been then perhaps her mother as a muslim would've instilled and made her aware of her fathers culture.

And iman is a apostate as she married someone who was a known homosexual and therefor is an individual that has significant identity issues which most of these women have by marrying those who despise somali's either recently or historically such as whites, blacks, arabs, etc no one cares when its turks as they don't hate us.


@Armadillo thats what I explained

@Factz @embarassing sister/brother your actually wrong their are many children who have somali fathers and ajanabi mothers who know and are proud of their culture and heritage case in point

this is a myth perpetuated by certain women who want to marry out by justifying it with the rationale of at least our mixed kids are somali and know their culture when that can happen, however it has nothing to do with the fact that these ajanabi fathers are better per say than it is just to do with those men are more leaning or partial to the somali mother and her background but that in its self is rare.

As I knew a somali boy growing up who had a maghrebi algerian father and a somali mother I once asked him are you proud of your somali background to which he replied no I don't want to be called somali even if my mum is and has subsequently raised me for most of my life as his algerian father was absent for most of his life.

Which indicates that these so called lost somali's by somali fathers is a gross lie/fallacy to justify marrying out to ajanabi men by claiming that their kids are still somali when the opposite is true,

as the only instances when their kids know about being somali is when the ajanabi man doesn't impose or raise the child with his culture and lets the somali mother raise the child with her culture, because the ajanabi man is more appeasing to her which are highly rare instances.

people always cite maya jama but conveniently overlook iman and her kids which is indicative of both parents being lost, in addition to not upholding nor affirming their heritage maya jama's father was a criminal ex con who's wife wasn't even muslim had she been then perhaps her mother as a muslim would've instilled and made her aware of her fathers culture.

And iman is a apostate as she married someone who was a known homosexual and therefor is an individual that has significant identity issues which most of these women have by marrying those who despise somali's either recently or historically such as whites, blacks, arabs, etc no one cares when its turks as they don't hate us.

Using one example like Maya Jama after her real father was in jail, got divorced and was raised by foreign parents is a terrible analogy. Just pure dishonesty.
@Armadillo thats what I explained

@Factz @embarassing sister/brother your actually wrong their are many children who have somali fathers and ajanabi mothers who know and are proud of their culture and heritage case in point

this is a myth perpetuated by certain women who want to marry out by justifying it with the rationale of at least our mixed kids are somali and know their culture when that can happen, however it has nothing to do with the fact that these ajanabi fathers are better per say than it is just to do with those men are more leaning or partial to the somali mother and her background but that in its self is rare.

As I knew a somali boy growing up who had a maghrebi algerian father and a somali mother I once asked him are you proud of your somali background to which he replied no I don't want to be called somali even if my mum is and has subsequently raised me for most of my life as his algerian father was absent for most of his life.

Which indicates that these so called lost somali's by somali fathers is a gross lie/fallacy to justify marrying out to ajanabi men by claiming that their kids are still somali when the opposite is true,

as the only instances when their kids know about being somali is when the ajanabi man doesn't impose or raise the child with his culture and lets the somali mother raise the child with her culture, because the ajanabi man is more appeasing to her which are highly rare instances.

people always cite maya jama but conveniently overlook iman and her kids which is indicative of both parents being lost, in addition to not upholding nor affirming their heritage maya jama's father was a criminal ex con who's wife wasn't even muslim had she been then perhaps her mother as a muslim would've instilled and made her aware of her fathers culture.

And iman is a apostate as she married someone who was a known homosexual and therefor is an individual that has significant identity issues which most of these women have by marrying those who despise somali's either recently or historically such as whites, blacks, arabs, etc no one cares when its turks as they don't hate us.
I'm not trying to deep it but you're arguments are skewed af and u know. Stop going on this crusade to preserve Somali genes man, at the end of the day faraax do what faraax do lol. Posting a couple of youtubers with Somali dads doesn't chnage the fact that a lot of Somali dads leave their families in shambles. I grew up with a few Somalis with dads that walked out on them and it's sad.


I'm not trying to deep it but you're arguments are skewed af and u know. Stop going on this crusade to preserve Somali genes man, at the end of the day faraax do what faraax do lol. Posting a couple of youtubers with Somali dads doesn't chnage the fact that a lot of Somali dads leave their families in shambles. I grew up with a few Somalis with dads that walked out on them and it's sad.

@Waaqo of Punt I think if anyone's argument or rhetorical thinking is inconsistant and therefor full of errors such as false equivalences, skewed subjective perception, and full of fallacy's that inevitably lead to misinformation its you not me that has a flawed perspective, one of the reasons I wanted to join this forum was to dispell certain myths by challenging it with rationality as well as the use of reason.

as if events in recent decades including history are an indication then lies, or exaggerations of truths can have or lead to disastrous outcomes/consequences therefor the implications of lies can culminate in strife, despair, oppression, etc.

