The rise of Qabiilism in Generation Z is worrying.

:manny: I don't get why you guys are so offended. It's not like I'm the only woman in the world. You have your options as do I. At least I'm honest about where I stand. And do not mask my preferences to placate you.

As for your negating of Samaroon Siciid. That's priceless. :dead: They are the most educated Dir tribe. And I doubt you can brag about having a defeated Oromo King buried in your back yard. I know a lot of my qabil history and don't actively share it on here. And as I said I prefer to take the lead and a man confident in himself and self-assured in his masculinity won't mind. I like 'nerds' they are more easy to tolerate than saqajaans. And happen to have redeeming qualities. Its evident you have your head in the gutter. Confine your troll to NSFW.

If you aren't a G we can't be anything but friends.
Difficult People Goodbye GIF by HULU

There we go more even more standards you see it's a never ending rabbit hole, you might aswell do a AMA on your type.
I don't like the way you start a new sentence with "And" after the "." Thats a elementary school-girl error miss book-reader miss high-education and this coming from a college drop-out never finished 1 book in my life.

Yes beesha Samaroon is the most educated in Dir but beesha Surre is the most noble/gob and best fighters in Dir we are waging war on all our neighbors and never lose despite being outnumbered and outarmed by copious times, it's not about numbers and guns you see it's about spirit and skills that is why we are most gob in Dir and the most respected Dir clan by Darood, Isaac and Hawiye. Surre is the only small clan in Central-south Somalia to not use Al-Shabaab as protection or occupied by them. Surre is also the most religious clan in Dir and left waqoyi-galbeed to go and spread islam to the central-south historically and currently we are spreading sufism to counter the wahabism being pushed by AS and foreign donors. Surre is the boqortoyda of Dir but we dont actually claim it we are very humble and noble and if it wasn't for our sadaqa giving away our land, assets and women to Isaaqs and Darood in waqoyi around half-a-millenia ago we would without doubt be one of the biggest clans in Somaliweyn today. Somalis would have been exticnt today if it wasnt for Surres sadaqa.
You see you can't faan-faan on me.

I'm not a troll, I thought you don't look in the NSFW section and don't engage in FKD you are a naughty girl I thought you were a missis goody-two-shoes, this is why youre an enigma, but you are welcome on my threads young lady.

As for the offences taken you don't speak for me I'm not scared of rejection, I haven't even got started. As freindzoning me good luck you'd be the first to, unless you have no s3x appeal.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
There we go more even more standards you see it's a never ending rabbit hole, you might aswell do a AMA on your type.
I don't like the way you start a new sentence with "And" after the "." Thats a elementary school-girl error miss book-reader miss high-education and this coming from a college drop-out never finished 1 book in my life.

Yes beesha Samaroon is the most educated in Dir but beesha Surre is the most noble/gob and best fighters in Dir we are waging war on all our neighbors and never lose despite being outnumbered and outarmed by copious times, it's not about numbers and guns you see it's about spirit and skills that is why we are most gob in Dir and the most respected Dir clan by Darood, Isaac and Hawiye. Surre is the only small clan in Central-south Somalia to not use Al-Shabaab as protection or occupied by them. Surre is also the most religious clan in Dir and left waqoyi-galbeed to go and spread islam to the central-south historically and currently we are spreading sufism to counter the wahabism being pushed by AS and foreign donors. Surre is the boqortoyda of Dir but we dont actually claim it we are very humble and noble and if it wasn't for our sadaqa giving away our land, assets and women to Isaaqs and Darood in waqoyi around half-a-millenia ago we would without doubt be one of the biggest clans in Somaliweyn today. Somalis would have been exticnt today if it wasnt for Surres sadaqa.
You see you can't faan-faan on me.

I'm not a troll, I thought you don't look in the NSFW section and don't engage in FKD you are a naughty girl I thought you were a missis goody-two-shoes, this is why youre an enigma, but you are welcome on my threads young lady.

As for the offences taken you don't speak for me I'm not scared of rejection, I haven't even got started. As freindzoning me good luck you'd be the first to, unless you have no s3x appeal.

View attachment 217226
I don't need to faan-faan. It's not my style to excessively brag about qabil. It's not commonly practiced by my qabil (at least in the modern-day). G-unit is a euphemism in the west that young people use in place of Gadabuursi. Similar to how D-block references Darood. Or Lander being code for Issaq.

I'm guarded about my sub-clans history. And make it a point not to post very much about them online. Our track record might be glowing today, but we weren't so nice if you ask our neighbors during our nomadic era. And we were highly organized. There are certain aspects of us I admire and others I don't.
:heh: You're more full of yourself than me. At least, I acknowledge I'm not everyone's cup of tea. Meanwhile, you think you're every girl's type (unless they lack sex appeal). Take your own advice walaal and show humility. And I don't think you want an AMA on my type. As you said it would be an exercise in futility.

As for the use of 'And' at the beginning of a sentence. No one cares because this is Somali Spot and I'm not writing a final draft of a doctoral dissertation.


I don't need to faan-faan. It's not my style to excessively brag about qabil. It's not commonly practiced by my qabil (at least in the modern-day). G-unit is a euphemism in the west that young people use in place of Gadabuursi. Similar to how D-block references Darood. Or Lander being code for Issaq.

I'm guarded about my sub-clans history. And make it a point not to post very much about them online. Our track record might be glowing today, but we weren't so nice if you ask our neighbors during our nomadic era. And we were highly organized. There are certain aspects of us I admire and others I don't.
:heh: You're more full of yourself than me. At least, I acknowledge I'm not everyone's cup of tea. Meanwhile, you think you're every girl's type (unless they lack sex appeal). Take your own advice walaal and show humility. And I don't think you want an AMA on my type. As you said it would be an exercise in futility.

As for the use of 'And' at the beginning of a sentence. No one cares because this is Somali Spot and I'm not writing a final draft of a doctoral dissertation.
The dude likes your personality. I agree with you 100% since the lineage doesn't follow the mother. Copping yourself a man from your clan will help you continue that great lineage instead of having to witness your kids being from another clan. It's unfair, but that's all you could do if qabil matters that much to you. All the best wallalo.