The rise of the 30 year old never been married before halimos

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My aunt told me to come to Africa when I turn 20 and she'll give my my pick of a wife :browtf:

Tbh I might. They live in Kenya and are balling, I might end up with an Amina Hersi-kinda wife :ahh:

:salute:African way
If nobody cared all those 30 year old never been married before females wouldn't be polluting the dating sites. Your chances of settling down get very slim once you are a 30 year old halimo.
Doesn't matter it's better to enjoy your 20s :ahh: don't spend it by popping out kids like there's no tomorrow. Just travel see & experience the world.


Somaliweyn Unionist
I mean don't have kids in your early 20s, don't be a pram-pushing Xalimo without a career.
It's funny because many of those 30 year old women don't even have good careers. They're working mediocre jobs that white women work while raising kids. You can have a life, travel, and have fun while having children.
It's funny because many of those 30 year old women don't even have good careers. They're working mediocre jobs that white women work while raising kids. You can have a life, travel, and have fun while having children.

I just want what's best for my Somali sisters. As an ethnic minority, we have to work twice as hard as cadaan people so it's best to take advantage of the free education the west provides us with. Nothing better than walking into a hospital and seeing a Somali female Doctor this is becoming very common nowadays :lawd:
I am amused at men poking fun at Somali women who can't find suitable spouses.

You do realise that the situation is only going to get worse as women outnumber men, Somali women are harder working, smarter and more mentally prepared to deal with the West-- meanwhile A LOT of their male counterparts are mentally inept.

Your daughters may face an even worse situation. Instead of making inappropriate jokes, maybe you should think about how to encourage young boys to study, work hard and become MEN.

Otherwise, your daughters may be forced to become someone's 4th wife or settle for a man you do not respect.

Just a thought :yousmart:
Damn, 31, doctor and at 300k seems very high for even doctor unless she specialized or finished school early. I mean what kinda guy in his 30's can match her at 300k -- you need to own your own business, another doctor like her or Director/Vice President level at big company to match that man, lol. Must guys are probably insecure to marry a lady that makes more than them even if both of them are making six figures.

She is a Gynecologist and she does a lot of overtime hours, her base salary is around 175k but she does not take vacations off.
She said something about building her own village in Somalia though i forgot the specifications of it lol.

There is no faarax on this continent that can match her Salary wise, her parents have been searching for like 3 years now..
It's funny because many of those 30 year old women don't even have good careers. They're working mediocre jobs that white women work while raising kids. You can have a life, travel, and have fun while having children.

The sad thing is that the men they were supposed to marry don't even have jobs, they're either in prison or at the welfare office begging for handouts. Or busy arguing with other losers on paltalk/online forums.

At least these sisters are making a halal living.


Somaliweyn Unionist
She is a Gynecologist and she does a lot of overtime hours, her base salary is around 175k but she does not take vacations off.
She said something about building her own village in Somalia though i forgot the specifications of it lol.

There is no faarax on this continent that can match her Salary wise, her parents have been searching for like 3 years now..
She can marry an cadaan. She has likely already dated white guys, might as well marry one that matches her path in life.
The number one reason why there are more successful Somali women than there are successful Somali men in the west is because:
Somali parents behave like helicopter parent towards their daughter whilst ensuring she knows how to manage a home, gain an education AND learn her deen.

Meanwhile, their sons have to do the bare minimum at home AND they're allowed to spend a lot of unsupervised time outside- they fall prey to gangs, they become lazy as they were never pressured to be a responsible person. :bell:

Ironically, after all this nonsense, Somali parents wonder why Jaamac is a loser whilst his sister Halima is a winner.
The Solution:

Maintain the SAME standards for your children regardless of gender, if Halima has to do the dishes, Jamac better grab the hoover. Sexism will ruin your sons life, trust me.

Ensure you supervise their extracurricular activities, don't let them hang around outside, take them to football, karate etc.

Teach them by example, not by dictating to them.

Speak to them in Af-Somali.

Teach them the deen, don't force it upon them without teaching them the basics initially.

Save your children Soomaliyeey, don't make the same mistakes as the first generation parents.
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The number one reason why there are more successful Somali women than there are successful Somali men in the west is because:
Somali parents behave like helicopter parent towards their daughter whilst ensuring she knows how to manage a home, gain an education AND learn her deen.

Meanwhile, their sons have to do the bare minimum at home AND they're allowed to spend a lot of unsupervised time outside- they fall prey to gangs, they become lazy as they were never pressured to be a responsible person. :bell:

Ironically, after all this nonsense, Somali parents wonder why Jaamac is a loser whilst his sister Halima is a winner.
The Solution:

Maintain the SAME standards for your children regardless of gender, if Halima has to do the dishes, Jamac better grab the hoover. Sexism will ruin your sons life, trust me.

Ensure you supervise their extracurricular activities, don't let them hang around outside, take them to football, karate etc.

Teach them by example, not by dictating to them.

Speak to them in Af-Somali.

Teach them the deen, don't force it upon them without teaching them the basics initially.

Save your children Soomaliyeey, don't make the same mistakes as the first generation parents.

First Generation Parents messed up big time, but then how are you gonna set up an example and parent your children correctly when they see you cheating the government, going to aroos and coming back at 3 am, and sitting at the coffee shop all day long while these kids are free to roam and do God knows what.

I hope the second generation can do better but from what i am seeing around me, especially in the west it seems like the somali culture will die out and
the situation will become very bleak as the gap between the Educated Halimo and Educated Faraax becomes greater and greater.
Here is a counterpoint, its true that 30 y/o have a lot to offer, but how come they do not consider a faarax that is 3+ younger than them, I have seen Successful Xalimos reject Successful Faraaxs based purely on Age when they seemed like a perfect match otherwise. Its no secret that they prefer older men who is on equal footing with them( usually they are married) rather than giving a younger person a chance.

This could be because when you go to Dugsi to pick up the kids, everyone will ask the kids how come their dad looks younger than their mom who dropped them in the morning. And later on when females meet, same question gets asked to the poor wife and that can make her feel insecure.

There is wisdom in women marrying older men. The two don't age at the same pace.

It is security issue.
First Generation Parents messed up big time, but then how are you gonna set up an example and parent your children correctly when they see you cheating the government, going to aroos and coming back at 3 am, and sitting at the coffee shop all day long while these kids are free to roam and do God knows what.

I hope the second generation can do better but from what i am seeing around me, especially in the west it seems like the somali culture will die out and
the situation will become very bleak as the gap between the Educated Halimo and Educated Faraax becomes greater and greater.

That's right.

Even those parents who try to raise their children have fallen prey to sexist habits that have turned Somali boys into useless men. They RAISE their daughters but expect their overgrown babies (sons) to become a man who leads another household. He will continue the same cycle and raise more useless boys. Most Somali "men" can't even boil water to cook pasta. Subhanallah. What happens if his wife drops dead? :ivers:
Who will raise his children.:manny:
Do they expect this "man" to have a successful career? A successful life?

Until Somali parents learn to RAISE both genders in a similar fashion, we are DOOMED. :damn:
You can do both. In the end though career won't matter for the childless women who are nearing
menopause. Money won't give them family, love and warmth.

Some women cannot have children. Neither can some men. Allah knows what is best for every person. Self-worth and purpose is not defined by fertility.
Ultimately, ALLAH provides love and warmth. Not some child who can turn into your biggest nightmare.
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