Which is further reinforced within the quran regarding lies and its subsequent fitna through how detrimental it can be to all communities what you must understand is that everyone including myself is acutely aware of how at certain times somali men specifically fathers can be wayward and not assume their responsibilities fully,

however the reason can vary from family/houshold depending on relationship too but this is not endemic to our community alhamdulillah as it is minimal and not common as certain people suggest primarily because the somali nucleus family has remained alhamdulillah.

however what is undermining and seeks to destroy our communities integrity is foreign ideaology's such as salafism, liberalism/feminism, so I concur & concede that somali fathers can & should do better as it is incumbent upon them as their duty/mandate but this parallel to lifelong career absent african american/afro caribbean men who have a flagrante disregard to assume their responsibilities as well as a propensity to be evasive with their duty.

This isn't a correct narrative as that's not indicative of most somali fathers who are actually devoted tirelessly and selflessly just like our mothers are, to the extent these somali fathers make sacrifises such as working multiple jobs especially menial jobs with the selfless support and sacrifices of their wifes that wouldn't be possible without their unconditional love wallahi.

so that said when compared to the men from communities that fetishizes little east & south east asian women who wear pigtails & obscenely revealing school uniforms that resemble under developed/underage girls rather than women, as well as abusing and holding in captivity in dungeons women who they supposedly claim to be sexually pleasing through sado masochism but in fact resembles torture/abuse of women.

Or other men who have relationships with multiple women and inevitably impregnate them while distancing themselves from their women/kids to avoid the burden of their responsibilities.

Or the men who's womens entire lives revolve around not being allowed to learn the language of the country in which they reside for fear that they may attain their rights and be emancipated from abuse, including the younger women who have the threat of suffering facial disfigurement due to acid causing facial mutilation.

Or the other men from the culture that prefers under age boys otherwise known as bacha boys/bacha bazi that also practice marital rape when their wifes denie them sex, or the men from the culture that literally see's their women as property and go as far to not allow them to drive.

So saxiib or saxiibadeyda somali men have many problems but none of those ills alhamdulillah we are not afflicted with those ills its great being a somali man but it wouldn't be possible without the creator first and foremost and the great somali men and women especially the great somali fathers and mothers mash'Allah to them,

despite those against us we somali men and women know their is greatness within us insh'Allah tala amin.

If that is what you mean by crusader then I'm guilty as charged.


@Armadillo @Nilotufian @VixR I don't think you read nor understood his point he never explicitly said or stated anything about being opposed to having relationships or desiring habesha women including marrying them either,

however what he did say is that these brothers do themselves as well as their people a disservice by advocating for unification to a country and its people that have disdain towerds our people who in addition have historically attempted to subjegate and therefor oppress us by attempting to reducing us to nothing more than mere vassals on numerous occasions,

indicated by the historical legacy of both our people he even applied this same rationale to our own cushitic brethren like the oromo, afar, etc within the region who are also complicit in commiting atrocities to somali's also. Please don't deflect from the over arching point by reiterating other peoples poor childish rebuttal of "but aren't you married" to a non somali that isn't remotely related to the point that is being made,

for the reasons I stated above neither was their any apathy or dislike towerds ethiopia's succes which is largely down to its stability as their wasn't any underlying desire for that to end through any ill will to ethiopia,

that said please don't misconstrue what the point is in an attempt to derail the argument to something else that reflects your overall sensibilities of miscegenation, which is an entirely different topic that's why I would suggest that you improve your reading & comprehension skills.

the argument is as follows

like or don't like habesha ethiopian women

1.don't capitulate your heritage & sovereignty and love your own people first and foremost especially given their plight & predicament
3. understand the historical context of the region and specifically how this semitic supremacy affected our people
4.being inherently anti somali and divisive along tribal lines whilst being amenable to others that harbour vehement disdain to somali's.

If the message is to love and respect each other so that we can reconcile to facilitate the restoration of our country so that we can establish a promising future for our people including the generations to come.

Which doesn't have anything to do with hypernationalism whatsoever he wasn't calling for the conquest and subordination of others which ethiopia has done if you read and understood properly what was said, as you seem to be more susceptible to viewing positively.

Someone who gets it


Seems like I've caused a bit of a stir. Great, still stand by my original post.
I'm actually lost for words.........our forefathers would be turning in their graves, if they knew, how much Ethio asslicking their descendants would be doing.
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Contrary to what you may think, I dont hate Ethiopians. I work in construction. I'm currently working at a site in North London. at least 5% of the staff there and in other sites, I've worked at are eritreans and ethios.

They're a great people. I mix with them, and try to set them up with long-term contracts, as most of them are agency workers, that can be sent home at any given time. Now, I do this, because we're in the West, and not Africa. But, best believe, if we were in Africa, I wouldn't so much as waste my breath speaking to them. Best believe that.

The mistake a lot of people make, is thinking people think and act the same in Africa, as they do in their host countries. News Flash:

They don't.

I dare any of these "Cushitic Unity" lot, to go to any town or village in Oromiya or Afar states of Ethiopia, and tell us how these "Cushitic brothers" treated ya.

