The amharas all ways bark so don't worry about themEritrea was a WHOLE different situation and that was back when colonialism was still a thing.
Also, even after Eritreans voted to leave Ethiopia didn't give a f*ck and attacked...they got independence after 30 long years of war. Also, I feel like the new Ethio president is just a sheep in wolve's clothing. He's playing it smart, he's done everything right so far to calm the Ogaden down and slowly repress opposition. He already ended the small military opposition and is probably going to improve the lives for Ogadenis to the point where they won't want or need to leave Ethiopia. Even he knows how many resources Ogaden has and he's gotta think how the rest of Ethiopians will react after he basically sells their land (in their eyes)...Tigray/Amhara terrorists will lose their shit and be on his ass.
The referendum is in the peace treaty that the onlf signed they can't stop it all thy can do is postpone it
So that referendum is happening but the question is when
Night need to panic